这一讲我们将会把 Wtfswap 部署到测试网 Sepolia 上,正式完成我们的课程。
和部署合约到本地测试节点类似,我们可以使用 Hardhat Ignition 来部署合约到测试网。
首先我们需要在 hardhat.config.ts
import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox-viem";
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
solidity: {
version: "0.8.24",
settings: {
optimizer: {
enabled: true,
runs: 200,
+ networks: {
+ sepolia: {
+ url: "https://api.zan.top/public/eth-sepolia", // 实际项目中需要替换为你的 ZAN 的 RPC 地址,这里用的是测试用的公共地址,可能不稳定
+ accounts: ["YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"], // 替换为你的钱包私钥
+ },
+ },
export default config;
- 网络的 RPC 地址,这里使用的是 ZAN 的测试网地址,实际项目中需要替换为你的 RPC 地址。你可以在 https://zan.top/service/apikeys 找到各种可用网络的 RPC 地址,除了测试网,以太坊主网以及其他以太坊 L2 的网络上也都可以。
- 钱包私钥,需要注意的是,要保护好你的钱包私钥。建议使用安全的电脑环境,以及使用专门的钱包来部署合约。另外,你也可以考虑通过 CloudIDE 来换起钱包来部署合约,那样更安全,也可以避免依赖链投毒(比如 Hardhat 依赖的某个包被投毒)。
配置好之后执行 npx hardhat ignition deploy ./ignition/modules/Wtfswap.ts --network sepolia
就可以部署 Wtfswap 合约到测试网了。下面是课程开发是部署的日志:
npx hardhat ignition deploy ./ignition/modules/Wtfswap.ts --network sepolia
✔ Confirm deploy to network sepolia (11155111)? … yes
Hardhat Ignition 🚀
Deploying [ Wtfswap ]
Batch #1
Executed Wtfswap#PoolManager
Batch #2
Executed Wtfswap#PositionManager
Executed Wtfswap#SwapRouter
[ Wtfswap ] successfully deployed 🚀
Deployed Addresses
Wtfswap#PoolManager - 0xF35DE8597A617cfA23de794BCBB4c2f8fc9bC896
Wtfswap#PositionManager - 0x59ebEa058E193B64f0E091220d5Db98288EFec57
Wtfswap#SwapRouter - 0xA8b9Fa84A4Df935e768d3cC211E3d679027d0B31
同理,我们把测试 Token 也部署到测试网上:
npx hardhat ignition deploy ./ignition/modules/DebugToken.ts --network sepolia
✔ Confirm deploy to network sepolia (11155111)? … yes
Hardhat Ignition 🚀
Resuming existing deployment from ./ignition/deployments/chain-11155111
Deploying [ DebugToken ]
Warning - previously executed futures are not in the module:
- Wtfswap#PoolManager
- Wtfswap#PositionManager
- Wtfswap#SwapRouter
Batch #1
Executed DebugToken#DebugTokenA
Executed DebugToken#DebugTokenB
Executed DebugToken#DebugTokenC
[ DebugToken ] successfully deployed 🚀
Deployed Addresses
Wtfswap#PoolManager - 0xF35DE8597A617cfA23de794BCBB4c2f8fc9bC896
Wtfswap#PositionManager - 0x59ebEa058E193B64f0E091220d5Db98288EFec57
Wtfswap#SwapRouter - 0xA8b9Fa84A4Df935e768d3cC211E3d679027d0B31
DebugToken#DebugTokenA - 0x5AAB2806D12E380c24C640a8Cd94906d7fA59b16
DebugToken#DebugTokenB - 0x00E6EC12a0Fc35d7064cD0d551Ac74A02bA8a5A5
DebugToken#DebugTokenC - 0x1D46AD43cc80BFb66C1D574d2B0E4abab191d1E0
如上所示,你可以看到合约已经部署到测试网上了。我们打开 PoolManager
合约的地址 https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0xF35DE8597A617cfA23de794BCBB4c2f8fc9bC896#code 可以看到合约已经部署成功:
不过我们可以看到,部署只会将合约编译后的内容发布到网络中,合约的源代码并不会发布到网络中,我们在区块链浏览器上也看不到源代码。接下来我们就要做合约认证,源代码也提交到 Etherscan 上。
智能合约的认证是为了让用户可以查看合约的源代码,以及验证合约的合法性。我们可以使用 Hardhat 的 verify
命令来提交合约源代码到 Etherscan 上。你需要在 https://etherscan.io/myapikey 获取你的 API Key,然后在 hardhat.config.ts
import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox-viem";
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
solidity: {
version: "0.8.24",
settings: {
optimizer: {
enabled: true,
runs: 200,
networks: {
sepolia: {
url: "https://api.zan.top/public/eth-sepolia", // 实际项目中需要替换为你的 ZAN 的 RPC 地址,这里用的是测试用的公共地址,可能不稳定
accounts: ["YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"], // 替换为你的钱包私钥
+ etherscan: {
+ apiKey: {
+ sepolia: "YOUR_ETHERSCAN_API_KEY", // 替换为你的 Etherscan API Key
+ },
+ },
export default config;
接下来我们分别执行各个合约的 npx hardhat verify --network sepolia [ContractAddress]
命令来提交合约源代码到 Etherscan 上。下面是课程开发时提交的日志。
认证 PoolManager 合约:
npx hardhat verify --network sepolia 0xF35DE8597A617cfA23de794BCBB4c2f8fc9bC896
[INFO] Sourcify Verification Skipped: Sourcify verification is currently disabled. To enable it, add the following entry to your Hardhat configuration:
sourcify: {
enabled: true
Or set 'enabled' to false to hide this message.
For more information, visit https://hardhat.org/hardhat-runner/plugins/nomicfoundation-hardhat-verify#verifying-on-sourcify
Successfully submitted source code for contract
contracts/wtfswap/PoolManager.sol:PoolManager at 0xF35DE8597A617cfA23de794BCBB4c2f8fc9bC896
for verification on the block explorer. Waiting for verification result...
Successfully verified contract PoolManager on the block explorer.
认证 PositionManager 合约(需要把 PoolManager 合约地址作为参数):
npx hardhat verify --network sepolia 0x59ebEa058E193B64f0E091220d5Db98288EFec57 0xF35DE8597A617cfA23de794BCBB4c2f8fc9bC896
[INFO] Sourcify Verification Skipped: Sourcify verification is currently disabled. To enable it, add the following entry to your Hardhat configuration:
sourcify: {
enabled: true
Or set 'enabled' to false to hide this message.
For more information, visit https://hardhat.org/hardhat-runner/plugins/nomicfoundation-hardhat-verify#verifying-on-sourcify
Successfully submitted source code for contract
contracts/wtfswap/PositionManager.sol:PositionManager at 0x59ebEa058E193B64f0E091220d5Db98288EFec57
for verification on the block explorer. Waiting for verification result...
Successfully verified contract PositionManager on the block explorer.
认证 SwapRouter 合约(需要把 PoolManager 合约地址作为参数):
npx hardhat verify --network sepolia 0xA8b9Fa84A4Df935e768d3cC211E3d679027d0B31 0xF35DE8597A617cfA23de794BCBB4c2f8fc9bC896
[INFO] Sourcify Verification Skipped: Sourcify verification is currently disabled. To enable it, add the following entry to your Hardhat configuration:
sourcify: {
enabled: true
Or set 'enabled' to false to hide this message.
For more information, visit https://hardhat.org/hardhat-runner/plugins/nomicfoundation-hardhat-verify#verifying-on-sourcify
Successfully submitted source code for contract
contracts/wtfswap/SwapRouter.sol:SwapRouter at 0xA8b9Fa84A4Df935e768d3cC211E3d679027d0B31
for verification on the block explorer. Waiting for verification result...
Successfully verified contract SwapRouter on the block explorer.
认证各个 DebugToken 合约(需要把 Token 信息作为参数):
npx hardhat verify --network sepolia 0x5AAB2806D12E380c24C640a8Cd94906d7fA59b16 "DebugTokenA" "DTA"
[INFO] Sourcify Verification Skipped: Sourcify verification is currently disabled. To enable it, add the following entry to your Hardhat configuration:
sourcify: {
enabled: true
Or set 'enabled' to false to hide this message.
For more information, visit https://hardhat.org/hardhat-runner/plugins/nomicfoundation-hardhat-verify#verifying-on-sourcify
Successfully submitted source code for contract
contracts/wtfswap/test-contracts/DebugToken.sol:DebugToken at 0x5AAB2806D12E380c24C640a8Cd94906d7fA59b16
for verification on the block explorer. Waiting for verification result...
Successfully verified contract DebugToken on the block explorer.
npx hardhat verify --network sepolia 0x5AAB2806D12E380c24C640a8Cd94906d7fA59b16 "DebugTokenB" "DTB"
[INFO] Sourcify Verification Skipped: Sourcify verification is currently disabled. To enable it, add the following entry to your Hardhat configuration:
sourcify: {
enabled: true
Or set 'enabled' to false to hide this message.
For more information, visit https://hardhat.org/hardhat-runner/plugins/nomicfoundation-hardhat-verify#verifying-on-sourcify
The contract 0x5AAB2806D12E380c24C640a8Cd94906d7fA59b16 has already been verified on Etherscan.
npx hardhat verify --network sepolia 0x5AAB2806D12E380c24C640a8Cd94906d7fA59b16 "DebugTokenC" "DTC"
[INFO] Sourcify Verification Skipped: Sourcify verification is currently disabled. To enable it, add the following entry to your Hardhat configuration:
sourcify: {
enabled: true
Or set 'enabled' to false to hide this message.
For more information, visit https://hardhat.org/hardhat-runner/plugins/nomicfoundation-hardhat-verify#verifying-on-sourcify
The contract 0x5AAB2806D12E380c24C640a8Cd94906d7fA59b16 has already been verified on Etherscan.
前端的部署我们在之前的课程《Next.js 部署》中已经讲过了,这里就不再赘述了。你可以参考那一节的内容来部署前端。
但是我们在部署之前需要修改合约地址,因为我们的合约已经部署到测试网上了。你需要修改 demo/utils/common.ts 中的 getContractAddress
方法,以及 builtInTokens
export const getContractAddress = (
| "PoolManager"
| "PositionManager"
| "SwapRouter"
| "DebugTokenA"
| "DebugTokenB"
| "DebugTokenC"
): `0x${string}` => {
const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production";
if (contract === "PoolManager") {
return isProd
? "0xF35DE8597A617cfA23de794BCBB4c2f8fc9bC896"
: "0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3";
if (contract === "PositionManager") {
return isProd
? "0x59ebEa058E193B64f0E091220d5Db98288EFec57"
: "0xe7f1725E7734CE288F8367e1Bb143E90bb3F0512";
if (contract === "SwapRouter") {
return isProd
? "0xA8b9Fa84A4Df935e768d3cC211E3d679027d0B31"
: "0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0";
if (contract === "DebugTokenA") {
return isProd
? "0x5AAB2806D12E380c24C640a8Cd94906d7fA59b16"
: "0xCf7Ed3AccA5a467e9e704C703E8D87F634fB0Fc9";
if (contract === "DebugTokenB") {
return isProd
? "0x00E6EC12a0Fc35d7064cD0d551Ac74A02bA8a5A5"
: "0xDc64a140Aa3E981100a9becA4E685f962f0cF6C9";
if (contract === "DebugTokenC") {
return isProd
? "0x1D46AD43cc80BFb66C1D574d2B0E4abab191d1E0"
: "0x5FC8d32690cc91D4c39d9d3abcBD16989F875707";
throw new Error("Invalid contract");
const builtInTokens: Record<string, Token> = {
//... 内容太多,不在这里展开,请参考 ../demo/utils/common.ts 中的代码。
如上所示,我们会在生产环境下使用 Sepolia 测试网的合约地址,而在开发环境下使用本地测试网的合约地址。
最后,我们还需要把 demo/components/WtfLayout/index.tsx 中的 Mainnet
网络改为 Sepolia
网络,另外还需要添加 Sepolia 网络的 RPC,我们这里使用了 ZAN 的 RPC 服务。
import React from "react";
import Header from "./Header";
import styles from "./styles.module.css";
import {
- Mainnet,
+ Sepolia,
} from "@ant-design/web3-wagmi";
import { useAccount } from "wagmi";
interface WtfLayoutProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
const LayoutContent: React.FC<WtfLayoutProps> = ({ children }) => {
const { address } = useAccount();
const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(true);
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
if (loading || !address) {
return <div className={styles.connectTip}>Please Connect First.</div>;
return children;
const WtfLayout: React.FC<WtfLayoutProps> = ({ children }) => {
return (
autoAddInjectedWallets: true,
- chains={[Mainnet, Hardhat]}
+ chains={[Sepolia, Hardhat]}
+ transports={{
+ [Hardhat.id]: http(""),
+ [Sepolia.id]: http("https://api.zan.top/public/eth-sepolia"),
+ }}
group: "Popular",
projectId: "c07c0051c2055890eade3556618e38a6",
<div className={styles.layout}>
<Header />
export default WtfLayout;
至此,我们就完成了 Wtfswap 课程的全部主体内容,你可以访问 https://wtf-dapp.vercel.app/wtfswap 体验最终版本,撒花 🎉🎉🎉🎉。