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Scripts to analyse the results

ECCB2018.Rmd: Reproduce figures and tables from the paper

R-Markdown that produces all the Tables and Figures presented in the paper. (Re-)compilation of the HTML report containing the paper results:

R -e "rmarkdown::render('ECCB2018.Rmd',output_file='../ECCB2018.html')"

helper.R: Load results in to R

Set of functions that allows to load the results of the experiments into R data.tables.

Example: Load results

Load the results of the experiment evaluating the pairwise prediction ("accuracy") performance using RankSVM ("ranksvm_slacktype=on_pairs") when trained on a single system and applied to a single target system:

sdir_results <- "results/raw/PredRet/v2/final/" # example when dataset PredRet/v2 is used

res <- load_baseline_single_results (
    measure = c("accuracy", "accuracy_std"), 
    base_dir = paste0 (sdir_results, "ranksvm_slacktype=on_pairs/"),
    predictor = "maccs",
    kernel = "tanimoto",  
    pair_params = list (allow_overlap = "True", d_lower = 0, d_upper = 16, ireverse = "False", type = "order_graph"), 
    feature_type = "difference", 
    flavor = list (allpairsfortest = "True", featurescaler = "noscaling", sysset = 10))


  • measure: Which evaluation measure to load, e.g., accuracy, correlation, ... (see also:
  • base_dir: Directory of the processed input data of a certain dataset, e.g. PredRet/v2
  • predictor: Which feature was used to represent the molecules, e.g., MACCS fingerprints.
  • kernel: Which kernel was used on top of the molecular features, e.g., Tanimoto kernel.
  • pair_params: Paramters for the training pair generation from the retention times for the RankSVM (see for example function get_pairs_from_order_graph for details)
    • In the paper all the results are calculated using the paramters shown in the example
    • For SVR this paramter can be set to NULL
  • feature_type: Feature type used in the RankSVM.
    • Only "difference" is supported and used in the paper.
    • For SVR this paramter can be set to NULL
  • flavor: List of parameters used to identify the some settings during the evaluation:

The different experiments evaluated in the paper require different load_* functions. Those are provided in the helper.R script. Further examples how to load the results can be found in the report / summary R-markdown script.

Example: Access results

> res[d_lower == 0 & d_upper == Inf]

    accuracy accuracy_std           target           source d_lower d_upper
 1:   0.8439       0.0053 Eawag_XBridgeC18 Eawag_XBridgeC18       0     Inf
 2:   0.9048       0.0075         FEM_long         FEM_long       0     Inf
 3:   0.8623       0.0173         LIFE_old         LIFE_old       0     Inf
 4:   0.8484       0.0083            RIKEN            RIKEN       0     Inf
 5:   0.8019       0.0086   UFZ_Phenomenex   UFZ_Phenomenex       0     Inf
  • source refers in the result files to the system(s) used for training.
  • d_lower and d_upper refers here to the paramters used to calculate the test pairs for evaluation.
    • 0 and Inf means, that all possible pairs are used for testing (as the paper defines the Pairwise accuracy in Section 3.1.2)
    • The result files also contain other d_lower and d_upper pairs.
    • Those can be used to, e.g., evaluate the pairwise prediction accuracy for nearby eluting molecules, i.e. with small retention time difference: d_lower = 0 and d_upper = 4.
    • Please look at the source code generating the pairwise accuracies.