Some indexer updates changes the database schemas and an upgrade script must be run on the database to migrate the data before or after updating the indexer. Here is a list of those migrations. If a version is not listed here it means the indexer can be updated without any manual migration.
It is recommended to stop the indexer before running any migration script.
Storing cpu vcores as numbers instead of strings
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS public."providerSnapshotNodeCPU"
ALTER COLUMN vcores TYPE smallint USING vcores::smallint;
Version 1.7.0 adds some tables and fields to improve provider queries as well as keep track of node/cpu/gpu data provided by the new status endpoint (grpc).
-- Add new Provider columns
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS public.provider
ADD COLUMN "lastSnapshotId" uuid;
-- Set lastSnapshotId to the most recent snapshot for each providers
UPDATE "provider" p SET "lastSnapshotId" = (
SELECT FROM "providerSnapshot" ps WHERE ps."owner" = p."owner" ORDER BY "checkDate" DESC LIMIT 1
-- Update ProviderSnapshot schemas
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS public."providerSnapshot"
ADD COLUMN "isLastOfDay" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
-- Set isLastOfDay to true for snapshots that are the last of each day for every providers
WITH last_snapshots AS (
SELECT DISTINCT ON(ps."owner",DATE("checkDate")) DATE("checkDate") AS date, ps."id" AS "psId"
FROM "providerSnapshot" ps
ORDER BY ps."owner",DATE("checkDate"),"checkDate" DESC
UPDATE "providerSnapshot" AS ps
SET "isLastOfDay" = TRUE
FROM last_snapshots AS ls
WHERE ls."psId";
-- Add index for isLastofDay
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS provider_snapshot_id_where_isonline_and_islastofday
ON public."providerSnapshot" USING btree
TABLESPACE pg_default
WHERE "isOnline" = true AND "isLastOfDay" = true;
-- Create new tables for tracking nodes/gpu/cpu info
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public."providerSnapshotNode"
id uuid NOT NULL,
"snapshotId" uuid NOT NULL,
name character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
"cpuAllocatable" bigint,
"cpuAllocated" bigint,
"memoryAllocatable" bigint,
"memoryAllocated" bigint,
"ephemeralStorageAllocatable" bigint,
"ephemeralStorageAllocated" bigint,
"capabilitiesStorageHDD" boolean,
"capabilitiesStorageSSD" boolean,
"capabilitiesStorageNVME" boolean,
"gpuAllocatable" bigint,
"gpuAllocated" bigint,
CONSTRAINT "providerSnapshotNode_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public."providerSnapshotNodeCPU"
id uuid NOT NULL,
"snapshotNodeId" uuid NOT NULL,
vendor character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
model character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
vcores character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
CONSTRAINT "providerSnapshotNodeCPU_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public."providerSnapshotNodeGPU"
id uuid NOT NULL,
"snapshotNodeId" uuid NOT NULL,
vendor character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
name character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
"modelId" character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
interface character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
"memorySize" character varying(255) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
CONSTRAINT "providerSnapshotNodeGPU_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (id)
Version 1.5.0 adds an updatedHeight
field to Akash's Provider
table and fixes a bug that was updating the createdHeight
on provider updates. This script need to be run before updating the indexer to v1.5.0.
-- Add updatedHeight column to provider table
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS "provider" ADD COLUMN "updatedHeight" integer;
-- Set correct values for createdHeight and updatedHeight
WITH "created_msg" AS (
SELECT m."height",ar."address"
FROM "message" m
INNER JOIN "transaction" t ON"txId"
INNER JOIN "addressReference" ar ON ar."transactionId"=t."id"
WHERE t."hasProcessingError" IS FALSE AND m."type" LIKE '/akash.provider.%.MsgCreateProvider' AND ar."type"='Signer'
"update_msg" AS (
SELECT MAX(m."height") AS "height",ar."address"
FROM "message" m
INNER JOIN "transaction" t ON"txId"
INNER JOIN "addressReference" ar ON ar."transactionId"=t."id"
WHERE t."hasProcessingError" IS FALSE AND m."type" LIKE '/akash.provider.%.MsgUpdateProvider' AND ar."type"='Signer'
GROUP BY ar."address"
UPDATE "provider" p
SET "createdHeight"=cm."height", "updatedHeight"=um."height"
FROM "created_msg" cm
LEFT JOIN "update_msg" um ON um."address"=cm."address"
WHERE cm."address"=p."owner";