- Start an ec2 instance vtul-data-pipeline
- Create a virtual environment:
$mkdir data-pipeline
$cd data-pipeline
$sudo apt install python3.11
$sudo apt install python3.11-venv
$python3.11 -m venv libInsight_venv
$source ./libInsight_venv/bin/activate
- Install aws and connect to aws cli:
ubuntu@ip-177-77-77-777:~/data-pipeline$ source libInsight_venv/bin/activate
Install aws:
$pip3 install --upgrade awscli
$aws --version
Create a lambda function libInsightData_ec2inst. Configure IAM role 'libInsightData_ec2inst-role-zfho2sso' for libInsightData_ec2inst with necessary policies for uploading layers to lambda from s3. Tags are: [application: DataPipeline, name: vtul-data-pipeline, owner: dataservices, stack: dev, unit: padma, user: AnalyticsAssessment]
Configure aws credentials on Visual Studio Code: $aws configure $enter access key : $enter secret access key $enter region $enter format
Set up ssh connection to Data Pipeline project on vt gitlab for versioning
Clone the gitlab repository: ubuntu@ip-177-77-77-777:~/data-pipeline/libInsight_venv$ git clone [email protected]:dataservices/data-pipeline.git
Set up environment variables using a bash script 'setEnvironVariables.sh'. Create another bash script 'setEnvironVariables-local.sh' which has the credentials filled in. Add the 'setEnvironVariables-local.sh' to the git ignore list. Run using 'source setEnvironVariables-local.sh'. These credentials set up as environment variables are then accessed by the code using os.environ.get. For eg: LibInsightHostName=os.environ.get("LibInsightHostName")
- libInsightData_ec2inst/lambda_function.py:
This code is setup to run both on aws lambda (libInsightData_ec2inst.py) and as a python script on ec2 instance(lambda_function.py). Following lines of code helps to simulate running this code on ec2 instance as if it was running in an aws lambda environment:
if __name__ == "__main__":
event = []
context = []
lambda_handler(event, context)
- Get query grabs data from libinsight api as a json file:
url = 'https://vt.libinsight.com/v1.0/custom-dataset/'+libID+'/data-grid?request_id='+requestID+'&from='+fromDate+'&to='+toDate
Parameters used in get query:
libID: LibInsight ID '28364' is used to get data from all reference prods. This includes data collected from all the library locations. -request ID: request ID of '16' is used
date range: For the first run the date range is from 2021/11/03-2023/11/02. Following lines of code set the date range. updateLibData is set to '0' to collect all the data from the first date of data collection until 2023/11/02. Since libinsight api only allows quering data on an yearly basis, the years are broken down in an array:
if updateLibData==0: fromDate=["2021-11-03","2022-11-03"] toDate=["2022-11-02","2023-11-02"]
Obtaining date range for weekly updates:
After the date 2023/11/02, data is collected in weekly increments from [start date of the week] to [end date of the week] for 'updateLibData' not equal to '0'. [start date of the week] is obtained by reading the dates on the previous data file and finding the maximum date:
Get the previous data file stored in the s3 bucket:
csv_obj = s3.get_object(Bucket='analytics-datapipeline',Key='libinsightdata-athena/LibInsightQueryData.csv')
Convert csv file to pandas dataframe:
current_data = csv_obj['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')
existingrecords_df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(current_data))
Get all the dates from the start date column:
Get the max date time stamp from this column in the format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:
Convert the maxDateTime format to %Y-%m-%d in order to use it as [start date of the week] for the query:
maxDateTimestrip=datetime.strptime(maxDateTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
In order to prevent duplication of data for the max date, [start date of the week] is used as maxDatestr+1:
[end date of the week] is taken as the current date of the week. This date is when the query is triggered to collect data on a weekly basis:
- libtoken:
This is obtained using oauth2:
auth = HTTPBasicAuth(LibInsightClientID, LibInsightClientSecret)
client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=LibInsightClientID)
oauth = OAuth2Session(client=client)
libToken = oauth.fetch_token(token_url=LibInsightTokenURL,auth=auth)
- Append libinsight pages from the query response: Since linInsights api collects data one page at a time, append data from all the pages:
libData_allpages = []
#Get the total number of pages from the response query:
#Append pages of data together to the empty array created above:
for page in range(response_data['payload']['total_pages']):
url = 'https://vt.libinsight.com/v1.0/custom-dataset/'+libID+'/data-grid?request_id='+requestID+'&from='+fromDate+'&to='+toDate+'&page='+str(urlpage)
response_perpage = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
if urlpage == 1:
- Transform the query response parameters:
- From the query list, delete the following parameters from the deletion list:
for i in range(len(records)):
for j in range(len(DeletionList)):
del records[i][DeletionList[j]]
- Convert the query response data dictionary to a dataframe using pandas:
- The response for the parameter 'Question Type' is returned inside brackets for eg: 'question_type: [Reference]'. Remove brackets from this column :
cleanLibDF['Question Type']=cleanLibDF['Question Type'].str.get(0)
- Change date format from y-m-d h-m-s to m/d/y h-m:
cleanLibDF['_start_date']=pd.to_datetime(cleanLibDF['_start_date'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').dt.strftime('%m/%d/%y %H:%M')
- Combine 'research' and 'topic' columns:
cleanLibDF['Research_Topic'] = [''.join(i) for i in zip(cleanLibDF['research'], cleanLibDF['topic'])]
Serialize data to s3:
Serialize dataframe to s3 in the memory and save it as a csv file:
mem_file = io.BytesIO()
cleanlibDF.to_csv(mem_file, encoding='utf-8',index=False)
- Upload csv to s3 :
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
buckets = s3.list_buckets()
If updateLibData is '0' create a new record until the end date
if updateLibData ==0:
If updateLibData is '1' update the existing record on weekly trigger:
# append new records to existing records
appended_data = pd.concat([current_df, cleanlibDF], ignore_index=True)
appended_data_encoded = appended_data.to_csv(None, index=False).encode('utf-8')
# write the appended data to s3 bucket