You can clone the repository quan and it can run in intellij idea, you may need add j-science libaray
Program --------> Declare { ; Statement } Declare --------> Quantum Identifier INT [Explist] Statement --------> Operator | Measurement | Show | Alias | IFStatement | Reset Operator --------> UnaryOp | BinaryOp | GateOp | UOp UnaryOp --------> X|Y|Z|S|SDG|T|TDG Argument BinaryOp --------> CNOT Argument Argument GateOp --------> Gate[Explist] Argument UOp --------> U[Explist] Argument Measurement--------> Measure [ Argument Identifier ] Show --------> Show Alias --------> Alias Argument, Argument IFStatement---------> IF Bool Then Statement { ; Statement } FI Reset ---------> Reset Bool ----------> [!] Identifier Argument ---------> Identifier | Array Explist ---------> (Expression {, Expression}) Expression ---------> Factor [+|-|*|/ Expression] Factor ---------> [-] INT | Complex | Real INT := [0-9]+ Real := [0-9]+\.[0-9]* Complex := \< \-? Real \, \-? Real \> Identifier := [a-zA-Z]* Array := [a-zA-Z]*\[INT\]
The list grammer has been used in the QSimulation. We will add some other grammer in the future.
Statement | Description |
Quantum Identifier INT | 声明名为Identifier,含有INT位的量子寄存器 |
Quantum Identifier INT Explist | 声明名为Identifier,含有INT位的量子寄存器,并根据Explist初始化量子寄存器 |
X|Y|Z|S|SDG|T|TDG Argument | 内置单量子比特门操作 |
U[Explist] Argument | 单量子参数量子门操作 |
CNOT Argument Argument | 内置双量子比特门操作 |
Gate[Explist] Argument | 自定义量子门操作 |
Measure | 量子状态的整体测量 |
Measure [Argument Identifier ] | 量子状态的子状态的测量 |
Show | 展示量子寄存器的当前状态 |
Reset | 重置量子寄存器 |
Alias Argument, Argument | 给一个Argument取别名为第二个Argument |
IF Bool Then Statement { ; Statement } FI | 经典判断语句,根据测量结果,判断是否执行相对应操作 |
As you can see, the above picture is screenshot of QSimulation.
The black box area offers some buttons, which represent different functions.
- button 'Init':initialization without parameters
- button 'ass': initialization with possibility ampitudes
built-gate(without parameters) X Y Z S SDT T TDG |0 1| |0 -i| |1 0| |1 0| |1 0| |1 0 | |1 0 | |1 0| |i 0| |0 -1| |0 i| |- -i| |0 exp(iπ/4)| |0 exp(-iπ/4)| built-gate(with parameters) U(x,y,z) |exp(−i(φ+λ)/2)cos(θ/2) -exp(−i(φ-λ)/2)sin(θ/2)| U(θ,φ,λ) = | | |exp(i(φ-λ)/2)sin(θ/2) exp(i(φ+λ)/2)cos(θ/2) | and the global phase is exp(i(φ+λ)/2)/cos(θ/2)
Now, we only present a binary gate: CNOT, and we will offer some other universal matrix, such as CNOT-S. |1 0 0 0| |0 1 0 0| cnot = |0 0 0 1| |0 0 1 0| Although we don't present some other binary gate, we can constuct these.For example, |1 0 0 0| |0 0 1 0| swap = |0 1 0 0| |0 0 0 1| swap[q1,q2] = cnot[q1,q2]cnot[q2,q1]cnot[q1,q2].
We only support 0-1 measure now, and we will offer some other measurements
input: number of executions It means we can test the program some times and QSimulation will offer the final distribution of statistics.
QSimulation presents some functions : import , save , restart, run, circuit, cirnext ,cirback, bloch
- import : you can import the program to the editor
- save : you can save the program
- restart : you can restart the program
- run : you can run the program
- circuit : you can generate the quantum circuit
- cirNext : you can debug the program
- cirBack : you can debug the program
- bloch: it can be simulated in bloch sphere
Quantum a 3; Alias a[0] Alice1; Alias a[1] Alice2; Alias a[2] Bob; H Alice1; H Alice2; CNOT Alice2 Bob; CNOT Alice1 Alice2; H Alice1; Measure Alice1,i; Measure Alice2, j; if i then Z Bob fi; if j then X Bob fi
Quantum q 3; X q[2]; H q[0]; T q[1]; CNOT q[1] q[0]; TDG q[0]; CNOT q[1] q[0]; T q[0]; U(0,0,PI/8) q[2]; CNOT q[2] q[0]; U(0,0,-PI/8) q[0]; CNOT q[2] q[0]; U(0,0,PI/8) q[0]; H q[1]; T q[2]; CNOT q[2] q[1]; TDG q[1]; CNOT q[2] q[1]; T q[1]; H q[2]; CNOT q[0] q[2]; CNOT q[2] q[0]; CNOT q[0] q[2]
In QSimulation_jar file, there is a executable file and some examples.