Example: 4mvr3DNkpWY9ikpGy4maaMSQqUmXjR2hp
- Perform sha256 and hash160 on the public key to get a 20-byte hash
- Perform hash160 twice and obtain the first 4 bytes of the result to get the checksum
- Concatenate the 20-byte hash and the 4-byte checksum to get a 24-byte array
- Convert the 24-byte array to the Base58 format address
The Base58 address length obtained by converting the 24-byte array to Base58 is from 26 to 33 bytes.
For detailed implementation of addresses in the xdagj project, please refer to crypto/Base58.java, below are some main implementations:
public static byte[] sha256hash160(Bytes input) {
Bytes32 sha256 = sha256(input);
RIPEMD160Digest digest = new RIPEMD160Digest();
digest.update(sha256.toArray(), 0, sha256.size());
byte[] out = new byte[20];
digest.doFinal(out, 0);
return out;
hash160 to Base58
public static String encodeChecked(byte[] payload) {
byte[] addressBytes = new byte[payload.length + 4];
System.arraycopy(payload, 0, addressBytes, 0, payload.length);
byte[] checksum = Hash.hashTwice(payload);
System.arraycopy(checksum, 0, addressBytes, payload.length, 4);
return Base58.encode(addressBytes);
Base58 to hash160
public static byte[] decodeChecked(String input) throws AddressFormatException {
byte[] decoded = decode(input);
if (decoded.length < 4)
throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength("Input too short: " + decoded.length);
byte[] data = Arrays.copyOfRange(decoded, 0, decoded.length - 4);
byte[] checksum = Arrays.copyOfRange(decoded, decoded.length - 4, decoded.length);
byte[] actualChecksum = Arrays.copyOfRange(Hash.hashTwice(data), 0, 4);
if (!Arrays.equals(checksum, actualChecksum))
throw new AddressFormatException.InvalidChecksum();
return data;
check Base58
public static boolean checkAddress(String input) {
byte[] decoded;
try {
decoded = decode(input);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
if (decoded.length < 4) return false;
byte[] data = Arrays.copyOfRange(decoded, 0, decoded.length - 4);
byte[] checksum = Arrays.copyOfRange(decoded, decoded.length - 4, decoded.length);
byte[] actualChecksum = Arrays.copyOfRange(Hash.hashTwice(data), 0, 4);
return Arrays.equals(checksum, actualChecksum);
checkout bytes24 (hash160 + checksum)
public static boolean checkBytes24(byte[] data) {
if (data.length != 24) return false;
byte[] data20 = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 0, data.length - 4);
byte[] checksum = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, data.length - 4, data.length);
byte[] actualChecksum = Arrays.copyOfRange(Hash.hashTwice(data20), 0, 4);
return Arrays.equals(checksum, actualChecksum);