The social behavior mapping of SBeA. In order to understand the complex 3D social behavior trajectories of multiple animals, a behavior segmentation and mapping method is required. Here, we extend our previous behavior segmentation and mapping tool "Behavior Atlas" from single animal to multiple animals.
The SBeA_mapper is written by MATLAB, and can be run in scripts step by step.
Tested PC:
CPU: i9-12900K
RAM: 128GB
Operating system: Windows 11
Software: MATLAB R2022b
Case data: fig2_data\pose tracking
The first step is a preparation of later steps.
Demo results:
Green line: the trajectories of animal 1
Orange line: the trajectories of animal 2
Trajectories: the trajectories are arranged by the order of XYZ
Script: SBeA_step_1.m
*id3d.mat: multi-animal trajectories with identities
*-camera-0.avi: one camera view video
*.mat: single-animal trajectories
*.avi: corresponding videos of single-animal trajectories
Typical time: ~10 seconds per data
The second step is to decompose the behvior of single animal.
Demo results:
Panel: behavior atlas of each animal
Color: different clusters of single animal behavior modules
Script: SBeA_step_2_mice.m
*.mat: single-animal trajectories
*.avi: corresponding videos of single-animal trajectories
*_struct.mat: BeA struct of single animal
Typical time: ~10 minutes per data
The third step is to segment social behavior.
Demo results:
Green line: the trajectories of animal 1
Orange line: the trajectories of animal 2
Trajectories: the trajectories are arranged by the order of [X_nose,X_left_ear,...,Y_nose,Y_left_ear,...,Z_nose,Z_left_ear...]
NM: the decomposition of non-locomotor movement
L: the decomposition of locomotion
D: the decomposition of distance
All: merge segmentations
Script: SBeA_step_3.m
*_struct.mat: BeA struct of single animal
*_social_struct.mat: SBeA struct of social behaviors
Typical time: ~30 minutes per data
The fourth step is to map and cluster all the social behavior modules across different videos under the same metric in the same low dimensional space.
Demo results:
Left: feature matrix of all social behavior modules
Center: social behavior atlas with upper boundary clusters (gray line) and lower boundary clusters (Different color of dots)
Right: distance map of social behavior atlas
Script: SBeA_step_4.m
*_social_struct.mat: SBeA struct of social behaviors
*data_sample_cell.mat: all of the segmentation data of social_struct used for clustering
*dist_mat_all.mat: the feature matrix
*wc_struct.mat: the adaptive watershed clustering results
Typical time: ~10 hours
The fifth step is to analyze the fractions of each social behavior modules.
Demo results:
Left top: the fraction matrix with lower classes
Left bottom: the fraction matrix with upper classes
Right: phenotype space of social groups
Script: SBeA_step_5_group_analysis.m
*data_sample_cell.mat: all of the segmentation data of social_struct used for clustering
*fractions_little.mat: the social behavior module fractions of each group with lower boundary of clustering
*fractions_much.mat: the social behavior module fractions of each group with upper boundary of clustering
*sort_group_names.mat: name information of social groups
*LDE.mat: phenotype space of different groups