A privilege in a Oak repository represents the ability to perform a particular set of operations on a node. Each privilege is identified by a JCR name and registered in the repository as a rep:Privilege node underneath /jcr:system/rep:privileges, e.g.
+ /jcr:system/rep:privileges
+ jcr:read
+ jcr:readAccessControl
+ rep:write
Packages can register custom JCR privileges during import by providing a META-INF/vault/privileges.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<privilege abstract="false" name="lang:es"/>
<privilege abstract="false" name="lang:en"/>
<privilege abstract="false" name="lang:all">
<contains name="lang:es"/>
<contains name="lang:en"/>
<privilege abstract="false" name="cq:copyPaste"/>
The Package Manager will first ensure all the namespaces exist underneath /jcr:system/rep:namespaces and then will register the privileges. The definition above will result in the following structure of nodes:
+ /jcr:system/rep:privileges
+ lang:es
+ lang:en
+ lang:all
- rep:aggregates [lang:es, lang:en]
+ cq:copyPaste
Once created, custom privileges are regular citizens of the repository. You can view and grant them in CRXDE, reference in rep:policy nodes in your content packages or reference in scripting tools like AC Tool by Netcentric
Registering namespaces and privileges in Jackrabbit Oak is a one-way operation. The PrivilegeManager API does not provide a "removePrivilege" operation, so privileges can only be registered, but not unregistered/cleaned up.