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##Usage: command ...[parameters]....

--help, -h Show this help message.
--version, -v Show version info.
--install Install to your system.
--uninstall Uninstall, and uninstall the cron job.
--upgrade Upgrade to the latest code from .
--issue Issue a cert.
--signcsr Issue a cert from an existing csr.
--deploy Deploy the cert to your server.
--installcert Install the issued cert to apache/nginx or any other server.
--renew, -r Renew a cert.
--renewAll Renew all the certs.
--remove Remove renewal configuration for a cert.
--revoke Revoke a cert.
--list List all the certs.
--showcsr Show the content of a csr.
--installcronjob Install the cron job to renew certs, you don't need to call this. The 'install' command can automatically install the cron job.
--uninstallcronjob Uninstall the cron job. The 'uninstall' command can do this automatically.
--cron Run cron job to renew all the certs.
--toPkcs Export the certificate and key to a pfx file.
--updateaccount Update account info.
--registeraccount Register account key.
--createAccountKey, -cak Create an account private key, professional use.
--createDomainKey, -cdk Create an domain private key, professional use.
--createCSR, -ccsr Create CSR , professional use.
--deactivate Deactivate the domain authz, professional use.

--domain, -d domain.tld Specifies a domain, used to issue, renew or revoke etc.
--force, -f Used to force to install or force to renew a cert immediately.
--staging, --test Use staging server, just for test.
--debug Output debug info.

--webroot, -w /path/to/webroot Specifies the web root folder for web root mode.
--standalone Use standalone mode.
--tls Use standalone tls mode.
--apache Use apache mode.
--dns [dns_cf|dns_dp|dns_cx|/path/to/api/file] Use dns mode or dns api.
--dnssleep [120] The time in seconds to wait for all the txt records to take effect in dns api mode. Default 120 seconds.

--keylength, -k [2048] Specifies the domain key length: 2048, 3072, 4096, 8192 or ec-256, ec-384.
--accountkeylength, -ak [2048] Specifies the account key length.
--log [/path/to/logfile] Specifies the log file. The default is: "/root/" if you don't give a file path here.
--log-level 1|2 Specifies the log level, default is 1.

These parameters are to install the cert to nginx/apache or anyother server after issue/renew a cert:

--cert-file /path/to/real/cert/file After issue/renew, the cert will be copied to this path.
--key-file /path/to/real/key/file After issue/renew, the key will be copied to this path.
--ca-file /path/to/real/ca/file After issue/renew, the intermediate cert will be copied to this path.
--fullchain-file /path/to/fullchain/file After issue/renew, the fullchain cert will be copied to this path.

--reloadcmd "[command]" Command used after issue/renew, usually to reload the server.
--pre-hook "[command]" Command to be run before obtaining any certificates.
--post-hook "[command]" Command to be run after attempting to obtain/renew certificates, no matter if the obtain/renew succeeded or failed.

--renew-hook "[command]" Command to be run once for each successfully renewed certificate.
--deploy-hook "[command]" The hook file to deploy cert

--accountconf Specifies a customized account config file.
--home Specifies the home dir for If you use it with '--install', then you'll need to use it every time you use
--certhome Specifies the home dir to save all the certs, only valid for '--install' command.
--useragent Specifies the user agent string. it will be saved for future use too.
--accountemail Specifies the account email for registering, Only valid for the '--install' and '--updateaccount' commands.
--accountkey Specifies the account key path, Only valid for the '--install' command.
--days Specifies the days to renew the cert when using '--issue' command. The max value is 60 days.
--httpport Specifies the standalone listening port. Only valid if the server is behind a reverse proxy or load balancer.
--tlsport Specifies the standalone tls listening port. Only valid if the server is behind a reverse proxy or load balancer.
--local-address Specifies the standalone/tls server listening address, in case you have multiple ip addresses.
--listraw Only used for '--list' command, list the certs in raw format.
--stopRenewOnError, -se Only valid for '--renewall' command. Stop if one cert has error in renewal.
--insecure Do not check the server certificate, in some devices, the api server's certificate may not be trusted.
--ca-path Specifies directory containing CA certificates in PEM format, used by wget or curl to verify API server's certificate.
--ca-bundle Specifies the CA certificate bundle file used by wget or curl to verify API server's certificate.
--nocron Only valid for '--install' command, which means: do not install the default cron job. In this case, the certs will not be renewed automatically.
--ecc Specifies to use the ECC cert. Valid for '--installcert', '--renew', '--revoke', '--toPkcs' and '--createCSR'
--csr Specifies the input csr.
--ocsp-must-staple, --ocsp Generate ocsp must Staple extension.
--auto-upgrade [0|1] Valid for '--upgrade' command, indicating whether to upgrade automatically in future.
--listen-v4 Force standalone/tls server to listen at ipv4.
--listen-v6 Force standalone/tls server to listen at ipv6.

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