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File metadata and controls

334 lines (250 loc) · 15.7 KB


CovSBOM is a static analysis tool designed to enhance Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) by integrating detailed static analysis to reduce false positive rates in vulnerability scans. This tool leverages and extends existing SBOM capabilities to provide deeper insights into code dependencies and security vulnerabilities. You can view this quick tutorial to see how CovSBOM works or follow the documentation below.

File Structure/Artifacts Description:

Click to expand file structure explanations

1. ast_generator

This folder contains the core functionality of CovSBOM. Below is a description of the key files:

    Responsible for mapping declaring types in the source code to their corresponding third-party dependencies, helping to resolve which external libraries are being used.

    Defines a Dependency class that represents a third-party library or component in the project. This class likely contains attributes like group ID, artifact ID, and version for each dependency.

    This file contains logic to analyze the dependencies of the target project. It would scan the project's code to identify and classify the external libraries being used.

    Defines a node in a dependency tree, representing a single dependency and its relationship to other dependencies. Useful for constructing hierarchical relationships between libraries.

    It is responsible for processing dependencies in a Maven project, generating Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) for each dependency, and serializing these ASTs into JSON format.

    Handles the processing of directories in the target project.

    Extracts method signatures and third-party import statements from a given Java CompilationUnit (AST). It uses a visitor pattern to traverse the AST and identify method calls and imports, checking them against a dependency map to determine if they are third-party.

    The entry point for the application, orchestrating the various analysis tasks. This file coordinates AST generation, dependency analysis, and output generation.

    Represents the Maven dependency tree of the project. This file parses Maven’s pom.xml to identify all direct and transitive dependencies of the project.

    A shell script used to run the Maven dependency tree generation process. This script automates the process of obtaining and analyzing the Maven dependency structure.

    Provides methods for evaluating Maven properties and retrieving information about a Maven project.

    Parses Maven modules in multi-module projects. It ensures that each module’s dependencies and relationships are correctly identified for comprehensive analysis.

    A buffer that temporarily holds method calls extracted during the analysis process. It ensures efficient processing of method call data before it’s written to output files.

    Represents a single method call entry, storing information about the method being called, the declaring class, and any associated dependencies.

    Provides methods for adding method call entries to the report, setting the package name of the project, adding declaration information for methods, generating JSON reports, and retrieving information from the report.

    Holds metadata about method declarations in the source code. This class likely stores details about the method’s signature, return type, and the declaring class.

    A utility class used to create unique keys for method signatures. These keys help in tracking method calls and ensuring that methods are accurately mapped to third-party libraries.

    Contains configuration settings for the analysis process.

    Analyzes JAR files containing the source code for third-party libraries. This is crucial for decompiling the JARs and extracting method calls or dependencies from the libraries themselves.

    A utility class providing common functions and helpers used throughout the analysis.

2. CovSBOM_output/analysis

This folder stores the output files generated for each project after analysis. For each project, you will find three key files:

  • method_calls.json:

    • This file contains a record of all unique method calls to third-party libraries before decompilation. It tracks methods in the target program that invoke external libraries, providing insight into how third-party libraries are used by the program. Users can review this file to understand which external methods are called in the project's code.
  • final_report_file_based.json:

    • This file provides detailed call stack information to third-party libraries on a per-file basis. Since different files in the program may call the same method, this report may contain duplicates. Users can refer to this file for a file-specific breakdown of third-party library interactions.
  • final_report_package_base.json:

    • This file consolidates the call stack data by removing duplicates and organizing the results by third-party library package. It presents a more streamlined view of method calls to external libraries, focusing on packages instead of individual files. This report gives users a clearer picture of which external packages are used by the program.

3. SBOM_Integration

This folder contains the necessary scripts for inserting the analysis results into a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). Both CycloneDX (CDX) and SPDX formats are supported. Users should run these scripts after the analysis is complete to update their SBOM with the analysis results.

  • A script that inserts CovSBOM analysis into a CycloneDX-formatted SBOM.
  • A script for integrating analysis results into an SPDX-formatted SBOM.

4. Analysis_scan

This folder contains scripts that scan for vulnerabilities after SBOM integration. Once the SBOM has been updated with analysis results, users can use the following scripts to perform vulnerability scans on the integrated SBOM file:

  • Scans the SBOM for vulnerabilities using the integrated analysis results. This script requires a JSON file as input, which contains known vulnerabilities (e.g., CVE IDs).

Example Project:

We use Spark - a tiny web framework for Java 8 for example project, if you run CovSBOM and enter no source file, it would default to this example application for review purposes.

// install required packages first
cd Application/spark-master
mvn clean install -DskipTests
mvn dependency:sources

// back to project main folder
cd ../..

// now run the example:

java -jar CovSBOM.jar
Please enter the path to the Java source file:  // leave this blank 
rootDirectoryPath: /Code/CovSBOM
Inferred path to pom.xml: Application/spark-master/pom.xml


CovSBOM requires Java 8 or higher, uses Maven 3.6.0 or higher, requires Python 3.x or higher for building the project. Ensure you have installed with the correct version.

Before you begin using CovSBOM, ensure that your environment is set up with the necessary Java libraries. The tool assumes that all dependencies and plugins are properly installed. If you have not yet set up the environment, follow the steps below to install the required components:

mvn clean install -DskipTests
mvn dependency:sources


To install CovSBOM, clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone

Navigate into the cloned repository:

cd CovSBOM


To run CovSBOM and perform the analysis, use the following command under the project directory:

java -jar CovSBOM.jar

For a step-by-step guide, watch the Tutorial Video on zenodo to learn more.

Here's a refined version of your console output explanation:

Produce CovSBOM.jar

to get CovSBOM.jar, compile the ast_generator project

cd ast_generator
mvn clean package

// we can rename the snapshot and move it to the project folder
cd target
mv CovSBOM-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ../../CovSBOM.jar

Console Output Explanation

  • <Package name> : []
    This output shows the method call loading buffer for a specific package. An empty buffer ([]) indicates that all methods within the package were successfully resolved. If the buffer is not empty, it will display unresolved type names within that package, meaning that CovSBOM could not resolve or find certain files in that package.

  • no jar dependencies
    This output lists the dependencies that do not have corresponding .jar files, which means they could not be decompiled and analyzed. If everything runs correctly, this output should show only the target file as having no .jar dependency.

SBOM Integration

To integrate the analysis into your SBOM, you can use the following command:

python3 < sbom.json > < analysis_file_path >

This command will insert the analysis into your SBOM file.

Analysis Scan

After generating the integrated file, you can run the scanning tool to scan your SBOM:

cd Analysis_scan

Vulnerability Input Example

you will need your own vulnerabilities.json file, that looks similar to:

    "SBOM_Format": "CycloneDX",
    "CVE-ID": "CVE-2023-1234",
    "Sbom_scanning_tool": "OWASP Dependency-Check",
    "class": "TemporaryFolder",
    "function": "newFolder()",
    "dependencyGroupId": "junit",
    "dependencyArtifactId": "junit"
    "SBOM_Format": "CycloneDX",
    "CVE-ID": "CVE-2023-5678",
    "Sbom_scanning_tool": "OWASP Dependency-Check",
    "class": "TemporaryFolder",
    "function": "None",
    "dependencyGroupId": "org.eclipse.jetty.websocket",
    "dependencyArtifactId": "websocket-server"

Explanation of Fields

  • function: Specifies the function within the class that is potentially vulnerable. For example, "newFolder()" indicates that the newFolder function within the TemporaryFolder class is under scrutiny. "None" means no specific function is being targeted.
  • SBOM_Format: The format of the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). "CycloneDX" is one of the popular formats.
  • CVE-ID: The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) identifier for the vulnerability. This is a unique identifier for the vulnerability, such as "CVE-2023-1234".
  • Sbom_scanning_tool: The tool used to scan and generate the SBOM, for instance, "OWASP Dependency-Check".
  • class: The class in the dependency that is being evaluated for vulnerabilities, such as "TemporaryFolder".
  • dependencyGroupId: The group ID of the dependency, e.g., "junit".
  • dependencyArtifactId: The artifact ID of the dependency, e.g., "junit".
python3  <integrated_sbom.json > <vulnerabilities.json > <output.json >

This command will initiate the scanning process on your SBOM.

Output File Example

        "Function": "newFolder()",
        "SBOM_Format": "CycloneDX",
        "CVE-ID": "your-cve-id",
        "Sbom_scanning_tool": "OWASP Dependency-Check",
        "class": "TemporaryFolder",
        "dependencyGroupId": "junit",
        "dependencyArtifactId": "junit",
        "vulnerable": true,
        "evidence": [
                "declaringType": "org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder",
                "fullExpression": "temporaryFolder.newFolder()"
        "SBOM_Format": "CycloneDX",
        "CVE-ID": "your-cve-id",
        "Sbom_scanning_tool": "OWASP Dependency-Check",
        "class": "TemporaryFolder",
        "Function": "None",
        "dependencyGroupId": "org.eclipse.jetty.websocket",
        "dependencyArtifactId": "websocket-server",
        "vulnerable": false,
        "evidence": []

Explanation of Fields

  • Function: The function within the class that was checked for vulnerabilities. For example, "newFolder()" indicates that the newFolder function within the TemporaryFolder class was checked.
  • SBOM_Format: The format of the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). "CycloneDX" is one of the popular formats.
  • CVE-ID: The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) identifier for the vulnerability. This is a unique identifier for the vulnerability, such as "your-cve-id".
  • Sbom_scanning_tool: The tool used to scan and generate the SBOM, in this case, "OWASP Dependency-Check".
  • class: The class in the dependency that was evaluated for vulnerabilities, such as "TemporaryFolder".
  • dependencyGroupId: The group ID of the dependency, e.g., "junit".
  • dependencyArtifactId: The artifact ID of the dependency, e.g., "junit".
  • vulnerable: A boolean value indicating whether the dependency is vulnerable (true) or not (false).
  • evidence: A list of evidence supporting the determination of vulnerability. Each piece of evidence includes:
    • declaringType: The class type where the vulnerability was found, such as "org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder".
    • fullExpression: The full expression in the code where the vulnerable function is called, such as "temporaryFolder.newFolder()".

Example Outputs

  1. Vulnerable Dependency:

    • Example:
          "Function": "newFolder()",
          "SBOM_Format": "CycloneDX",
          "CVE-ID": "your-cve-id",
          "Sbom_scanning_tool": "OWASP Dependency-Check",
          "class": "TemporaryFolder",
          "dependencyGroupId": "junit",
          "dependencyArtifactId": "junit",
          "vulnerable": true,
          "evidence": [
                  "declaringType": "org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder",
                  "fullExpression": "temporaryFolder.newFolder()"
    • Explanation: The TemporaryFolder class from the junit dependency is found to be vulnerable when calling the newFolder() function. The evidence provided includes the declaring type and the full expression of the vulnerability in the code.
  2. Non-Vulnerable Dependency:

    • Example:
          "SBOM_Format": "CycloneDX",
          "CVE-ID": "your-cve-id",
          "Sbom_scanning_tool": "OWASP Dependency-Check",
          "class": "TemporaryFolder",
          "Function": "None",
          "dependencyGroupId": "org.eclipse.jetty.websocket",
          "dependencyArtifactId": "websocket-server",
          "vulnerable": false,
          "evidence": []
    • Explanation: The TemporaryFolder class from the websocket-server dependency (under org.eclipse.jetty.websocket group) is not found to be vulnerable. No specific function was checked, and no evidence was found indicating any vulnerability.


Contributions to CovSBOM are welcome! If you would like to contribute, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


CovSBOM is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.