We have already deployed a a program for generating simulation data. Just go to river/launch/simu-test
folder and perform some modifies to river-simu.launch
file if needed. Then we launch:
roslaunch river river-simu.launch
this would generate a simulated rosbag and some related ground-truth files:
: the simulated rosbag which contains two message topics:path: radar_imu.bag version: 2.0 duration: 2:09s (129s) start: Jan 01 1970 08:00:00.00 (0.00) end: Jan 01 1970 08:02:09.99 (129.99) size: 24.0 MB messages: 103996 compression: none [31/31 chunks] types: sensor_msgs/Imu [6a62c6daae103f4ff57a132d6f95cec2] ti_mmwave_rospkg/RadarScan [7a726cbc7d2934bb55d96dada9040f86] topics: /simu_imu/frame 52000 msgs : sensor_msgs/Imu /simu_radar/scan 51996 msgs : ti_mmwave_rospkg/RadarScan
: the simulated rotation and transaction b-splines. -
: the sampled rotations and velocities based on the b-splines, you can use python scripts we provided inriver/scripts
, i.e.,rot_spline_drawer.py
, to visualize them:
The next steps are simple, just modify the file paths of the ros bag in the configuration file config-simu.yaml
in river/dataset/simu-high-dynamic/
, and then configure the launch file of River
, i.e., river-prog-simu-high-dynamic.launch
in the launch/simu-test
folder. Then, we launch 'River
roslaunch river river-prog-simu-high-dynamic.launch