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Contract Store

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⚠️ The package is quite recent, any contributions, issues or feedbacks are welcome ⚠️

Minimalist store in order to manage the various ABIs and deployed contract addresses on multiple networks.

Quick start

The recommended way to use Contract-Store with an application is to install it as a dependency:

Using npm

npm install contract-store@alpha

Or using yarn

yarn add contract-store@alpha

Then, one can start storing and using the needed ABIs or deployments

import { ContractStore } from 'contract-store';

const networks = { mainnet: 1, goerli: 5 }
const store = new ContractStore({
    // ABIs available on every networks
    globalAbis: { FOO: [...] },
    networks: {
        [networks.mainnet]: {
            // Specific ABIs for Mainnet
            abis: { BAR: [...] },
            // Deployed contracts on Mainnet
            deployments: {
                PING: { abiKey: "FOO", address: "0x12..." },
                PONG: { abiKey: "BAR", address: "0x34..." }
        [networks.goerli]: {
            // Specific ABIs for Goerli
            abis: { RAB: [...] },
            // Deployed contracts on Goerli
            deployments: {
                ZIP: { abiKey: "RAB", address: "0x56..." },
                // ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155 ABIs are available on every networks by default
                ZAP: { abiKey: "ERC20", address: "0x78" }

// ABI and/or deployment address can then be retrieved anywhere
const erc721Abi = store.getGlobalAbi("ERC721");
const rabAbi = store.getAbi(networks.goerli, "RAB");
const myContractArtifacts = store.getContract(networks.mainnet, 'PING');
// `buildContract` is an arbitrary function used as an example here
const myContract = buildContract(

Static Contract Store

The default ContractStore is static. All the ABIs and deployments are defined in the constructor and typing ensures that non existing data can not be retrieved.

The ContractStore methods are organised around two distinct pieces of a contract, the ABI and address.

The ABI is meaningful by itself, while an address is necessarily linked to one ABI underneath.

For this reason, the ABIs and the deployments have different methods.

Key value store

Each data stored is organised by a string key defined by the developer in the constructor. This key is then used in order to retrieve the data.

One sub store per network

The networks are decoupled from each other, meaning that registering ABIs or deployments on a network will not make them accessible from another network. For this reason, most methods take the chain ID of the network as first argument.


ABIs can be retrieved from their configured network.

// "FOO" has been registered on Goerli
const abi = store.getAbi(networks.goerli, "FOO");
// Retrieving it on another network where it has not been registered will throw
const thisWillFail = store.getAbi(networks.mainnet, "FOO");

Some ABI deserves to be available on every networks, for this reason, the global ABIs have been introduced. A global ABI is the same on every network and can be retrieved globally or directly on a network.

// "GLOB" has been registered globally
// One can retrieve a global ABI without specifying a network
const globalAbi = store.getGlobalAbi("GLOB");
// Or by targeting a specific network
const abi = store.getAbi(networks.goerli, "GLOB");


A deployment is defined as an Ethereum address linked to an ABI string key.

When a deployment has been registered, one can retrieve the full contract or just the address using the deployment key

// Only the address is retrieved
const address = store.getAddress(networks.goerli, "BAR");
// Retrieve both the address and the ABI, even if the ABI is using another key than "BAR"
const contract = store.getContract(networks.goerli, "BAR");

One can also retrieve all the addresses deployed on a network

// Array of deployed addresses
const addresses = store.getAddresses(networks.goerli);


The list of supported networks can be retrieved as

const chainIds = store.getChainIds();

Here is non exhaustive list of networks and their chain IDs

const networks = {
  mainnet: 1, // 0x1
  // Test nets
  goerli: 5, // 0x5
  ropsten: 3, // 0x3
  rinkeby: 4, // 0x4
  kovan: 42, // 42 0x2a
  mumbai: 80001, // 0x13881
  // Layers 2
  arbitrum: 42161, // 0xa4b1
  optimism: 10, // 0xa
  // Side chains
  polygon: 137, // 0x89
  gnosisChain: 100, // 0x64
  // Alt layer 1
  binanceSmartChain: 56, // 0x38
  avalanche: 43114, // 0xa86a
  cronos: 25, // 0x19
  fantom: 250 // 0xfa

Default ABIs

The contract store already comes with registered ABIs ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155 standard ABIs. The ABIs have been generated using Open Zeppelin implementations.

Dynamic Contract Store

The DynamicContractStore follows the same principles than the ContractStore except that it allows to dynamically register, update or remove any global ABI, ABI or deployments.

import { DynamicContractStore } from 'contract-store';

const networks = { mainnet: 1, goerli: 5 }
const store = new DynamicContractStore({
    globalAbis: { },
    networks: {
        [networks.mainnet]: {
            abis: {},
            deployments: {}
        [networks.goerli]: {
            abis: {},
            deployments: {}

const MY_ABI = [...];
// Register the ABI and the deployment at key 'FOO' on Mainnet network
store.registerContract(networks.mainnet, 'FOO', {
    address: '0xCe6afb858673550635b49F8Ffb855b20334228dF',
    abi: MY_ABI
// ABI and deployment address can then be retrieved anywhere
const myContractArtifacts = store.getContract(networks.mainnet, 'FOO');
// `buildContract` is an arbitrary function used as an example here
const myContract = buildContract(



ABIs can be registered, added or deleted from any configured network.

// Register an ABI on Goerli, it will be available only for Goerli
store.registerAbi(network.goerli, "FOO", MY_ABI);
const abi = store.getAbi(networks.goerli, "FOO");
// Retrieving it on another network will throw
const thisWillFail = store.getAbi(networks.mainnet, "FOO");

A global ABI is the same on every network and can be registered, updated or deleted using dedicated methods

// Register an ABI globally, it will be available for every configured networks in the store
store.registerGlobalAbi("FOO", MY_ABI);
// One can retrieve it without specifying a network
const globalAbi = store.getGlobalAbi("FOO");
// Or by targeting a specific network
const abi = store.getAbi(networks.goerli, "FOO");
// It can then be used for any deploymment
store.registerDeployment(networks.goerli, "BAR", {
    abiKey: "FOO",
    address: "0x1234...5678"


When the ABI is already registered in the contract, one can register a deployment as

// The ABI with key "FOO" has already been registered on Goerli
store.registerDeployment(networks.goerli, "BAR", {
    abiKey: "FOO"
    address: "0x1234...5678"

If the ABI has not already been registered, one can register at the same time the ABI and the deployment

// The ABI and the deployment will be both registered using the same key "BAR"
store.registerContract(networks.goerli, "BAR", {
    abi: MY_ABI,
    address: "0x1234...5678"

Once a deployment has been registered, one can retrieve the full contract or just the address using the deployment key

// Only the address is retrieved
const address = store.getAddress(networks.goerli, "BAR");
// Retrieve both the address and the ABI, even if the ABI is using another key than "BAR"
const contract = store.getContract(networks.goerli, "BAR");


The DynamicContractStore allows to manage the networks using the API exposed by the store.

One can add a network


Or removing one


Single Network Contract Store

Static and dynamic contract store exist also in a single network mode with accordingly SingleNetworkContractStore and DynamicSingleNetworkContractStore.

Contributing 🚀

Contributions are welcome! Please follow the guidelines in the contributing document.