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Lab 7 - Working with ALB Ingress Controller:

For this lab, you will need to execute the script ~/environment/eks/labs/07-Ingress/ to install ALB Ingress over your Cluster. You can check more information regarding the ALB Ingress at the AWS Docs here:

After Installing the the Ingress, you will be able to check a new pod on your cluster:

$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system

Expected Output

NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
alb-ingress-controller-55b5bbcb5b-bc8q9   1/1     Running   0          56s

Deploy the game 2048 as a sample application to verify that the ALB Ingress Controller creates an Application Load Balancer as a result of the Ingress object.

$ kubectl apply -f 2048-namespace.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f 2048-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f 2048-service.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f 2048-ingress.yaml

After a few minutes, verify that the Ingress resource was created with the following command.

$ kubectl get ingress/2048-ingress -n 2048-game


NAME           HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                 PORTS      AGE
2048-ingress   *   80      24h