Please, add any modification/suggestion you wish.
We should exlude TCDB classes having only 1 annotation, thus resulting in about 2436 classes (according to tcdb.1). The gzipped text file tcdb1.annotations.levels1234.MoreThan1.txt.gz in the directory Experiments/Data is a matrix with 12546 proteins (rows) and 2436 TC classes (columns): only classes with more than 1 annotation are included. In this way, in principle, using leave-one-out we could try to predict all the classes.
At first we could use BLAST data just prepared by Su to understand whether we can predict something.
As a second step we could try to add Interpro features.
Metrics: AUC per class and precision at different level of recall (e.g. at recall levels varying from 0.1 to 1 at 0.1 steps). Evaluation: leave-one-out (loo). Results averaged across classes, across levels, and per class.
Preliminary flat methods that could be considered:
- BLAST (best hit?) as (strong) baseline
- Nearest Neighbour
- Semi-supervised flat learning methods: GBA and RANKS (Giorgio)
- linear SVM and/or logistic regression or some other linear method.
Su, could you perform task i, ii and iv? (of course if you agree on this set-up :-)
Definition of other non-InterPro features useful for the prediction of transport proteins (e.g. TMS data)
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