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title sponsor slug date findings contest
Unlock Protocol contest
Unlock Protocol


About C4

Code4rena (C4) is an open organization consisting of security researchers, auditors, developers, and individuals with domain expertise in smart contracts.

A C4 audit contest is an event in which community participants, referred to as Wardens, review, audit, or analyze smart contract logic in exchange for a bounty provided by sponsoring projects.

During the audit contest outlined in this document, C4 conducted an analysis of the Unlock Protocol smart contract system written in Solidity. The audit contest took place between November 18—November 24, 2021.


27 Wardens contributed reports to the Unlock Protocol contest:

  1. WatchPug (jtp and ming)
  2. cmichel
  3. elprofesor
  4. kenzo
  5. pauliax
  6. GiveMeTestEther
  7. 0x0x0x
  8. itsmeSTYJ
  9. loop
  10. Ruhum
  11. defsec
  12. Meta0xNull
  13. harleythedog
  14. Jujic
  15. hagrid
  16. jayjonah8
  17. Reigada
  18. HardlyDifficult
  19. ye0lde
  20. TomFrenchBlockchain
  21. nathaniel
  22. gzeon
  23. BouSalman
  24. mics
  25. sabtikw
  26. aga7hokakological

This contest was judged by 0xleastwood.

Final report assembled by itsmetechjay, CloudEllie, and liveactionllama.


The C4 analysis yielded an aggregated total of 49 unique vulnerabilities and 151 total findings. All of the issues presented here are linked back to their original finding.

Of these vulnerabilities, 4 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity, 13 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity, and 32 received a risk rating in the category of LOW severity.

C4 analysis also identified 54 non-critical recommendations and 48 gas optimizations.


The code under review can be found within the C4 Unlock Protocol contest repository, and is composed of 3 smart contracts written in the Solidity programming language and includes 604 source lines of Solidity code.

Severity Criteria

C4 assesses the severity of disclosed vulnerabilities according to a methodology based on OWASP standards.

Vulnerabilities are divided into three primary risk categories: high, medium, and low.

High-level considerations for vulnerabilities span the following key areas when conducting assessments:

  • Malicious Input Handling
  • Escalation of privileges
  • Arithmetic
  • Gas use

Further information regarding the severity criteria referenced throughout the submission review process, please refer to the documentation provided on the C4 website.

High Risk Findings (4)

Submitted by elprofesor

UnlockProtocol attempts to calculate gas reimbursement using tx.gasprice, typically users who falsify tx.gasprice would lose gas to miners and therefore not obtain any advantage over the protocol itself. This does present capabilities for miners to extract value, as they can submit their own transactions, or cooperate with a malicious user, reimbursing a portion (or all) or the tx.gasprice used. As the following calculation is made;

    uint tokensToDistribute = (estimatedGasForPurchase * tx.gasprice) * (125 * 10 ** 18) / 100 / udtPrice;

we can see that arbitrary tx.gasprices can rapidly inflate the tokensToDistribute. Though capped at maxTokens, this value can be up to half the total supply of UDT, which could dramatically affect the value of UDT potentially leading to lucrative value extractions outside of the pool.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Using an oracle service to determine the average gas price and ensuring it is within some normal bounds that has not been subjected to arbitrary value manipulation.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) disputed and commented:

we can see that arbitrary tx.gasprices can rapidly inflate the tokensToDistribute. Though capped at maxTokens, this value can be up to half the total supply of UDT, which could dramatically affect the value of UDT potentially leading to lucrative value extractions outside of the pool.

As you noted it would be capped by the actual increase of the GDP transaction.

However we could indeed use an oracle to determine the average gas price over a certain number of blocks to limit the risk even further.

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

I think the warden has raised a valid issue of value extractions. Whether the value extracted is capped at a certain number of tokens, I don't think the issue is nullified as a result. Miners can realistically fill up blockspace by abusing this behaviour and then selling netted tokens on the open market. I'll consider marking this as medium, what do you think @julien51 ?

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

I think maxTokens will be set to IMintableERC20(udt).totalSupply() / 2 upon the first call to recordKeyPurchase(). If I'm not mistaken, this could allow a malicious miner could effectively distribute half of the token supply in one tx.

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

After further offline discussions with @julien51. We agree that this is an issue that needs to be addressed.

If we consider real-world values for IMintableERC20(udt).totalSupply() and IMintableERC20(udt).totalSupply() as 1_000_000e18 and 400e18 respectively. Then a miner could mint up to ~1247 UDT tokens valued at $USD 124,688 if they provide a single Ether as their purchase amount. Obviously this can be abused to generate a huge amount of profit for miners, so as this is a viable way to extract value from the protocol, I will be keeping this as high severity.

Submitted by WatchPug

The current design/implementation of freeTrial allows users to get full refund before the freeTrial ends. Plus, a user can transfer partial of their time to another user using shareKey.

This makes it possible for the attacker to steal from the protocol by transferring freeTrial time from multiple addresses to one address and adding up to expirationDuration and call refund to steal from the protocol.

Proof of Concept


  • keyPrice is 1 ETH;
  • expirationDuration is 360 days;
  • freeTrialLength is 31 days.

The attacker can create two wallet addresses: Alice and Bob.

  1. Alice calls purchase(), transfer 30 days via shareKey() to Bob, then calls cancelAndRefund() to get full refund; Repeat 12 times;
  2. Bob calls cancelAndRefund() and get 1 ETH.


Consider disabling cancelAndRefund() for users who transferred time to another user.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) confirmed and commented:

I think this is valid! The free trial approach is indeed a risk on that front and we need to "warn" lock managers about this more.

For lock manager who still want to offer free trials, the best approach would probably be to set a high transfer fee to make sure that free trials cannot be transfered.

As a consequence of this, I am not sure this is as critical as indicated by the submitter.

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

Nice find!

From what I can tell at least, this does seem like a viable attack vector. Can I ask why this should not be treated as high risk? @julien51

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) commented:

Sorry for the long delay here. In short: this is valid, but only an issue for locks which are enabling free trials (no one has done it) and we would make sure our UI shows this as a potential issue. In other words: a lock manager would need to explicitly enable free trials, despite our warning to put their own funds at risk. For that reason I don't think this is "High".

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

While this is a valid issue pertaining only to lock managers who explicitly enable free trials, this may still lead to a loss of funds if cancelAndRefund is called by a user who has transferred their time to another account. I still believe this deserves a high severity rating.

In my honest opinion, a warning isn't sufficient to prevent such abuse. I think on-chain enforcement ideal in this situation.

Submitted by WatchPug

if (toKey.tokenId == 0) {
  toKey.tokenId = _tokenId;
  _recordOwner(_recipient, _tokenId);
  // Clear any previous approvals

if (previousExpiration <= block.timestamp) {
  // The recipient did not have a key, or had a key but it expired. The new expiration is the sender's key expiration
  // An expired key is no longer a valid key, so the new tokenID is the sender's tokenID
  toKey.expirationTimestamp = fromKey.expirationTimestamp;
  toKey.tokenId = _tokenId;

  // Reset the key Manager to the key owner
  _setKeyManagerOf(_tokenId, address(0));

  _recordOwner(_recipient, _tokenId);
} else {
  // The recipient has a non expired key. We just add them the corresponding remaining time
  // SafeSub is not required since the if confirms `previousExpiration - block.timestamp` cannot underflow
  toKey.expirationTimestamp = fromKey.expirationTimestamp + previousExpiration - block.timestamp;

Based on the context, L131-136 seems to be the logic of handling the case of the recipient with no key, and L138-148 is handing the case of the recipient's key expired.

However, in L131-136, the key manager is not being reset.

This allows attackers to keep the role of key manager after the transfer, and transfer the key back or to another recipient.

Proof of Concept


  • Alice owns a key that is valid until 1 year later.
  1. Alice calls setKeyManagerOf(), making herself the keyManager;
  2. Alice calls transferFrom(), transferring the key to Bob; Bob might have paid a certain amount of money to Alice upon receive of the key;
  3. Alice calls transferFrom() again, transferring the key back from Bob.


Consider resetting the key manager regardless of the status of the recipient's key.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) confirmed:

I think you are onto something here. We will need to investigate further and reproduce to fix!

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

@julien51 Just following up if you were able to double-check this?

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) confirmed:

This is indeed valid and I think we will need to "patch" this. We're still unsure how but we're exploring multiple ways.

Submitted by cmichel

The locks implement three different approval types, see onlyKeyManagerOrApproved for an overview:

  • key manager (map keyManagerOf)
  • single-person approvals (map approved). Cleared by _clearApproval or _setKeyManagerOf
  • operator approvals (map managerToOperatorApproved)

The MixinTransfer.transferFrom requires any of the three approval types in the onlyKeyManagerOrApproved modifier on the tokenId to authenticate transfers from from.

Notice that if the to address previously had a key but it expired only the _setKeyManagerOf call is performed, which does not clear approved if the key manager was already set to 0:

function transferFrom(
  address _from,
  address _recipient,
  uint _tokenId
  // @audit this is skipped if user had a key that expired
  if (toKey.tokenId == 0) {
    toKey.tokenId = _tokenId;
    _recordOwner(_recipient, _tokenId);
    // Clear any previous approvals

  if (previousExpiration <= block.timestamp) {
    // The recipient did not have a key, or had a key but it expired. The new expiration is the sender's key expiration
    // An expired key is no longer a valid key, so the new tokenID is the sender's tokenID
    toKey.expirationTimestamp = fromKey.expirationTimestamp;
    toKey.tokenId = _tokenId;

    // Reset the key Manager to the key owner
    // @audit  doesn't clear approval if key manager already was 0
    _setKeyManagerOf(_tokenId, address(0));

    _recordOwner(_recipient, _tokenId);
  // ...

function _setKeyManagerOf(
  uint _tokenId,
  address _keyManager
) internal
  // @audit-ok only clears approved if key manager updated
  if(keyManagerOf[_tokenId] != _keyManager) {
    keyManagerOf[_tokenId] = _keyManager;
    emit KeyManagerChanged(_tokenId, address(0));


It's possible to sell someone a key and then claim it back as the approvals are not always cleared.

Proof Of Concept

  • Attacker A has a valuable key (tokenId = 42) with an expiry date far in the future.
  • A sets approvals for their second attacker controlled account A' by calling MixinKeys.setApprovalForAll(A', true), which sets managerToOperatorApproved[A][A'] = true.
  • A clears the key manager by setting it to zero, for example, by transferring it to a second account that does not have a key yet, this calls the above _setKeyManagerOf(42, address(0)); in transferFrom
  • A sets single-token approval to A' by calling MixinKeys.approve(A', 42), setting approved[42] = A'.
  • A sells the token to a victim V for a discount (compared to purchasing it from the Lock). The victim needs to have owned a key before which already expired. The transferFrom(A, V, 42) call sets the owner of token 42 to V, but does not clear the approved[42] == A' field as described above. (_setKeyManagerOf(_tokenId, address(0)); is called but the key manager was already zero, which then does not clear approvals.)
  • A' can claim back the token by calling transferFrom(V, A', 42) and the onlyKeyManagerOrApproved(42) modifier will pass as approved[42] == A' is still set.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The _setKeyManagerOf function should not handle clearing approvals of single-token approvals (approved) as these are two separate approval types. The transferFrom function should always call _clearApproval in the (previousExpiration <= block.timestamp) case.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) confirmed and commented:

Thanks for reporting this. This is valid and we will fix it.

Medium Risk Findings (13)

Submitted by itsmeSTYJ

Uniswap v2 made oracle attacks much more expensive to execute (since it needs to be manipulated over X number of blocks) however its biggest drawback is that it reacts slow to price volatility (depends on how far back you look). Depending on a single oracle is still very risky and can be exploited given the correct conditions.

Assuming the ideal conditions, it is possible to purchase many keys across many locks for the UDT token that is distributed to the referrer and sell them on some other exchanges where the price of UDT is higher; high enough such that the malicious user can still profit even after requesting for a refund (w/ or w/o a free trial).

Proof of Concept

This exploit is made possible because of:

  • the over dependency on a single price oracle
  • UDT token distribution logic is flawed

The following assumptions has to be true for this attack to work:

  1. price of UDT on an exchange is much higher than that from the price retrieved from the uniswapOracle.
  2. Since the price retrieved by udtOracle.updateAndConsult() only updates once per day, it is slow to react to the volatility of UDT price movements.
  3. Malicious user creates a lock and buys many keys across multiple addresses.
  4. Malicious user sells these UDT tokens on the exchanges w/ the higher price.
  5. Malicious user requests for a refund on the keys owned.
  6. Repeat until it is no longer profitable i.e. price on other exchanges become close to parity with the price retrieved by the uniswapOracle.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

  • Use the average of multiple oracle sources so that the price of UDT tokens (from Unlock.sol's PoV) reacts faster.
  • UDT tokens distributed based on the duration of key ownership.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) disagreed with severity and commented:

As you noted this is pretty theoretical and given that the amount of UDT minted is capped to the gas spent, the user will need to 1) purchase a LOT of keys and 2) cancel them all and 3) find an exchange where the price is significantly different.

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

Nice find!

While, I do agree this is a difficult attack to perform, it is still a valid way of extracting value from the protocol. Hence, I believe this should be kept as medium.

2 — Med (M): vulns have a risk of 2 and are considered “Medium” severity when assets are not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) commented:

We will mitigate this in an upcoming upgrade by moving to Uniswap v3 for our oracles.

Submitted by WatchPug

In the current implementation, Unlock.sol#recordKeyPurchase() will send estimatedGasForPurchase * tx.gasprice worth of UDT to the referrer.

uint tokensToDistribute = (estimatedGasForPurchase * tx.gasprice) * (125 * 10 ** 18) / 100 / udtPrice;

We believe there are multiple potential economic attack vectors to exploit this.

If estimatedGasForPurchase is misconfigured to a higher amount than the actual avg gas cost for a purchase call, or future network upgrades make the actual gas cost become lower than the configured estimatedGasForPurchase, it can be exploited simply by creating a lock and call purchase() many times to mint UDT.

Even if estimatedGasForPurchase is configured to an amount similar to the actual gas cost, a more sophisticated attack is still possible:

Proof of Concept


  • estimatedGasForPurchase is configured as 200,000;
  • The gas cost of a regular purchase call is about 200,000.

The attacker can create a lock contract and set the token address to a special gas saving token, which will SELFDESTRUCT to get a gas refund on transfer.

The attacker can:

  1. Mint gas saving token with gas price: 1 gwei;
  2. Call purchase() and use 48 contract slots with gas price: 1000 gwei;

Total gas saved will be ~0.8 ETH (or other native tokens, eg. BNB, MATIC). Therefore, the attacker will profit ~0.8 ETH worth of UDT.



Consider setting a global daily upper limit of total UDT grants to referrers, plus, an upper limit for UDT minted per purchase.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) acknowledged, but disagreed with severity and commented:

If estimatedGasForPurchase is misconfigured to a higher amount than the actual avg gas cost for a purchase call, or future network upgrades make the actual gas cost become lower than the configured estimatedGasForPurchase, it can be exploited simply by creating a lock and call purchase() many times to mint UDT.

Absolutely but considering the security model, the admin indeed have full control over the protocol. We are thinking about finding a mechanism to not hardcode gas spent but use the actual number eventually. When we do that we should consider the impact of things like gas-token (even though EIP1559 has probably made them mostly impractical?).

At this point given that the gas spent is hardcoded, there is a de-facto cap on how much UDT they could earn (based on the token price).

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

While I agree with the warden, there is potential for value extraction, however, it does require the admin to be unaware about upcoming network upgrades.

As the sponsor has noted, they will be moving towards a dynamic estimatedGasForPurchase value, however, from the perspective of the c4 contest, this doesn't change the outcome of my decision.

As the protocol may leak value based on certain network assumptions, I'll mark this as medium severity.

2 — Med (M): vulns have a risk of 2 and are considered “Medium” severity when assets are not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.

Please note: the following additional discussions and re-assessment took place approximately 2 months after judging and awarding were finalized. As such, this report will leave this finding in its originally assessed risk category as it simply reflects a snapshot in time.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) commented:

I don't think the protocl can "leak" value based on that. The tokens that are used to compute GDP and distribute tokens have to be approved by the DAO (right now only USDC, DAI and BAT have been approved on mainnet, and only USDC on Polygon). I don't think the DAO would approve gas tokens givem that indeed they could result in leakage of UDT, so I think it is minor.

0xleastwood (judge) decreased severity to Low and commented:

Considering the sponsor's comments, I actually agree that this is less likely than initially stated. Similar to the SafeERC20 issue, it isn't expected that gas saving tokens will be approved to compute and distribute UDT tokens. I'll downgrade this to low.

Submitted by pauliax, also found by cmichel, Reigada, kenzo, Ruhum, 0x0x0x, GiveMeTestEther, and WatchPug

The current version of the codebase does not handle special cases of tokens, e.g. deflationary, rebasing, or those that return true/false on success (see: Function purchase transfers tokens from msg.sender but it does not check the return value, nor how many tokens were actually transferred:

  token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), pricePaid);

Recommended Mitigation Steps

I have 2 suggestions here:

  1. Use SafeERC20 library to handle token transfers:
  2. Consider checking the actual balances transferred (balance after-before) or clearly documenting that you do not support deflationary / rebasing / etc tokens.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) disputed and commented:

The only party that would be penalized in the examples you describe is the lock manager (and beneficiary) who has explicitly deployed the lock using the (noncompliant) ERC20. If we consider the threat model here then I think this is not really an issue, as additional checks would incur a gas cost for everyone.

Please note: the following additional discussions and re-assessment took place approximately 2 months after judging and awarding were finalized. As such, this report will leave this finding in its originally assessed risk category as it simply reflects a snapshot in time.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) commented:

The fact that this requires an explicit action by the lock manager (ie using a buggy/malicious ERC20 token) and that it puts only their tokens at risk, I think this is minor.

0xleastwood (judge) decreased severity to Low and commented:

Giving this a bit more thought, I think its always safe to enforce these checks rather than leave it up to the lock manage to potentially make the mistake and then be liable for this mistake later on. However, considering the threat model, I do think this is better suited as a low severity issue.

Submitted by kenzo

Unlock contains a feature in which a key buyer can ask for a refund. The refund is sent from the lock - where the purchase funds were sent. The lock manager can withdraw all funds from the lock. Therefore, if the lock manager withdraws enough profits from the lock, the user would not be able to cancel his key and request refund. Even if a lock manager is not malicious, if he would want to enable users to cancel their key, he would have to keep track of how much tokens need to be kept in the contract in order to enable this - not a trivial calculation. A naive lock manager might accidentally disable refunds for his clients.


Refunds are not guaranteed. A user might buy a key expecting to cancel it within some time, only to discover he can not cancel it. (This loss of user funds is why I consider this a high risk finding.) An unaware lock manager who just wants to withdraw all his profits might accidentally discover that he removed his users' ability to cancel their key.


It seems the Unlock team is aware to some extent that withdrawing breaks refunds, as they state in the withdraw function:

   * TODO: consider allowing anybody to trigger this as long as it goes to owner anyway?
   *  -- however be wary of draining funds as it breaks the `cancelAndRefund` and `expireAndRefundFor`
   * use cases.

However, even if just the owner is allowed to call it, he may break the refund functionality - on purpose or accidentally. Looking on Unlock documentation I don't see a warning to creators about withdrawing their funds.

Proof of Concept

withdraw function has no limit on the amount withdrawn, therefore the owner can withdraw all funds:

cancelAndRefund transfers the funds from the same lock contract: Therefore if there are not enough funds, the transfer will fail.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Perhaps a sort of MasterChef-like shares system can be implemented in order to make sure the owner leaves enough funds in the lock to process refunds.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) disagreed with severity and commented:

As noted, this is actually documented. You are right though that we should make this more obvious on the UI. I would not classify this as High Risk.

0xleastwood (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Nice find! I think this can be downgraded to medium as the availability of the protocol is impacted by this issue.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) commented:

This would not affect the whole protocol but only the "malicious" lock and it is impractice not only documented but also how these things work in the real world. If Netflix went out of business tomorrow, I could not get a refund on this month's membership fee...

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

While I mostly agree with the sponsor, this may be intended behaviour as user's should not be entitled to a refund in this case. However, based on what was known at the time, it seemed like this broke the functionality of cancelAndRefund and expireAndRefundFor functions, hence why it was marked as medium severity.

Submitted by kenzo, also found by WatchPug and 0x0x0x

Lock manager can change key pricing. The refund mechanism calculates refund according to current key price, not price actually paid.


A user refunding can get less (or more) funds than deserved.

Proof of Concept

Refund only takes the current price into account:

Lock manager can update key price at any point, and the old price is not saved anywhere:

So if for example a key price has gone down, a user who tried to refund will get less funds than deserved.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider saving the amount the user paid, and refund according to that. Or having a kind of a price snapshot/version mechanism.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) acknowledged, but disagreed with severity and commented:

This is a known issue... but indeed we should show things in the UI to indicate things to users.

0xleastwood (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Agree this sounds like an issue! However, I don't think this can be justified as a high risk issue. But it does seem that the protocol could leak value and impact users, so marking this as medium.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) commented:

We actually are adding a new mechanism to keep track of the last price paid by any user which means we could use it in the next version to solve this issue!

Submitted by kenzo, also found by GiveMeTestEther and cmichel

If calling transferFrom with _from == _recipient, the key will get destroyed (meaning the key will be set as expired and set the owner's key to be 0).


A key manager or approved might accidentally destroy user's token.

Note: this requires user error and so I'm not sure if this is a valid finding. However, few things make me think that it is valid:

  • Unlock protocol checks for transfer to 0-address, so some input validation is there
  • Since other entities other than the owner can be allowed to transfer owner's token, it might be best to make sure such accidental mistake could not happen.
  • This scenario manifests a unique and probably unintended behavior

Proof of Concept

By following transferFrom's execution: One can see that in the case where _from == _recipient with a valid key:

  • The function will deduct transfer fee from the key
  • The function will incorrectly add more time to the key's expiration (L151)
  • The function will expire and reset the key (L155)

Therefore, the user will lose his key without getting a refund.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add a require statement in the beginning of transferFrom: require(_from != _recipient, 'TRANSFER_TO_SELF');

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) confirmed

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) commented:

Fixed since then :)

Submitted by GiveMeTestEther, also found by kenzo

The shareKey function allows a user to share some time with another user that doesn't already has/had a key and this generates a new key. This even allows the user to generate more keys than \_maxNumberOfKeys.

Attacker generates a lot of EOA addresses, buys a key, share the minimum necessary time with each address and in each "sharing" a new key gets generated. This allows cheaply to allocate alot of "keys" with out really purchasing them and a lot of user can't get a "key" because purchase has a modifier notSoldOut, that limits the max purchasable to "keys" to maxNumberOfKeys

Proof of Concept

Provide direct links to all referenced code in GitHub. Add screenshots, logs, or any other relevant proof that illustrates the concept.

Tools Used

Manual Analysis

Recommended Mitigation Steps

  • rethink the whole shareKey thingy,

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) acknowledged and commented:

I am not sure this is a bug or even a risk. Someone could actually achieve the same thing by purchasing keys at the full price and cancelling them immediately getting an almost full refund (or even full refund when there is a free trial) and could quickly get the lock to "sell out". It is actually the case with any NFT project where there is a cap/limit to number of tokens and someone can easily "Capture" them all.

One way to limit the impact for the lock manager would be to set a cancellation penalty AND a transfer fee.

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

Nice find! While I understand what the sponsor is saying, this does seem like a valid way to deny a lock from selling membership to honest users.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) commented:

Note that a lock manager can easily increase supply to mitigate that (and even could delete existing keys/NFT to reduce the outstanding supply)

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

While the lock manager can restore the contract to some valid state, this will still impact protocol availability, even in the short-term.

Submitted by elprofesor, also found by kenzo

The unlock protocols base contract Unlock.sol uses setLocktemplate() to initialize the implementation contract for the PublicLock proxy. This function will initialize the relevant PublicLock contract which has been deployed separately. PublicLock.initialize() does not have any relevant access control and does not prevent arbitrary users from initialising. This means that a malicious user could front run the setLocktemplate() forcing the deployer of PublicLock's implementation to redeploy. The process can be repeated, which costs the malicious user less than it would the owner of the Unlock Protocol, potentially unnecessarily draining funds from the development team.

Proof of Concept

Lack of access control on initialize

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Implement valid access control on the PublicLock contract to ensure only the relevant deployer can initialize().

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) disagreed with severity

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

I agree with the warden, _publicLockAddress is deployed separately and hence initialize can be called before setLockTemplate is called.

Submitted by cmichel

The Unlock.recordKeyPurchase function is called on each key purchase (MixinPurchase.purchase) and mints UDT tokens to the referrer. The amount to mint is based on the transaction's gas price which is controlled by the caller (purchaser):

uint tokensToDistribute = (estimatedGasForPurchase * tx.gasprice) * (125 * 10 ** 18) / 100 / udtPrice;


Tokens can be minted by purchasing a key with themself as the referrer at a high transaction gas price. Depending on the UDT price on external markets, it could be profitable to buy a key at a high gas price, receive UDT and then sell them on a market for a profit.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The amount minted should be more predictable and not depend on the user's gas price input. Consider declaring an average gas price storage variable that is set by a trusted party and use this one instead.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) disagreed with severity and commented:

Depending on the UDT price on external markets, it could be profitable to buy a key at a high gas price, receive UDT and then sell them on a market for a profit.

Since we get the token price from the Uniswap oracle, the amount of tokens received is always at most equal to what they would have spent to acquire them on Uniswap.

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

As the uniswap oracle provides averaged price data, if there is any discrepancy between the spot price and the TWAP price, this can definitely be abused to extract value from the protocol. Keeping this as medium.

Submitted by cmichel, also found by 0x0x0x

The MixinTransfer.shareKey function wants to compute a fee such that time + fee * time == timeRemaining (timePlusFee):

uint fee = getTransferFee(keyOwner, _timeShared);
uint timePlusFee = _timeShared + fee;

However, if the time remaining is less than the computed fee time, the computation changes and a different formula is applied. The fee is now simply taken on the remaining time.

if(timePlusFee < timeRemaining) {
  // now we can safely set the time
  time = _timeShared;
  // deduct time from parent key, including transfer fee
  _timeMachine(_tokenId, timePlusFee, false);
} else {
  // we have to recalculate the fee here
  fee = getTransferFee(keyOwner, timeRemaining);
  // @audit want it such that time + fee * time == timeRemaining, but fee is taken on timeRemaining instead of time
  time = timeRemaining - fee;

It should compute the time without fee as time = timeRemaining / (1.0 + fee_as_decimal) instead, i.e., time = BASIS_POINTS_DEN * timeRemaining / (transferFeeBasisPoints + BASIS_POINTS_DEN).

Proof Of Concept

To demonstrate the difference with a 10% fee and a _timeShared = 10,000s which should be credited to the to account.

The correct time plus fee which is reduced from from (as in the timePlusFee < timeRemaining branch) would be 10,000 + 10% * 10,000 = 11,000.

However, if from has not enough time remaining and timePlusFee >= timeRemaining, the entire time remaining is reduced from from but the credited time is computed wrongly as: (Let's assume timeRemaining == timePlusFee): time = 11,000 - 10% * 11,000 = 11,000 - 1,100 = 9900.

They would receive 100 seconds less than what they are owed.


When transferring more time than the from account has, the credited time is scaled down wrongly and the receiver receives less time (a larger fee is applied).

Recommended Mitigation Steps

It should change the first if branch condition to timePlusFee <= timeRemaining (less than or equal). In the else branch, it should compute the time without fee as time = BASIS_POINTS_DEN * timeRemaining / (transferFeeBasisPoints + BASIS_POINTS_DEN).

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) confirmed and commented:

Great find!

Submitted by cmichel

The Unlock.recordKeyPurchase function computes the maxTokens as:

maxTokens = IMintableERC20(udt).balanceOf(address(this)) * valueInETH / (2 + 2 * valueInETH / grossNetworkProduct) / grossNetworkProduct;

Note that grossNetworkProduct was already increased by valueInETH in the code before. Meaning, the (2 + 2 * valueInETH / grossNetworkProduct) part of the computation will almost always be 2 as usually grossNetworkProduct > 2 * valueInETH, and thus the 2 * valueInETH / grossNetworkProduct is zero by integer division.


The maxTokens curve might not be computed as intended and lead to being able to receive more token rewards than intended.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The comment "we distribute tokens using asymptotic curve between 0 and 0.5" should be more clear to indicate how exactly the curve looks like. It could be that a floating-point number was desired instead of the integer division in 2 * valueInETH / grossNetworkProduct. In that case, consider adding a scaling factor to this term and divide by it at the end of the computation again.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) commented:

I am not fully sure I understand what the problem is here?

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

I think the warden is raising an issue where 2 * valueInEth / grossNetworkProduct will more than likely truncate and return 0. I think this is a valid finding.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) commented:

Hum, we did some tests and could not reproduce here.

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

I'm not sure how 2 * valueInETH / grossNetworkProduct does not always lead to some truncation. grossNetworkProduct is equal to valueInETH in the first call but always greater than valueInETH in any subsequent calls.

Submitted by kenzo

More keys can be minted than maxNumberOfKeys since shareKey and grantKey do not check if the lock is sold out.


More keys can be minted than intended.

Proof of Concept

In both shareKey and grantKey, if minting a new token, a new token is simply minted (and _totalSupply increased) without checking it against maxNumberOfKeys. This is unlike purchase, which has the notSoldOut modifier.


shareKey: Both functions call _assignNewTokenId which does not check maxNumberOfKeys. So you can say that _assignNewTokenId is actually the root of the error, and this is why I am submitting this as 1 finding and not 2 (for grantKey/shareKey).

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add a check to _assignNewTokenId that will revert if we need to record a new key and maxNumberOfKeys has been reached.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) confirmed and commented:

This is actually intentional. We want the lock manager to be able to grant keys even if the lock is sold out. Note that the lock manager could also increase the supply if they needed anyway. However, we should take that into account in the shareKey flow so I'll mark as confirmed for that flow.

Submitted by WatchPug

The current design/implementation allows users who are refunded before to get another freeTrial. This can be exploited by malicious users to get an infinite free trial.

Proof of Concept


  • keyPrice is 1 ETH;
  • freeTrialLength is 31 days.

A malicious user can:

  1. Call purchase(), pay 1 ETH and get 31 days of freeTrial on day 1;
  2. Call cancelAndRefund() on day 30 and get 1 ETH of refund; then call purchase() again, pay 1 ETH and get 31 days of freeTrial again.

Repeat the steps above and the user can get infinite freeTrial.


A malicious third party may provide a service named freeUnlock, which will call cancelAndRefund() and purchase() automatically right before the end of the freeTrial. This can cause fund loss to all the owners that provide a freeTrial.


Consider adding a mapping(address => uint256) freeTrialEnds and make sure each address can only get 1 freeTrial.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) disputed and commented:

Isn't that the case with every free trial system? If they use the same address the lock manager could easily use the hook system to keep track of who already had received a full refund and not grant it on the 2nd cancellation. The user could still use new addresses all the time, and in that case that would be valid, but that is actually the case with a lot of systems like that :) One of my roommates in college was just subscribing to newspaper and getting the full risk-free refund by using a different name every time (but used the same address)

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

While I agree with the warden, there is potential for unlimited free trials. Limiting a free trial to a single address does not resolve the issue as an attacker can generate any number of addresses from a single seed. However, I do understand this is a tricky issue to workaround.

So I'm not sure how this should be treated as it does affect how the protocol is intended to operate. Is there any reason for users to not abuse this @julien51 ? Typically with newspapers, you have to provide credit card details, so an individual is really limited by the number of cards they hold.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) commented:

As you noted, there is no way to prevent free trials from being abused which is why by default, locks do not have a free trial: they have to be manually explicitly configured. From there, since it's trivial to just create an infinite number of accounts, anyone could just claim free trials over and over from new accounts.

0xleastwood (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

As per sponsor, trials are not enabled by default. But seeing as this impacts protocol availability through abuse if enabled. I'll mark this as medium.

Submitted by itsmeSTYJ

A malicious user is able to withdraw all payments that were paid to a lock owner if the owner increases the keyPrice.

Proof of Concept

When updateKeyPricing() is called to increase the price of a key, it is possible to frontrun this call and buy many keys at the cheaper price then request for a refund at the higher price.


Keep track of the price at which keys are purchased so that when you issue a refund, you use the original keyPrice to refund instead of the updated keyPrice

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) acknowledged, but disagreed with High severity and commented:

This is only true for locks where there is no penalty. We should make it clear on the front-end that when changing the price it is recommended to set up a penalty (at least temporarily) for the price difference so that no key can be refunded for the full price.

0xleastwood (judge) commented:

Circling back on this, I'm not sure how a penalty would be correctly applied to all locks. Wouldn't users who wanted to get a refund for their key get penalised if they purchase after the change in key price? I think it would also be safer to update the key price and apply the penalty in the one transaction.

julien51 (Unlock Protocol) commented:

I think that is a good finding, but there again (like often) I think this is pretty edgy. The cancellation penalty is pretty easy to apply just to a single lock from the lock manager's perspective. Before changing the lock price, a lock manager can easily apply a penalty for the difference in price. IE if I change the price from 10 to 12, I apply a penalty for 2 and anyone who tries to abuse this will only get a refund of 12-2 = 10.

On top of that we're actually storing the amount paid for the latest key as part of our next upgrade to support automatically recurring memberships, which should make things even more robust as anyone will only get re-imbursed based on what they paid...

0xleastwood (judge) decreased severity to Medium and commented:

Considering the sponsor's comments and after some further discussion on Discord. I think it is more correct to downgrade this to medium severity. While it isn't clear, the lock manager is expected to apply a penalty before updating the cost of a membership such that users cannot game the price difference. However, this isn't enforced on-chain or documented anywhere so based on the judge's and warden's context at the time, this seemed like a valid high severity issue. It is important to note that users who refund their membership after purchasing a membership post price change will be refunded less than users who purchased their memberships before the price change. The sponsor is looking to integrate these fixes in their next upgrade.

Low Risk Findings (32)

Non-Critical Findings (54)

Gas Optimizations (48)


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C4 Contests incentivize the discovery of exploits, vulnerabilities, and bugs in smart contracts. Security researchers are rewarded at an increasing rate for finding higher-risk issues. Contest submissions are judged by a knowledgeable security researcher and solidity developer and disclosed to sponsoring developers. C4 does not conduct formal verification regarding the provided code but instead provides final verification.

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