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File metadata and controls

126 lines (84 loc) · 3 KB



  1. You have to add following dependency to your pom.yml:
  1. To use the JPA-Repository to save your keystore, you have to add the @EnableJpaPersistence annotation to your spring configuration class.

Default database

By default this package will provide an embedded h2-database you do not need to configure.

How to use with postgres

  1. Make sure your postgres-instance is running and adjust the datasource-properties in the application-postgres.yml.

  2. Use the postgres spring profile with following command-line-argument:

Note: Spring provides alternative ways to set profiles.

How to use with mysql 5.7 and 8.0

  1. Make sure your mysql-instance is running and adjust the datasource-properties in the application-postgres.yml.

  2. Use the mysql spring profile with following command-line-argument:

Note: Spring provides alternative ways to set profiles.

How to use with a persistent h2

  1. Use the h2 spring profile with following command-line-argument:

Note: Spring provides alternative ways to set profiles.

Your h2-database files will be stored as and sts_h2_db.trace.db as default.

Configure your datasource connection

Connectors for h2, postgres and mysql are using the datasource-properties:

    url: <database connection url - consider documentation of your selected database - default: h2 in-memory>
    username: <database username - default: db_user>
    password: <database password - default: db_user@123>

Database migration/refactoring

You can use flyway or liquibase for database-migration. Migration files for both ways are existing in this project.


liquibase will be used as default migration tool.

Use liquibase (explicitly)

  1. Use the liquibase spring profile with following command-line-argument:

Note: Spring provides alternative ways to set profiles.

Alternatively you can copy the migration scripts to your resource-folder. Do not forget to adjust the paths to your migration scripts in your application.yml:

  change-log: classpath:/db/migration/changelog.yml

Use flyway

  1. Use the flyway spring profile with following command-line-argument:

Note: Spring provides alternative ways to set profiles.

Like for liquibase you can copy the migration scripts to your resource-folder. You need to adjust your application.yml. Make sure you use the correct migration files for your database type:

For h2:

  - db/migration/flyway/h2

For postgres:

  - db/migration/flyway/postgres

For mysql:

  - db/migration/flyway/mysql