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314 lines (278 loc) · 10.1 KB

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314 lines (278 loc) · 10.1 KB


A game programming exercise with SDL2, OpenGL, Vulkan...

Build status



  1. C++17 compiler (or newer)
  2. CMake 3.10 (or newer)
  3. vcpkg (optional)

Third Party Library

  1. FreeType 2.9.1 (or newer)
  2. SDL 2.0.12 (or newer)
  3. Vulkan SDK

How to Install Third Party Libraries with vcpkg

  • To install a library library_name with enabled feature [feature] for platform x64-windows use the command syntax:
.\vcpkg.exe install library_name[feature] --triplet x64-windows`
  • To install the required libraries:
.\vcpkg.exe install freetype sdl2[vulkan] --triplet x64-windows

How to Install Third Party Libraries on Linux - Ubuntu 19.10+

  • Mesa development libraries:
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev
  • Vulkan SDK:

  • Third party libraries with vcpkg on Linux:

    • Install command:
      ./vcpkg install freetype sdl2[vulkan]
    • Set environment variable VCPKG_ROOT:
      export VCPKG_ROOT="$HOME\Tools\vcpkg"
      Set the proper location if necessary.


  • Markdown (*.md)
    • Documentation uses the Markdown format
    • Recommended editor: Visual Studio Code's extension Markdown Preview Enhanced
  • UML (*.puml)
    • UML diagrams use PlantUML syntax
    • Recomended editor: Visual Studio Code's extension: PlantUML

Code Formatting

  • Use ClangFormat to apply the format definitions from: .clang-format.
  • Use // clang-format off and // clang-format on if necessary to prevent ClangFormat from changing the desired code formatting.

Code Style

Header Files

  • Use trailing return type syntax in header files for function and method declarations.

Header Files Include Oder

  1. Related .cpp file header
  2. Current project headers
  3. Other projects' headers
  4. Third party libraries' headers
  5. System headers
  6. C Standard Library headers
  7. C++ Standard Library headers


  • Identation is done by two space characters:
    if (NOT DEFINED .MyVariable)
      set (.MyVariable "...")
    endif ()
  • Function/Macro names start with a capital letter and use camel case names:
    function (MyFunction ...)
  • Function call syntax:
    add_subdirectory ("SDL2")
    set_target_properties (SDL2
  • Variable names start with . followed by a capital letter and use camel case names:
    set (.MyVariable ...)
  • LocalVariables start with __ followed by a capital letter and use camel case names and need to be unset when going out of scope:
    set (__MyLocalVariable ...)
    unset (_MyLocalVariable)
  • Variables represinting a string are allways quoted:
    set (.MyVariable "...")
    if ("${.MyVariable}" STREQUAL "...")
  • Use if (DEFINED <variable>) to check if a variable is set:
    if (DEFINED .MyVariable)
    endif ()
  • Use if (<variable>) to check if a variable has a non-empty value:
    if (.MyVariable)
    endif ()

Configuring IDEs

Visual Studio Code / C/C++ for Visual Studio Code

  1. Required Visual Studio Code extensions:

    • C/C++ for Visual Studio Code
    • CMake Tools
    • CMake For VisualStudio Code
  2. Configuring Visual Studio Code and the extensions:

    • Select File->Preferences->Settings then search for the appropriate options, e.g. "cmake", etc.
  3. CMake Tools settings:

    • Recommended User/Workspace settings:
        // The value to use in a configuration if "configurationProvider" is 
        // either not specified or set to "${default}".
        "C_Cpp.default.configurationProvider": "vector-of-bool.cmake-tools",
        // The directory where CMake build files will go
        "cmake.buildDirectory": "${workspaceRoot}/../__build-output-${workspaceRootFolderName}/${generator}-${buildType}",
        // CMake variables to set on the command line
        "cmake.configureSettings": {
            "option_ENGINE_LIBRARY_AS_SHARED:BOOL": "YES"
        // The CMake generator to use
        "cmake.generator": "Ninja",
        // The directory where CMake installed files will go
        "cmake.installPrefix": "${workspaceRoot}/../__install-output-${workspaceRootFolderName}/${generator}-${buildType}",
        // The directory of the root CMakeLists.txt file
        "cmake.sourceDirectory": "${workspaceRoot}/${workspaceRootFolderName}",
        // Zoom the font of the editor when using mouse wheel and holding 
        // `Ctrl`.
        "editor.mouseWheelZoom": true,
        // Render vertical rulers after a certain number of monospace 
        // characters. Use multiple values for multiple rulers. No rulers are 
        // drawn if array is empty.
        "editor.rulers": [
        // Control the visibility of the menu bar. A setting of 'toggle' means 
        // that the menu bar is hidden and a single press of the Alt key will 
        // show it. By default, the menu bar will be visible, unless the window
        // is full screen.
        //  - default: Menu is only hidden in full screen mode.
        //  - visible: Menu is always visible even in full screen mode.
        //  - toggle: Menu is hidden but can be displayed via Alt key.
        "window.menuBarVisibility": "toggle"
    • To execute CMake commands open the Command panel (CTRL + SHIFT + P) and search or the required command, e.g. "cmake", "cpp" or press F1.
        "C_Cpp.default.configurationProvider": "vector-of-bool.cmake-tools",
        "cmake.buildDirectory": "${workspaceRoot}/../__build-output-${workspaceRootFolderName}/${generator}-${buildType}",
        "cmake.configureSettings": {
            "option_ENGINE_LIBRARY_AS_SHARED:BOOL": "YES"
        "cmake.generator": "Ninja",
        "cmake.installPrefix": "${workspaceRoot}/../__install-output-${workspaceRootFolderName}/${generator}-${buildType}",
        "cmake.sourceDirectory": "${workspaceRoot}/${workspaceRootFolderName}",
        "editor.mouseWheelZoom": true,
        "editor.rulers": [
        "window.menuBarVisibility": "toggle"

Passing Command Line Arguments

Visual Studio 2017

To pass command line arguments to the executing program in a CMake/Open Folder based project:

  1. In Solution Explorer right-click the top CMakeLists.txt and select Debug and Launch Settings->GunBox_Game.exe (Install) which will open launch.vs.json
  2. In launch.vs.json add "args": [ "--show-system-console", "--resolution: 640x480" ] to "configurations":
  3. Available command line options:
    • --fullscreen
    • --help
    • --renderer: <OpenGL|Vulkan>[Debug]
    • --resolution: <width>x<height>
    • --show-system-console


  "version": "0.2.1",
  "defaults": {},
  "configurations": [
      "type": "default",
      "name": "GunBox_Game.exe (Install)",
      "project": "CMakeLists.txt",
      "projectTarget": "GunBox_Game.exe (Install)",
      "args": [
        //"--renderer: OpenGL",
        //"--renderer: Vulkan",
        "--renderer: Vulkan[Debug]",
        "--resolution: 640x480",

Note: In case Visual Studio 2019 is used to open the project root folder and the root "CMakeLists.txt" is located in "GunBox/GunBox/CMakeLists.txt" it maybe necessary to change the project path as follows:

      "project": "GunBox/CMakeLists.txt",

Configuring Debug

Visual Studio Code

"program" points to the executable file, which could be set as:

  • "program": "${command:cmake.launchTargetPath}"
  • "program": "${workspaceRoot}/../__install-output-GunBox/Ninja-Debug/GunBox_Game"

Example (launch.json):

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "(gdb) Launch",
            "type": "cppdbg",
            "request": "launch",
            // Resolved by CMake Tools:
            "program": "${command:cmake.launchTargetPath}",
            "args": [
                //"--renderer:", "OpenGL",
                //"--renderer:", "OpenGL[Debug]",
                //"--renderer:", "Vulkan",
                "--renderer:", "Vulkan[Debug]",
                "--resolution:", "640x480",
            "stopAtEntry": false,
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "environment": [],
            "externalConsole": false,
            "MIMode": "gdb",
            "setupCommands": [
                    "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
                    "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
                    "ignoreFailures": true

Note: "args": [] need to be passed as separate array elements.

Example (settings.json):

    "cmake.buildDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}/../__build-output-${workspaceRootFolderName}",
    "cmake.installPrefix": "${workspaceFolder}/../__install-output-${workspaceRootFolderName}",
    "cmake.sourceDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}/GunBox",
    "cmake.configureArgs": [

Building on the Command Line

On Linux:

mkdir output-build
mkdir output-install
cd output-build
cmake -G"Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D"option_EngineLibraryAs_SHARED:BOOL=YES" -D"option_EnableLoggingLevel_Verbose:BOOL=YES" -D"CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=$(dirname `pwd`)/output-install" ../GunBox/GunBox
cmake --build .
cmake --install .