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Multi-Object Avoidance system via CLF-CBF


This is a package for the obstacle avoidance system for bipedal robots via CLF-CBF constraints, described in paper: Realtime Safety Control for Bipedal Robots to Avoid Multiple Obstacles via CLF-CBF Constraints (arXiv)

This package has been tested under ROS Noetic and Ubuntu 20.04.

Table of Contents


This paper presents a reactive planning system that allows a Cassie-series bipedal robot to avoid multiple non-overlapping obstacles via a single, continuously differentiable control barrier function (CBF). The overall system detects an individual obstacle via a height map derived from a LiDAR point cloud and computes an elliptical outer approximation, which is then turned into a CBF. The QP-CLF-CBF formalism developed by Ames et al. is applied to ensure that safe trajectories are generated. Liveness is ensured by an analysis of induced equilibrium points that are distinct from the goal state. Safe planning in environments with multiple obstacles is demonstrated both in simulation and experimentally on the Cassie biped.


Please check the introduction video. It highlights some keypoints in the paper.

Realtime CLF-CBF system

This work presents a means to leverage a smooth vector field to provide paths to the goal while avoiding multiple, non-overlapping obstacles. The developed realtime CLF-CBF system consists of a pre-processing thread (5Hz) and a reactive planning thread (300Hz). The pre-processing thread contains a robot-centric local map, obstacle detection to represent obstacles in CBF function, a sub-goal finder to give an intermediate target position. The reactive thread generates optimal control commands by solving the designed CLF-CBF quadratic programming.


The developed CLF-CBF-QP obstacle avoidance system has been implemented in the real robot Cassie. Here is the elevation map built in real time experiment. The blue and cyan blobs are obstacles that Cassie detects and avoids.

Simulation Results

The simulation results in MATLAB and ROS C++ are provided. The simulated robot is based on the ALIP model and accepts piece-wise constant inputs at the beginning of each step.

Simulation Results with Single Obstacle in MATLAB

This section demonstrates the matlab simulation results with single obstacle in different scenarios.

The left picture shows how the trajectories vary as a function of a single obstacle’s position with a fixed initial robot pose.The red trajectory is the nominal trajectory without any obstacles present. Each colored trajectory and matching circle represent a distinct simulation result. The robot successfully avoids the obstacle in all cases. In the right picture, the trajectories vary as a function of different robot orientations with a fixed obstacle location.

Multi-Obstacle Results with ROS in C++

This section demonstrates the ROS simulation results with multiple obstacle in challenging scenes. The highlighted area is the robot-centric local map.

Noise-free Map with 40 obstacles

Experimental Results

The autonomy experiments are done with Cassie Blue. The system graph is shown in the figure. In the experiments, the invariant EKF state estimation node and mapping node are executed additionally. The reactive planner receives the robot pose and the local map, generates the optimal control commands and sends the control commands to Cassie Blue via UDP.

The experiments are conducted on the first floor of Ford Robotics Building at the University of Michigan. The highlighted area is the robot-centric local map.

In the CLF reactive planning system, the RRT algorithm is used to avoid the obstacles. The Multi-Object Avoidance system via CLF-CBF generates the optimal control commands avoiding the obstacles by solving a quadratic programming. Compared with the CLF reactive planning system, there is an obstacle detection algorithm to describe the obstacles in the quadratic programming. And in Multi-Object Avoidance system via CLF-CBF, the local map is received from the multilayer mapping node instead of getting the submap from the global elevation map.

Required System / Library / Packages

  1. Please install ROS Noetic.
  2. Please install inekf_msgs.
  3. Please install planner_msgs.
  4. Please install grid_map.

The structure should be catkin_ws
└── src
         ├── multi_object_avoidance_via_clf_cbf (This package)
         ├── inekf_msgs
         ├── planner_msgs
         └── customized_grid_map

Regenerate Paper Results

This section introduces how to regenerate the simulation results in the paper.

To Generate Simulation Results in MATLAB

Simulation Process:

  1. go to /matlab_simulation/matlab_utils/plotting folder.
  2. add following code in /plotRobotPose2D.m after line 8.
pose(1:2,1) = pose(1:2,1) - R*arrowHead(:,2);
  1. go to /matlab_simulation folder.
  • To generate Fig. 3
    • set test_case = 2 in different_obstacle_scenarios_simulation.m.
    • Run simulation process.

To Generate Simulation Results with ROS in C++

Simulation Process:

  1. catkin_make the package in the catkin folder.
  2. run source devel/setup.bash.
  3. run roslaunch cbf_cassie_planning fake_map.launch.
  4. run roslaunch cbf_cassie_planning simulation.launch.
  5. run rviz and open simulation.rviz under the multi_object_avoidance_via_clf_cbf/rviz/ folder.
  6. Click Publish Point and click on the map in Rviz. After robot reaches the target position, repeat this process and the next trajectory will be shown.
  • To generate Fig. 4(a)

    • In launch/fake_map.launch, load $(find cbf_cassie_planning)/config/obstacle1.yaml.
    • In launch/simulation.launch, load $(find cbf_cassie_planning)/config/simulation1.yaml.
    • Run simulation process.
  • To generate Fig. 4(b)

    • In launch/fake_map.launch, load $(find cbf_cassie_planning)/config/obstacle1.yaml.
    • In launch/simulation.launch, load $(find cbf_cassie_planning)/config/simulation2.yaml.
    • Run simulation process.


The detailed is described in: Realtime Safety Control for Bipedal Robots to Avoid Multiple Obstacles via CLF-CBF Constraints, Jinze Liu*, Minzhe Li*, Jiunn-Kai (Bruce) Huang and Jessy W. Grizzle (arXiv)

  title = {Realtime Safety Control for Bipedal Robots to Avoid Multiple Obstacles via CLF-CBF Constraints},
  author = {Liu, Jinze and Li, Minzhe and Huang, Jiunn-Kai and Grizzle, Jessy W.},
  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2301.01906},
  url = {},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  year = {2023},
  copyright = { perpetual, non-exclusive license}

The CLF-CBF-QP matlab structure, we adapted and developed based on CLF-CBF-Helper