From d5f8be26813d3e8227a10b79f99e42390d03e210 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LinkIsGrim <>
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2024 19:49:58 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] better compat handling
addons/common/functions/fnc_checkFiles.sqf | 64 +++++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
diff --git a/addons/common/functions/fnc_checkFiles.sqf b/addons/common/functions/fnc_checkFiles.sqf
index d53a382405a..2f97c8bef8b 100644
--- a/addons/common/functions/fnc_checkFiles.sqf
+++ b/addons/common/functions/fnc_checkFiles.sqf
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ if (_oldAddons isNotEqualTo []) then {
// Build the error message
private _title = "[ACE] ERROR: OUTDATED FILES";
- private _reasonMsg = ["Reason: Mismatched addon versions within the same installation, it is likely corrupted.", "Reason: Conflicting ACE installations (see list below)."] select _conflictingInstall;
+ private _reasonMsg = ["Reason: Mismatched addon versions within the same installation, it is likely corrupted.", "Reason: Conflicting ACE installations (listed below)."] select _conflictingInstall;
private _fixMsg = ["Fix: Repair ACE or update your repack.", "Fix: Make sure to only load one version of ACE."] select _conflictingInstall;
private _infoMsgLog = format ["The following files are outdated: %1.
ACE Main version is %2 from folder ""%3"".
All mod folders with ACE files: %4", _oldAddons joinString ", ", _mainVersion, _mainSource, _allSources joinString ", "];
@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ if (_oldAddons isNotEqualTo []) then {
// Log it
- private _logMsg = format ["%1: %2%5%3%5%5%4", _title, _reasonMsg, _fixMsg, _infoMsgLog, endl];
+ private _logMsg = format ["%1: %2%5%5%3%5%5%4", _title, _reasonMsg, _fixMsg, _infoMsgLog, endl];
_logMsg = _logMsg regexReplace ["
", endl];
// Display it
if (hasInterface) then {
- private _errorMsg = format ["%1
%3", _reasonMsg, _fixMsg, _infoMsg];
+ private _errorMsg = format ["%1
%3", _reasonMsg, _fixMsg, _infoMsg];
[_title, _errorMsg] call FUNC(errorMessage);
@@ -181,22 +181,34 @@ if (isMultiplayer) then {
private _fnc_diagnose_addonMismatch = {
private _title = "[ACE] ERROR: ADDON MISMATCH";
- // We don't need to know what's happening to build info here
- private _infoMsgLog = format ["Client has additional addons: %1.
Server mod folder is named ""%2"".", _additionalAddons joinString ", ", GVAR(serverSource)]; // Build the whole thing so we can log it to RPT
- private _infoMsg = if (count _additionalAddons > 3) then { // Truncate it for display
- format ["Client has additional addons: %1, and %2 more.
Server mod folder is named ""%3"".", (_additionalAddons select [0, 3]) joinString ", ", (count _additionalAddons) - 3, GVAR(serverSource)];
- } else {
- _infoMsgLog
- };
// Figure out why we have a mismatch and where it's coming from
// Integrated compats are the usual culprit
private _additionalCompats = _addons select {(_x select [0, 10]) == "ace_compat"};
+ _additionalAddons = _additionalAddons - _additionalCompats;
+ // Server most likely just uses a different ACE repack with some components removed
+ // Higher priority than compats, as we'll load compats for components as well
+ // Don't show compats in the error message, only components
+ if (_additionalAddons isNotEqualTo []) exitWith {
+ private _reasonMsg = format ["Reason: %1", "Client has ACE components not present on the server."];
+ private _fixMsg = format ["Fix: %1", "Make sure you're using ACE from the same Steam Workshop item or repository as the server."];
+ private _infoMsgLog = format ["Client has additional addons: %1.
Server mod folder is named ""%2"".", _additionalAddons joinString ", ", GVAR(serverSource)]; // Build the whole thing so we can log it to RPT
+ private _infoMsg = if (count _additionalAddons > 3) then { // Truncate it for display
+ format ["Client has additional addons: %1, and %2 more.
Server mod folder is named ""%3"".", (_additionalAddons select [0, 3]) joinString ", ", (count _additionalAddons) - 3, GVAR(serverSource)];
+ } else {
+ _infoMsgLog
+ };
- if (_additionalCompats isNotEqualTo []) exitWith { // CDLC/content mod with integrated compats is loaded when it shouldn't be
+ [_title, _reasonMsg, _fixMsg, _infoMsg, _infoMsgLog] // return
+ };
+ // CDLC/content mod with integrated compats is loaded when it shouldn't be
+ // No need to show which addons, just show the mod that the compats are for
+ if (_additionalCompats isNotEqualTo []) exitWith {
// Fix is easy
- private _fixMsg = format ["Fix: %1", "Make sure your mod list matches. Check your server files and '-mod=' parameter if you're the server administrator."];
+ private _fixMsg = format ["Fix: %1", "Make sure your mod list matches or add those mods to the server. Check your server files and '-mod=' parameter if you're the server administrator."];
private _additionalMods = [];
private _loadedModsInfo = getLoadedModsInfo;
@@ -211,19 +223,19 @@ if (isMultiplayer) then {
} forEach (getArray (_cfgPatches >> _x >> "requiredAddons"));
} forEach _additionalCompats;
- private _reasonMsg = format ["Reason: %1", "Client has extra mods requiring compats loaded (see list below)"];
- private _additionalModsString = format ["
Additional compatibility is being loaded for: %1", _additionalMods joinString ", "];
- _infoMsg = _infoMsg + _additionalModsString;
- _infoMsgLog = _infoMsgLog + _additionalModsString;
+ private _reasonMsg = format ["Reason: %1", "Client has extra mods requiring compats loaded (listed below)"];
+ private _infoMsg = format ["Additional compatibility is being loaded for: %1", _additionalMods joinString ", "];
- [_title, _reasonMsg, _fixMsg, _infoMsg, _infoMsgLog] // return
+ [_title, _reasonMsg, _fixMsg, _infoMsg, _infoMsg] // return
- // Server most likely just uses a different ACE repack with some components removed
- private _reasonMsg = format ["Reason: %1", "Client has ACE addons not present on the server."];
- private _fixMsg = format ["Fix: %1", "Make sure you're using ACE from the same Steam Workshop item or repository as the server."];
- [_title, _reasonMsg, _fixMsg, _infoMsg, _infoMsgLog] // return
+ [
+ _title,
+ "Reason: Exceptional combination of additional addons. Good job, you broke our error handling.",
+ "Fix: Open an issue on GitHub with your logs so we can add handling for this.",
+ "Have a cookie.",
+ "Unimplemented addon mismatch"
+ ] // default return
private _fnc_multiplayerCheck = {
@@ -246,13 +258,13 @@ if (isMultiplayer) then {
(call _errorBuilder) params ["_title", "_reasonMsg", "_fixMsg", "_infoMsg", "_infoMsgLog"];
// Log it
- private _logMsg = format ["%1: %2%5%3%5%5%4", _title, _reasonMsg, _fixMsg, _infoMsgLog, endl];
+ private _logMsg = format ["%1: %2%5%5%3%5%5%4", _title, _reasonMsg, _fixMsg, _infoMsgLog, endl];
_logMsg = _logMsg regexReplace ["
", endl];
// Display it
if (hasInterface) then {
- private _errorMsg = format ["%1
%3", _reasonMsg, _fixMsg, _infoMsg];
+ private _errorMsg = format ["%1
%3", _reasonMsg, _fixMsg, _infoMsg];
[_title, _errorMsg] call FUNC(errorMessage);