there are four folders as well as two json files:
- "database" folder: includes "4905Database.dat" as the database of the project.
- "server" folder: includes "index.js" as the back-end server of the project
- "client" folder: includes a React Project includes"node_modules" folder, "public" folder, "src" folder, "package.json", "package-lock.json", ""
- "node_modules" folder
- "package.json"
- "package-lock.json"
To start up:
- step1: Restore "4905Database.dat" database using PostgreSQL. Change the password in line 8 of server "index.js" to the password of your own PostgreSQL if necessary.
- step2: Run the back-end server "index.js".
- step3: Redirect to the "client" folder in terminal, and run the front-end client by typing "npm start" followed by pressing Enter.