Releases: XOOPS/xmf
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.21 includes:
- Library updates
- XOOPS standardization
- Minor code cleanups
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.20 includes:
- \Xmf\Module\Helper\AbstractHelper::serializeForHelperLog() fix logging of a resource type
- Unit test updates for latest version of Webmozart\Assert
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.19 includes:
- \Xmf\Yaml::read() eliminate PHP warning if specified file does not exist.
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.18 includes:
- PHP 7.4 ready
- fix error in Database\Table::loadTableFromYamlFile()
- add Uuid::packAsBinary() and Uuid::unpackBinary() methods
- add Module/Helper/GenericHelper::uploadPath() and uploadUrl() methods
- add proxy support in IPAddress::fromRequest();
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.17 includes:
- Docblock corrections
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.16 includes:
- Fix database column quoting
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.15 includes:
- Fix database column quoting for prefix indexes
- Add dirname() method to helper classes
- Changes Request::hasVar() default for $hash to 'default'
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.14 includes:
- add serialization to non-scalar log data
- improved handling of custom key storage
- add some unit testing
- add roave/security-advisories requirement to catch security issues at build time
- Synchronization with XoopsCore
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.12 updates the supporting Kint library to version 2.2.
XMF XOOPS Module Framework
XOOPS Module Framework is a selection of classes and supporting files intended to help simplify many of the routine tasks commonly needed in module development.
Release v1.2.11 adds support for UUID generation using the Xmf\Uuid class.