- Group of 12-15 women
- Stand in a circle
- Go around and have each women say:
- “I’m an expert at ____, because ____, ____, and ____.” (3 pieces of evidence)
- Go around twice.
First time: push on expertise - making it concise and compelling
Second time: push on evidence - do you believe them? how can they make the expertise more credible?
- Group of 12-15 women
- Stand in a circle
- Pass around a bag of M&Ms
- Each woman takes one
- Based on the color of the M&M, answer a question (written on slides)
- Brown: A hack I used to accomplish X
- Orange: Last bug I fixed
- Red: My favorite tool/technique/module/etc
- Green: Bad advice for beginners
- Yellow: Most painful tool to use
- Blue: Something I thought would be useful but didn’t work.
May go around twice depending on time.