The data of the real-world experiments we conducted are available here:
# Google Drive
Each data contains a ros bag and an information file:
: the ros bag which contains the measurements of two IMUs and radars, they are:path: radars_imus.bag version: 2.0 duration: 3:26s (206s) start: Sep 26 2023 14:46:05.22 (1695710765.22) end: Sep 26 2023 14:49:31.50 (1695710971.50) size: 69.7 MB messages: 347984 compression: none [88/88 chunks] types: sbg_driver/SbgImuData [59cc541d794c367e71030fa700720826] sensor_msgs/Imu [6a62c6daae103f4ff57a132d6f95cec2] ti_mmwave_rospkg/RadarScan [ca47afe7b19c0dbeb8f6b51574599509] topics: /imu1/frame 82507 msgs : sensor_msgs/Imu /imu2/frame 40424 msgs : sbg_driver/SbgImuData /radar1/scan 130741 msgs : ti_mmwave_rospkg/RadarScan /radar2/scan 94312 msgs : ti_mmwave_rospkg/RadarScan
: the file that records the time duration of the valid data piece (they are excited sufficiently, and thus could be used for calibration).
The next steps are simple, just modify the file paths of the ros bag in the configuration file, and then configure the launch file of River
, i.e., river-prog-handheld.launch
in the river/launch
folder. Then, we launch 'River
roslaunch river river-prog-handheld.launch
A pingolin
-based view window would be displays with two viewports, i.e., a VR perspective of the IMU and B-splines. The real-time states would be published through ROS and can be visualized by plotjuggler
if you want.
The attached open-source datasets in x-RIO are employed in this experiment (dataset address), which contains four scenarios, namely Basement
, Laboratory
, Office
, and Workshop
. Data is collected on a UAV integrating an ADIS16448 IMU and three AWR1843BOOST radars (Center, Left and Right Radars).
path: basement.bag
version: 2.0
duration: 6:44s (404s)
start: Oct 28 2021 21:18:37.29 (1635427117.29)
end: Oct 28 2021 21:25:21.54 (1635427521.54)
size: 56.4 MB
messages: 128329
compression: none [74/74 chunks]
types: sensor_msgs/FluidPressure [804dc5cea1c5306d6a2eb80b9833befe]
sensor_msgs/Imu [6a62c6daae103f4ff57a132d6f95cec2]
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 [1158d486dd51d683ce2f1be655c3c181]
std_msgs/Header [2176decaecbce78abc3b96ef049fabed]
topics: /sensor_platform/baro 20699 msgs : sensor_msgs/FluidPressure
/sensor_platform/imu 82797 msgs : sensor_msgs/Imu
/sensor_platform/radar_center/scan 4140 msgs : sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
/sensor_platform/radar_center/trigger 4138 msgs : std_msgs/Header
/sensor_platform/radar_left/scan 4139 msgs : sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
/sensor_platform/radar_left/trigger 4139 msgs : std_msgs/Header
/sensor_platform/radar_right/scan 4138 msgs : sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
/sensor_platform/radar_right/trigger 4139 msgs : std_msgs/Header
The corresponding configure files can be found in river/dataset