diff --git a/textile/chat-features.textile b/textile/chat-features.textile index 6f5f14cc..a784eab6 100644 --- a/textile/chat-features.textile +++ b/textile/chat-features.textile @@ -188,31 +188,40 @@ Messages are the quintessential component of a chat room - the purpose of chat i Broadly speaking, messages are published via REST calls to the Chat HTTP API and message events are received in Realtime over a corresponding realtime channel. +@Serial@ is used to provide a global ordering for messages. A @Serial@ is a unique lexicographically sortable string. + +* @(CHA-S1)@ @[Testable]@ In the context of lexicographical sorting, the following applies: +** @(CHA-S1a)@ @[Testable]@ A @Serial@ is considered before another @Serial@ in the global order if it comes first in a lexicographical sort. +** @(CHA-S1b)@ @[Testable]@ A @Serial@ is considered after another @Serial@ in the global order if it comes second in a lexicographical sort. +** @(CHA-S1c)@ @[Testable]@ A @Serial@ is considered to be equal to another @Serial@ if both @Serial@ strings are identical. + @Messages@ shall be exposed to consumers via the @messages@ property of a @Room@. * @(CHA-M1)@ Chat messages for a Room are sent on a corresponding realtime channel @::$chat::$chatMessages@. For example, if your room id is @my-room@ then the messages channel will be @my-room::$chat::$chatMessages@. * @(CHA-M2)@ A @Message@ corresponds to a single message in a chat room. This is analogous to a single user-specified message on an Ably channel (NOTE: **not** a @ProtocolMessage@).
-** @(CHA-M2a)@ @[Testable]@ @[Deprecated]@ A @Message@ is considered before another @Message@ in the global order if the @timeserial@ of the corresponding realtime channel message comes first. -** @(CHA-M2b)@ @[Testable]@ @[Deprecated]@ A @Message@ is considered after another @Message@ in the global order if the @timeserial@ of the corresponding realtime channel message comes second. -** @(CHA-M2c)@ @[Testable]@ @[Deprecated]@ A @Message@ is considered to be equal to another @Message@ if they have the same timeserial. +** @(CHA-M2a)@ @[Testable]@ @(deprecated)@ A @Message@ is considered before another @Message@ in the global order if the @timeserial@ of the corresponding realtime channel message comes first. +** @(CHA-M2b)@ @[Testable]@ @(deprecated)@ A @Message@ is considered after another @Message@ in the global order if the @timeserial@ of the corresponding realtime channel message comes second. +** @(CHA-M2c)@ @[Testable]@ @(deprecated)@ A @Message@ is considered to be equal to another @Message@ if they have the same timeserial.
-** @(CHA-M2d)@ @[Testable]@ A @Message@ is considered before another @Message@ in the global order if the @serial@ of the corresponding realtime channel message comes first. -** @(CHA-M2e)@ @[Testable]@ A @Message@ is considered after another @Message@ in the global order if the @serial@ of the corresponding realtime channel message comes second. -** @(CHA-M2f)@ @[Testable]@ A @Message@ is considered to be equal to another @Message@ if they have the same serial. -* @(CHA-M10)@ A @Message@ can be modified by applying a new @action@ to it, such as an update or delete. Doing so would result in a new @Message@ with a different @latestActionSerial@, but the same @serial@ as the original message. -** @(CHA-M10a)@ @[Testable]@ An @action@ is considered before another @action@ in the global order if the @latestActionSerial@ of the corresponding realtime channel message comes first. -** @(CHA-M10b)@ @[Testable]@ An @action@ is considered after another @action@ in the global order if the @latestActionSerial@ of the corresponding realtime channel message comes second. -** @(CHA-M10c)@ @[Testable]@ An @action@ is considered to be equal to another @action@ if they have the same @latestActionSerial@. -* @(CHA-M3)@ Messages are sent to Ably via the Chat REST API, using the @send@ method. -** @(CHA-M3a)@ @[Testable]@ When a message is sent successfully, the caller shall receive a struct representing the "@Message@":#chat-structs-message in response (as if it were received via Realtime event). +** @(CHA-M2d)@ @[Testable]@ A @Message@ contains a unique, immutable @serial@, which is a lexicographically sortable string. +** @(CHA-M2e)@ @[Testable]@ In global ordering, a @Message@ is considered to occur before another @Message@ if the @serial@ of the first @Message@ is before the latter when lexicographically sorted. +** @(CHA-M2f)@ @[Testable]@ In global ordering, a @Message@ is considered after another @Message@ if the @serial@ of the first @Message@ is after the latter when lexicographically sorted. +** @(CHA-M2g)@ @[Testable]@ Two @Messages@ are considered to be the same if they have the same @serial@, that is to say, both @Serial@ strings are identical. +* @(CHA-M10)@ A @Message@ can be modified by applying a new @action@ to it, such as an update or delete. Applying an @action@ generates a new @Message@ instance with an updated @latestActionSerial@, while the original Message’s @serial@ remains unchanged. +** @(CHA-M10a)@ @[Testable]@ The @latestActionSerial@ of a @Message@ is a lexicographically sortable, unique identifier for each action applied to the @Message@. Unlike @serial@, @latestActionSerial@ is mutable and is updated each time an @action@ is applied. +** @(CHA-M10a)@ @[Testable]@ In global ordering, an @action@ is considered to occur before another @action@ if the @latestActionSerial@ of the first @action@ is lexicographically smaller than that of the latter. +** @(CHA-M10b)@ @[Testable]@ In global ordering, an @action@ is considered to occur after another @action@ if the @latestActionSerial@ of the first @action@ is lexicographically greater than that of the latter. +** @(CHA-M10c)@ @[Testable]@ Two @actions@ are considered to be the same if they have the same @latestActionSerial@, that is to say, both @latestActionSerial@ strings are identical. +* @(CHA-M3)@ A client must be able to send a message to a room via the Chat REST API. +** @(CHA-M3a)@ @[Testable]@ When a message is sent successfully, the caller shall receive a struct representing the "@Message@":#chat-structs-message in response, as if it were received via Realtime event. ** @(CHA-M3b)@ @[Testable]@ A message may be sent without @metadata@ or @headers@. When these are not specified by the user, they must be omitted from the REST payload. ** @(CHA-M3c)@ This clause has been deleted. ** @(CHA-M3d)@ This clause has been deleted. ** @(CHA-M3e)@ @[Testable]@ If an error is returned from the REST API, its @ErrorInfo@ representation shall be thrown as the result of the @send@ call. * @(CHA-M8)@ Message updates are sent to Ably via the Chat REST API, using the @update@ method. -** @(CHA-M8a)@ @[Testable]@ When a message is updated successfully, the caller shall receive a struct representing the "@Message@":#chat-structs-message-v2 in response (as if it were received via Realtime event). -** @(CHA-M8b)@ @[Testable]@ An update is treated as a whole single change (PUT). If a field is not specified in the update, it is assumed to be removed. +** @(CHA-M8a)@ @[Testable]@ When a message is updated successfully, the caller shall receive a struct representing the "@Message@":#chat-structs-message-v2 in response, as if it were received via Realtime event. +** @(CHA-M8b)@ @[Testable]@ An update operation has PUT semantics. If a field is not specified in the update, it is assumed to be removed. ** @(CHA-M8c)@ @[Testable]@ If an error is returned from the REST API, its @ErrorInfo@ representation shall be thrown as the result of the @update@ call. * @(CHA-M9)@ Messages deletions are sent to Ably via the Chat REST API, using the @delete@ method. ** @(CHA-M9a)@ @[Testable]@ When a message is deleted successfully, the caller shall receive a struct representing the "@Message@":#chat-structs-message-v2 in response (as if it were received via Realtime event). @@ -220,14 +229,16 @@ Broadly speaking, messages are published via REST calls to the Chat HTTP API and * @(CHA-M4)@ Messages can be received via a subscription in realtime. ** @(CHA-M4a)@ @[Testable]@ A subscription can be registered to receive incoming messages. Adding a subscription has no side effects on the status of the room or the underlying realtime channel. ** @(CHA-M4b)@ @[Testable]@ A subscription can de-registered from incoming messages. Removing a subscription has no side effects on the status of the room or the underlying realtime channel. -** @(CHA-M4c)@ @[Testable]@ @[Deprecated]@ When a realtime message with @name@ set to @message.created@ is received, it is translated into a message event, which contains a @type@ field with the event type as well as a @message@ field containing the "@Message Struct@":#chat-structs-message. This event is then broadcast to all subscribers. -** @(CHA-M4l)@ @[Testable]@ When a realtime message with @name@ set to @chat.message@ is received, it is translated into a message event based on its @action@. This message event contains a @type@ field with the event type as well as a @message@ field containing the "@Message Struct@":#chat-structs-message. This event is then broadcast to all subscribers. +
+** @(CHA-M4c)@ @[Testable]@ @(deprecated)@ When a realtime message with @name@ set to @message.created@ is received, it is translated into a message event, which contains a @type@ field with the event type as well as a @message@ field containing the "@Message Struct@":#chat-structs-message. This event is then broadcast to all subscribers. +
+** @(CHA-M4l)@ @[Testable]@ When a realtime message with the @name@ field set to @chat.message@ is received, it is translated into a message event based on its @action@. This message event contains a @type@ field with the event type as well as a @message@ field containing the "@Message Struct@":#chat-structs-message-v2. This event is then broadcast to all subscribers. +** @(CHA-M4d)@ @[Testable]@ If a realtime message with an unknown @name@ is received, the SDK shall silently discard the message, though it may log at @DEBUG@ or @TRACE@ level. ** @(CHA-M4m)@ @[Testable]@ The @action@ field of the realtime message determines the type of chat message event that is emitted, based on the following rules. *** @(CHA-M4m1)@ @[Testable]@ If @action@ is set to @MESSAGE_CREATE@, then an event with @type@ set to @message.created@ will be emitted. *** @(CHA-M4m2)@ @[Testable]@ If @action@ is set to @MESSAGE_UPDATE@, then an event with @type@ set to @message.updated@ will be emitted. *** @(CHA-M4m3)@ @[Testable]@ If @action@ is set to @MESSAGE_DELETE@, then an event with @type@ set to @message.deleted@ will be emitted. *** @(CHA-M4m4)@ @[Testable]@ If a realtime message with an unknown @action@ is received, the SDK shall silently discard the message, though it may log at @DEBUG@ or @TRACE@ level. -** @(CHA-M4d)@ @[Testable]@ If a realtime message with an unknown @name@ is received, the SDK shall silently discard the message, though it may log at @DEBUG@ or @TRACE@ level. ** @(CHA-M5k)@ @[Testable]@ Incoming realtime events that are malformed (unknown field should be ignored) shall not be emitted to subscribers. * @(CHA-M5)@ For a given subscription, messages prior to the point of subscription can be retrieved in a history-like request. Note that this is the point in the message flow @(subscription point)@ at which the subscription was made, NOT the channel attachment point. ** @(CHA-M5a)@ @[Testable]@ If a subscription is added when the underlying realtime channel is @ATTACHED@, then the @subscription point@ is the current @channelSerial@ of the realtime channel. @@ -387,7 +398,7 @@ h3(#rest-general). General h3(#rest-sending-messages). Sending Messages -h4(#rest-sending-messages-request-v1). Request V1 @[Deprecated]@ +h4(#rest-sending-messages-request-v1). Request V1 @(deprecated)@ Below is the full REST payload format for the V1 endpoint. The @metadata@ and @headers@ keys are optional. @@ -406,7 +417,7 @@ Below is the full REST payload format for the V1 endpoint. The @metadata@ and @h } -h4(#rest-sending-messages-request-v1). Response V1 @[Deprecated]@ +h4(#rest-sending-messages-request-v1). Response V1 @(deprecated)@ A successful request shall result in status code @201 Created@. @@ -419,7 +430,7 @@ The response body is as follows. } -h4(#rest-sending-messages-request-v1). Corresponding Realtime Event V1 @[Deprecated]@ +h4(#rest-sending-messages-request-v1). Corresponding Realtime Event V1 @(deprecated)@
@@ -470,7 +481,7 @@ The response body is as follows.
-    "serial": "cbfqxperABgItU52203559@1726232498871-0:0",
+    "serial": "01726585978590-001@abcdefghij:001",
     "createdAt": 1726232498871
@@ -495,7 +506,7 @@ h4(#rest-sending-messages-request-v2). Corresponding Realtime Event V2 "baz": "qux" }, }, - "serial": "cbfqxperABgItU52203559@1726232498871-0:0" + "serial": "01726585978590-001@abcdefghij:001" "action": "message.create" "updatedAt": undefined "updateSerial": undefined @@ -538,7 +549,7 @@ The response body is as follows.
-    "serial": "cbfqxperABgItU52203559@1826232498871-0:0",
+    "serial": "01826232498871-001@abcdefghij:001",
     "updatedAt": 1726232498871
@@ -565,10 +576,10 @@ h4(#rest-updating-messages-request). Corresponding Realtime Event "baz": "qux" }, } - "serial": "cbfqxperABgItU52203559@1726232498871-0:0", + "serial": "01726585978590-001@abcdefghij:001", "action": "message.update" "updatedAt": 1826232498871 - "updateSerial": "cbfqxperABgItU52203559@1826232498871-0:0" + "updateSerial": "01826232498871-001@abcdefghij:001" "operation": { "clientId": "who-performed-the-action", "description": "why-the-action-was-performed" @@ -603,7 +614,7 @@ The response body is as follows.
-    "serial": "cbfqxperABgItU52203559@1826232498871-0:0",
+    "serial": "01826232498871-001@abcdefghij:001",
     "deletedAt": 1826232498871
@@ -630,10 +641,10 @@ h4(#rest-deleting-messages-request). Corresponding Realtime Event "baz": "qux" }, } - "serial": "cbfqxperABgItU52203559@1726232498871-0:0", + "serial": "01726585978590-001@abcdefghij:001", "action": "message.deleted" "updatedAt": 1826232498871 - "updateSerial": "cbfqxperABgItU52203559@1826232498871-0:0" + "updateSerial": "01826232498871-001@abcdefghij:001", "operation": { "clientId": "who-performed-the-action", "description": "why-the-action-was-performed" @@ -646,7 +657,7 @@ h4(#rest-deleting-messages-request). Corresponding Realtime Event h3(#rest-fetching-messages). Fetching Message History -h4(#rest-fetching-messages-request-v1). Request V1 @[Deprecated]@ +h4(#rest-fetching-messages-request-v1). Request V1 @(deprecated)@
   GET /chat/v1/rooms//messages
@@ -654,7 +665,7 @@ h4(#rest-fetching-messages-request-v1). Request V1 @[Deprecated]@
 The method accepts query parameters identical to the standard Ably REST API.
-h4(#rest-fetching-messages-response). Response V1 @[Deprecated]@
+h4(#rest-fetching-messages-response). Response V1 @(deprecated)@
 An array of "@Message@ structs":#chat-structs-message
@@ -735,7 +746,7 @@ The RoomOptions struct describes configuration options for a Chat room. A proper
 h3(#chat-structs-message). Messages
-h4(#chat-structs-message-v1). Messages V1 @[Deprecated]@
+h4(#chat-structs-message-v1). Messages V1 @(deprecated)@
     "timeserial": "cbfqxperABgItU52203559@1726232498871-0",
@@ -754,13 +765,13 @@ h4(#chat-structs-message-v1). Messages V1 @[Deprecated]@
-@[Deprecated]@ Determining the global order of messages may be achieved by comparing the timeserials. See @CHA-M2@ for more information. +@(deprecated)@ Determining the global order of messages may be achieved by comparing the timeserials. See @CHA-M2@ for more information. h4(#chat-structs-message-v2). Messages V2
-    "serial": "cbfqxperABgItU52203559@1726232498871-0",
+    "serial": "01726585978590-001@abcdefghij:001",
     "roomId": "my-room",
     "clientId": "who-sent-the-message",
     "text": "my-message",
@@ -774,7 +785,7 @@ h4(#chat-structs-message-v2). Messages V2
       "baz": "qux"
     "latestAction": "message.created",
-    "latestActionSerial": "cbfqxperABgItU52203559@1726232498871-0",
+    "latestActionSerial": "01726585978590-001@abcdefghij:001",
     "deletedAt": DateTime() | undefined,
     "updatedAt": DateTime() | undefined,
     "latestActionDetails": {
@@ -789,9 +800,9 @@ h4(#chat-structs-message-v2). Messages V2
-Determining the global order of messages may be achieved by comparing the serials. See @CHA-M2@ for more information. +Determining the global order of messages may be achieved by lexicographically comparing the serials. See @CHA-M2@ for more information. -Determining the global order of message actions may be achieved by comparing the @latestActionSerial@. See @CHA-M10@ for more information. +Determining the global order of message actions may be achieved by lexicographically comparing the @latestActionSerial@. See @CHA-M10@ for more information. h3(#chat-structs-ephemeral-reactions). Ephemeral Room Reactions