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Workflow & Usage

perukas edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 1 revision

Workflow & Usage

The 360Fusion Tool gives the ability to the user to embed 3D Performance Captures (produced with the Performance Capture Tool) in 360 Videos.

The following image presents the application during runtime.

When you first load the application, you first must load a Performance Capture File (*.perfcap). You can do that by selecting the appropriate option ("Import Perf. Cap. File(s)") in the File Toolbar menu.

A File Explorer will appear that enables you to search for the desired file to load

You can load a 360 Video either by importing it manually (through the File Toolbar menu) or by downloading a video from the Hyper360's video database. By selecting Omniconnect from the Tools Toolbar Menu you can download videos form the Hyper360 database.

A popup will appear. By hitting the "Show Hyper360 videos" button, a list with the available videos for download will appear. You just have to select the desired video by clicking on the checkbox next to its name and hit the "Download" button in order to download the selected video. The video will be saved in the "res" folder of the application.

In order to position the 3D Performance Capture file in the 360 scene, you have to use the sliders of the "Scene Object Parameters" Widget, which gives the ability to Translate, Rotate and Scale the 3D model.

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