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Azure DevOps Pipelines Docs is used to publish and deploy Documentation to Azure.


Parameter Type Required Default value Description
system string Yes The target system.
suffix string Yes The resource name suffix.
devopsOrg string Yes The devops organisation.
build string Yes The environment to build.
sources array No NuGet feeds to authenticate against and optionally push to.
sites array Yes Array of sites.
webAppNameFormat string No '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}' The format for the web app name.
webAppType string No 'stapp' The type/abbreviation for the web app.
searchServiceName string No format('{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}', system, 'srch', env, suffix) The Search Service name.
searchServiceNameFormat string No '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}' The format for the search service.
searchServiceType string No 'srch' The type/abbreviation for the Search Service name.
azureSubscription string No format('azdo-{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}', devopsOrg, system, env, suffix) The Azure Subscription name.
azureSubscriptionFormat string No 'azdo-{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}' The format for the azureSubscription.
resourceGroup string No format('{0}-{1}-{2}', system, env, suffix) The resource group name.
resourceGroupFormat string No '{0}-{1}-{2}' The format for the resourceGroup name.
preBuildScript object No Object containing pre-build parameters.
environments array Yes Array of environments and environment specific parameters.
useDotNetSDK object No Object containing parameters for specified dotnet SDK.
artifactNamePrefix string No Prefix for artifacts created by this pipeline.
projectRoot string No For changing the root of the project, ie where input or other folders are located.


Parameters Type Required Default value Description
scriptType string No The type of script. pscore or bash.
targetType string No filePath Specifies the type of script for the task to run. inline or filePath.
filePath string No The path of the script.
script string No The contents of the script. Supports either a loose file or inline script depending on the targetType.
arguments string No Specifies the arguments passed to the script.
failOnStderr bool No false Fails task if errors are written to the error pipeline or if any data is written to the Standard Error stream.
showWarnings bool No false Show warnings in pipeline logs.
workingDirectory string No The working directory where the script is run.
bashEnvValue string No Value for BASH_ENV environment variable.
pwsh bool No false Use PowerShell Core.

Use DotNet SDK

Parameters Type Required Default value Description
packageType string No sdk Specifies if only the .NET runtime or the SDK should be installed.
useGlobalJson bool No true Specifies if sdk should be installed from a globalJson file.
workingDirectory string No The path to the globalJson file.
version string No Specifies a specific version of the dotnet sdk.


Parameters Type Required Default value Description
name string Yes The source name.
token string No Access token.

Per environment

Parameters Type Required Default value Description
env array Yes The target environment.
name string Yes The target environment name.
webAppName string No format('{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}', system, webAppName, 'stapp', env, suffix) The Web App name.
deploy bool No true Allow deploy to Resource group.
deployAfter array No Object will be deployed after following env.
dependsOn array No Allows for deployment to depend on an optional stage, ie a Build stage fromm another template or outside the current template.


Minimum needed

name: $(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)

  - main

  vmImage: vmImage

    - repository: templates
      type: github
      endpoint: GitHubPublic
      name: WCOMAB/WCOM.AzurePipelines.YamlTemplates
      ref: refs/heads/main

- template: docs/stages.yml@templates
    system: system
    suffix: suffix
    devopsOrg: devopsOrg
    build: envName
      - name: 'siteName'
    shouldDeploy: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main')
      - env: dev
        name: Development
      - env: stg
        name: Staging
      - env: prd
        name: Production

Optional parameters

name: $(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)

  - main

  vmImage: vmImage

    - repository: templates
      type: github
      endpoint: GitHubPublic
      name: WCOMAB/WCOM.AzurePipelines.YamlTemplates
      ref: refs/heads/main

- template: docs/stages.yml@templates
    system: system
    suffix: suffix
    devopsOrg: devopsOrg
    webAppNameFormat: '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}-{5}'
    webAppType: webAppType
    searchServiceName: searchServiceName
    searchServiceNameFormat: '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}'
    searchServiceType: searchServiceType
    azureSubscriptionFormat: '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}'
    resourceGroupFormat: '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}'
    artifactNamePrefix: prefix
    projectRoot: some/directory
      packageType: sdk/runtime
      useGlobalJson: true/false
      workingDirectory: workingDirectory
      version: '6.0.x'
    build: envName
      - name: authenticateSourceName
      - name: authenticateUsingTokenSourceName
        token: $(CustomerNugetFeedToken)
      - name: 'siteName'
      scriptType: scriptType
      targetType: targetType
      filePath: filePath
      script: |
        echo "Hello World!"
      arguments: arguments
      failOnStderr: true/false
      showWarnings: true/false
      pwsh: true/false
      workingDirectory: workingDirectory
      bashEnvValue: bashEnvValue
    shouldDeploy: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/main')
      - env: dev
        name: Development
        webAppName: webAppName
        deploy: true/false
          - Stage
      - env: stg
        name: Staging
        webAppName: webAppName
        deploy: true/false
          - Development
          - Stage
      - env: prd
        name: Production
        webAppName: webAppName
        deploy: true/false
          - Staging
          - Stage