This directory includes projects demonstrating how to use the Scala producer and consumer with Confluent Cloud.
For more information, please see the application development documentation
Before running the examples, you should setup the Confluent Cloud CLI by running the quickstart.
Now we can turn our attention to the client examples in this directory.
First run the example consumer
$ cd examples/clients/cloud/scala # Build the client examples $ sbt clean compile # Run the consumer $ sbt "runMain io.confluent.examples.clients.scala.Consumer $HOME/.ccloud/config testtopic"
You should see
<snipped> Polling .... <snipped>
Next, in a new window, run the Streams app:
$ cd examples/clients/cloud/scala # Build the client examples $ sbt clean compile # Run the consumer $ sbt "runMain io.confluent.examples.clients.scala.Streams $HOME/.ccloud/config testtopic"
Then, in a new window run the Kafka producer application to write records to the Kafka cluster, you should see these appear in the consumer window.
$ sbt "runMain io.confluent.examples.clients.scala.Producer $HOME/.ccloud/config testtopic"
You should see
<snipped> Produced record at testtopic-0@120 Produced record at testtopic-0@121 Produced record at testtopic-0@122 Produced record at testtopic-0@123 Produced record at testtopic-0@124 Produced record at testtopic-0@125 Produced record at testtopic-0@126 Produced record at testtopic-0@127 Produced record at testtopic-0@128 Produced record at testtopic-0@129 Wrote ten records to testtopic [success] Total time: 6 s, completed 10-Dec-2018 16:50:13
In the consumer window you should see:
<snipped> Polling Consumed record with key alice and value {"count":1}, and updated total count to 1 Consumed record with key alice and value {"count":2}, and updated total count to 3 Consumed record with key alice and value {"count":3}, and updated total count to 6 Consumed record with key alice and value {"count":4}, and updated total count to 10 Consumed record with key alice and value {"count":5}, and updated total count to 15 Consumed record with key alice and value {"count":6}, and updated total count to 21 Consumed record with key alice and value {"count":7}, and updated total count to 28 Consumed record with key alice and value {"count":8}, and updated total count to 36 Consumed record with key alice and value {"count":9}, and updated total count to 45 Consumed record with key alice and value {"count":10}, and updated total count to 55 Polling
In the Streams window you should see:
[Consumed record]: alice, 1
[Consumed record]: alice, 2
[Consumed record]: alice, 3
[Consumed record]: alice, 4
[Consumed record]: alice, 5
[Consumed record]: alice, 6
[Consumed record]: alice, 7
[Consumed record]: alice, 8
[Consumed record]: alice, 9
[Consumed record]: alice, 10
[Running count]: alice, 1
[Running count]: alice, 3
[Running count]: alice, 6
[Running count]: alice, 10
[Running count]: alice, 15
[Running count]: alice, 21
[Running count]: alice, 28
[Running count]: alice, 36
[Running count]: alice, 45
[Running count]: alice, 55
Hit Ctrl+C in both windows to stop the Consumer and Streams