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Releases: abelljs/abell

v1.0.0-alpha.47 - Use JSX, TS, and everything that esbuild supports in Abell Blocks 🚀

11 Mar 17:31
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Allow esbuild configs to be passed

Now you can do strange things like -

  import React from 'react';
  import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';

  <div id="app">
    {{ ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<div className="jsx-div">{'I am JSX'}</div>) }}

By passing this in your vite.config.ts

import { defineConfig } from "abell";

export default defineConfig({
  abell: {
    // this esbuild runs on abell codeblocks and supports all the esbuild configs here
    esbuild: {
      loader: 'jsx',

This means, now you can write JSX, TSX, TypeScript, and whole lot of things that esbuild supports 🎉

Make working directory as default root

Breaking Change wrt earlier alpha versions

In earlier versions, we had to create src/index.abell file as entry file. However now the entry file is ./index.abell

This takes us closer to the vanilla html, css, js setup. Directory structures can now look like-

- index.abell
- about.abell
- nested-path
    - index.abell

which will generate following pages-
/, /about, /nested-path

The initial setup now gets even easier since we can just

  • create index.abell file
  • Run npx abell@next dev

and we get the server working 🥳

v1.0.0-alpha.37 - Custom Routes using `makeRoutes` API

02 Mar 18:26
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One of the common usecase in a Static-Site-Generator is to use content from sources like Hashnode,, Medium or anywhere else.

In most static-site-generators, you need a source plugin to achieve this. So every source requires a different source plugin. Every plugin comes with their own implementation and API and documentation. This can become complicated and the static-site-generators have to wait for the plugin ecosystem to develop in order to be usable.

This is how it was in Abell v0 too where we had to build source plugins for different sources.

Abell v1 comes with a philosophy that things should be intuitive and there should not be magic abstractions. Having source-plugins break this idea.

Introducing an alternate way to provide a source with makeRoutes API in 🎉

Here's an example of fetching the first article from and rendering it on /blog/hello-blog path-

// src/
import fetch from 'isomorphic-unfetch';
import { Route } from 'abell';
import index from './index.abell';
import blog from './blog.abell';

const fetchFirstArticle = async () => {
  const articles = await fetch(``).then(res => res.json());
  const blog: Record<string, any> = await fetch(`${articles[0].id}`).then(res => res.json());
  const { body_html } = blog;
  return body_html;

export const makeRoutes = async (): Promise<Route[]> => {
  const articleContent = await fetchFirstArticle();

  return [
      path: '/',
      render: () => index()
      path: '/blog/hello-blog',
      render: () => blog({blogContent: articleContent})
<!-- blog.abell -->
  <nav>blog navbar</nav>
  {{ props.blogContent }}
  <footer>blog footer</footer>

This API not only allows you to fetch articles from sources but you can do all sort of things. What you render on a page is completely in your control. Whatever HTML string you pass to render function, becomes the HTML on the page.

Do note that this is an optional API and you can completely skip and your routes will be based on filepaths.

This removes the need of all sort of abell-specific source plugins! If you feel like you have to write a lot of code, you can always wrap the source APIs in some non-abell-specific NPM package and use it from package.

Breaking change

  • The export function render from earlier releases is dropped in favor of makeRoutes

v1.0.0-alpha.20 - No-config setup

17 Feb 16:55
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Abell projects can now be setup without any configurations., vite.config.js are all optional now.

To setup Abell from scratch

  • create src/index.abell
  • That's it 🎉 Run npx abell dev to run dev server and npx abell generate to build static-site.

To make things more configurable, you can create vite.config.js/ts in root and inside src.

mkdir src && echo '{{ 2 + 1 }}' >> src/
index.abell && npx abell@next dev

abell v1.0.0-alpha.10: First v1 Prototype, Vite-based SSG

06 Feb 17:16
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Abell v1.0.0 First Prototype

You can try out the following changes on abell@next

Working Prototype

Currently, it only supports TypeScript and won't work with JavaScript projects. Will add JS support in follow-up releases 🙈

Vite-based SSG

  • Abell's rendering logic is now a Vite Plugin. You can use it as-
// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { vitePluginAbell } from 'abell';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [vitePluginAbell()]
  • The dev-server, and bundling will now be handled by vite
  • Having Vite enables you to now use import syntax inside Abell blocks
  import rawText from './something.txt?raw'; // One of the vite features to load raw data from files
  import navbar from './navbar.abell'; // This works because of abell's vite plugin
  {{ navbar }}

  hello {{ rawText }}
  • You can use any vite plugins and loaders with abell now. This will mean plugins like vite-plugin-markdown can be used now instead of having any abell-specific solutions.
  • Since most of the dev-server and bundling part is now handled by vite, a lot of code from abell is removed. I have moved code from abell-renderer to abell and abell-renderer will be deprecated with the v1.
  • The assignments, reassignments, and imports will have to happen in the first block now.

Changes in CLI

  • abell build is now abell generate (abell build will continue to work as an alias but generate will be documented)
  • abell serve is now abell dev (In a lot of projects, serve is used for script that serves the build. dev is used in dev-servers so made sense to move to abell dev. abell serve will continue to work as alias but won't be documented)

Note: inside this repository, the changes are on branch one

bieeeeeee 🌻

1.0.0-alpha.7 - RIP abell components

22 Jan 09:40
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Note: These changes are only done in abell-renderer and not in abell. However these will reflect in new major abell version (v1) whenever it releases.

npm install [email protected]

Breaking Changes

  • Drops support for abell-component from renderer.
  • Added support to read any type of file with require.

Instead of new syntax, you can now require any abell file and render it on the go with abell-renderer itself.

This also allows you to require HTML file and render it directly or require markdown file and render it with your own favorite markdown-to-html convertor.

  const { render } = require('abell-renderer');
  const MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it');
  const md = new MarkdownIt();

  const navbar = require('./navbar.abell');
  const footer = require('./footer.html');
  const aboutMarkdown = require('./');
  {{ render(navbar) }}
    {{ md.render(aboutMarkdown) }}
  {{ footer }}
  • allowRequire option is now dangerouslyAllowRequire
    If you're using abell-renderer on server, you have to be cautious while using allowRequire. You have to make sure you're not passing any value from user input. This change was done to warn people while using this option.

abell-renderer v1.0.0-alpha.3: TypeScript, Monorepo Migration

26 Jul 18:26
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First iteration of abell-renderer v1 🥳

npm install abell-renderer@next

Breaking Changes

  • Component Tree structure changed (Will not work with current version of abell)
  • Faster Builds ⚡️
  • {{}} now prints empty string (earlier it used to print brackets)
  • Cannot use props in styles and scripts now (It was bug that it was possible earlier 😅, if a component runs multiple times with different props, the style and script will be altered. Outputing all those versions of styles and scripts is not possible/ideal)

0.10.3 - export serve function

15 Mar 16:34
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Exports serve function from main.

Now you can do-

const { serve } = require('abell');

  port: 5000

and this will run the abell's dev server!

0.10.2 - avoid link injection when css/js link has extra dot slash before URL

14 Mar 15:06
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Fixes #119

Link injection now handles cases like ./bundled-js/main.abell.js, /bundled-js/main.abell.js, bundled-js/main.abell.js

0.10.1 - migrate to parsing scopedSelector on build instead of client-side injection

14 Mar 14:36
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0.10.0 - Ignore adding link and script import to html if already exist

11 Feb 15:09
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Avoid adding style or script to parent page if the link already exists.

If user already has the css/js mentioned in index page-

<link rel="preload" href="./bundled-css/main.abell.css" />

Abell won't automatically add link to page. This allows user to preload styles or have deferred and async scripts