Releases: WSTxda/QP-Gallery-Releases
Releases Β· WSTxda/QP-Gallery-Releases
- Video player not opening in MIUI 12.x
- Transparent theme flickers in Android 12
- Some image formats not displayed in albums (WIP)
- Monet theme color extraction
- Isolation (If you are not on Android 12, strange colors will not be used like in Google apps)
- Adapted some things for alternative version
- OTA changelog support HTML format
- Update translations
- Support for Monet theme engine
- Update color themes palette
- Android shortcuts
- Squares in image rendering when dark mode is enabled (MIUI only)
- Failed to load image when modifying in the built-in editor for scoped storage
- Various obfuscations reversed that caused application UI issues and animation inconsistency
- Removed cloud sync related code and options
- Moved camera option to navigation drawer
- Reworked about app with links to contributors and developer
- Added QuickPic in image category (useful for systems that define a default gallery)
- Optimized thumbnail cache creation
- Cleanings and optimizations
- Update translations
- OTA updates in app
- New organized settings options
- Image disappear when doing move, copy, rename, etc (Android 11)
- Scoped storage behavior
- Hardcoded actionbar
- Toolbar in edit layout (Android 5, 6)
- Added sort button in album list
- Update to apktool 2.5.0
- Cleaning and optimizations
- Update translations
- Discover tab (in cloud menu)
- Support for fold screens
- Support for screens with a high refresh rate
- Move and copy files in Android 11
- Error to rename sd card files in Android 11
- SQLite can't not open database toast
- Crash when trying to open the settings (Android 5, 6)
- Size of icons in share menu and image edit layouts
- Visual glitch when opening alphanumeric password popup
- Minor compatibility issues with Android 5
- Some themes
- Transfer file speed
- Organize resources and small things
- Organize some regions of translations
- More fluid animations
- Downgrade some codes to stock
- Update FAQ link
- Internal code cleaning
QP Gallery 8.3 = Normal version
8.3 Alternative = Original name and icon (QuickPic Vibes)
Hello world
It is with great joy I want to announce support for Android 11, I wasn't sure if it would be possible due to its permission restrictions, after a little work and help it was possible. enjoy!
- Moments tab in Android 9, 10, 11
- Preference menu
- Window animation lags
- Clear cache on exit in Android 11
- Video player seekbar in streaming mode
- Correcting the batch file rename system in external storage (it will use the date and time information of the first image and apply the others selected)
- Actionbar icons tint in light/dark theme
- Several things in the code to work on Android 11
- Follow system theme
- Rendering has been improved
- Hide split action bar option on Android versions higher than 8.1.0
- Update translations
- Various adjustments and small corrections to make it clean and stable
A new sign key has been merged with this update, need clean install.
QP Gallery 8.2 = Normal version
8.2 Alternative = Original name and icon (QuickPic Vibes)
- Icons (normal/alternative)
- Vibrant colors icons in black amoled theme
- Added "show in map" option again
- Storage permission
- Directory path in explore mode for Xiaomi devices
- View media content when selected by the notification bar
- Shrink image option from editor
- SAF storage permission
- Delete album directory issues
- Create new album folder in Android R
- Various unknown source errors
- Small fixes
- Avoid conflicts with Android gestures in full screen view scrolling
- More fluid animations in the general interface
- Application performance to delete files
- Update theme colors and layout
- Removed useless code
- Updated all translations
- Others improvements
Others and internal changes
- Show edit icon in image view
- Replaced select button with view order button in the album menu
- Disabled Play Store link for original QuickPic
- Merge QuickPic 5.0.0 libs
- Organized colors code
- Added link to FAQ in about
- Minor changes
QP Gallery 8.1 = Normal version
8.1 Alternative = Original name and icon (QuickPic Vibes)