A simple discord music bot written in Rust.
- Playing from youtube url
- Playing from youtube query
- Nicely formatted embed messages
- Seeking forward
- Skipping songs
- Queue
- Playlist support
- New platforms support (Spotify, Soundcloud)
- Own queue implementation
- play (aliases: p) [url | query] - plays video from url or searches for it with given query or adds it to queue
- join (revive) - joins the voice channel author of the message is currently in
- skip (fs, s) - skips the currently played song
- seek (forward) [secs] - skips specified number of seconds in the song
The requirements are the same as for songbird. You can skip the yt-dlp part if you don't want to have youtube playlist support.
- Download the repo via a git clone command or a zip source code
- Add a DISCORD_TOKEN variable to your environment
- Go to the project directory and run
cargo run -r
Symphonia have problems with seeking forward in webm files for only a couple of seconds (perhaps a bug) so this version is fixed to support that.