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171 lines (152 loc) · 7.74 KB

File metadata and controls

171 lines (152 loc) · 7.74 KB

Data Pipeline workflow details:

Setup details:

  • Start an ec2 instance vtul-data-pipeline
  • Create a virtual environment:
$mkdir data-pipeline
$cd data-pipeline
$sudo apt install python3.11
$sudo apt install python3.11-venv
$python3.11 -m venv libInsight_venv
$source ./libInsight_venv/bin/activate
  • Install aws and connect to aws cli:
ubuntu@ip-177-77-77-777:~/data-pipeline$ source libInsight_venv/bin/activate
Install aws:
$pip3 install --upgrade awscli
$aws --version
  • Create a lambda function libInsightData_ec2inst. Configure IAM role 'libInsightData_ec2inst-role-zfho2sso' for libInsightData_ec2inst with necessary policies for uploading layers to lambda from s3. Tags are: [application: DataPipeline, name: vtul-data-pipeline, owner: dataservices, stack: dev, unit: padma, user: AnalyticsAssessment]

  • Configure aws credentials on Visual Studio Code: $aws configure $enter access key : $enter secret access key $enter region $enter format

  • Set up ssh connection to Data Pipeline project on vt gitlab for versioning

  • Clone the gitlab repository: ubuntu@ip-177-77-77-777:~/data-pipeline/libInsight_venv$ git clone [email protected]:dataservices/data-pipeline.git

  • Set up environment variables using a bash script ''. Create another bash script '' which has the credentials filled in. Add the '' to the git ignore list. Run using 'source'. These credentials set up as environment variables are then accessed by the code using os.environ.get. For eg: LibInsightHostName=os.environ.get("LibInsightHostName")

Script details

  • libInsightData_ec2inst/

This code is setup to run both on aws lambda ( and as a python script on ec2 instance( Following lines of code helps to simulate running this code on ec2 instance as if it was running in an aws lambda environment:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    event = []
    context = []
    lambda_handler(event, context)
  • Get query grabs data from libinsight api as a json file:
  url = ''+libID+'/data-grid?request_id='+requestID+'&from='+fromDate+'&to='+toDate
  • Parameters used in get query:

  • libID: LibInsight ID '28364' is used to get data from all reference prods. This includes data collected from all the library locations. -request ID: request ID of '16' is used

  • date range: For the first run the date range is from 2021/11/03-2023/11/02. Following lines of code set the date range. updateLibData is set to '0' to collect all the data from the first date of data collection until 2023/11/02. Since libinsight api only allows quering data on an yearly basis, the years are broken down in an array:

    if updateLibData==0: fromDate=["2021-11-03","2022-11-03"] toDate=["2022-11-02","2023-11-02"]

  • Obtaining date range for weekly updates:

After the date 2023/11/02, data is collected in weekly increments from [start date of the week] to [end date of the week] for 'updateLibData' not equal to '0'. [start date of the week] is obtained by reading the dates on the previous data file and finding the maximum date:

Get the previous data file stored in the s3 bucket:
      csv_obj = s3.get_object(Bucket='analytics-datapipeline',Key='libinsightdata-athena/LibInsightQueryData.csv')
Convert csv file to pandas dataframe:
      current_data = csv_obj['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')
      existingrecords_df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(current_data))
Get all the dates from the start date column:
Get the max date time stamp from this column in the format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:
Convert the maxDateTime format to %Y-%m-%d in order to use it as [start date of the week] for the query:
      maxDateTimestrip=datetime.strptime(maxDateTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
In order to prevent duplication of data for the max date, [start date of the week] is used as maxDatestr+1:

[end date of the week] is taken as the current date of the week. This date is when the query is triggered to collect data on a weekly basis:

  • libtoken:

This is obtained using oauth2:

  auth = HTTPBasicAuth(LibInsightClientID, LibInsightClientSecret)
  client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=LibInsightClientID)
  oauth = OAuth2Session(client=client)
  libToken = oauth.fetch_token(token_url=LibInsightTokenURL,auth=auth)
  • Append libinsight pages from the query response: Since linInsights api collects data one page at a time, append data from all the pages:
  libData_allpages = []
#Get the total number of pages from the response query:
#Append pages of data together to the empty array created above:
  for page in range(response_data['payload']['total_pages']):
     url = ''+libID+'/data-grid?request_id='+requestID+'&from='+fromDate+'&to='+toDate+'&page='+str(urlpage)
     response_perpage = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
     if urlpage == 1:
  • Transform the query response parameters:
  • From the query list, delete the following parameters from the deletion list:
  for i in range(len(records)):
    for j in range(len(DeletionList)):
      del records[i][DeletionList[j]]
  • Convert the query response data dictionary to a dataframe using pandas:
  • The response for the parameter 'Question Type' is returned inside brackets for eg: 'question_type: [Reference]'. Remove brackets from this column :
cleanLibDF['Question Type']=cleanLibDF['Question Type'].str.get(0)
  • Change date format from y-m-d h-m-s to m/d/y h-m:
  cleanLibDF['_start_date']=pd.to_datetime(cleanLibDF['_start_date'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').dt.strftime('%m/%d/%y %H:%M')
  • Combine 'research' and 'topic' columns:
  cleanLibDF['Research_Topic'] = [''.join(i) for i in zip(cleanLibDF['research'], cleanLibDF['topic'])]
  • Serialize data to s3:

  • Serialize dataframe to s3 in the memory and save it as a csv file:

  mem_file = io.BytesIO()
  cleanlibDF.to_csv(mem_file, encoding='utf-8',index=False)
  • Upload csv to s3 :
  s3 = boto3.client('s3')
  buckets = s3.list_buckets()

If updateLibData is '0' create a new record until the end date

  if updateLibData ==0:

If updateLibData is '1' update the existing record on weekly trigger:

    # append new records to existing records
    appended_data = pd.concat([current_df, cleanlibDF], ignore_index=True)
    appended_data_encoded = appended_data.to_csv(None, index=False).encode('utf-8')
    # write the appended data to s3 bucket