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movitto edited this page Jan 14, 2013 · 4 revisions

Deployable, Deployment, and Instance API


Below is an outline of REST API endpoints that we would need to implement to allow users to automate futher their interactions with Conductor. The endpoints follows the actions available in the current Conductor UI flow.



  • Create given name, catalog id, and deployable xml. Deployable xml is validated before it can be saved. Reference for Deployable XMLs - Deployable_XML
  • Show a deployable
  • Index of deployables - list name and href to id
  • Delete a deployable
  • Edit a deployable PUT new deployable xml, respond with 200 and newly saved object Allow update of name and catalog ids

The images defined in the deployable xml must exist, but they need not be built or pushed. If there are multiple assemblies, any missing image should fail the validation.


  • Create given name, deployable id, and optional realm All images defined in the deployable must be built and pushed to the choosen realm Launches instances
  • Show a deployment and its instances Each instance is listed with name and a link to the real object
  • Index of deployments
  • Delete a deployment
  • Edit a deployment - not available



  1. Stop an instance
  2. Start an instance
  3. List all instances for a given deployment
  4. List all instances I can control across all deployments - TBD
  5. Show instance, status, ip address, ssh keys, etc..


Create a front end realm

attributes: name, description

Show a front end realm and its realm and provider mappings

List all realms

Delete a realm

Edit a realm


  1. Create a realm or provider mapping
  2. Delete a mapping


  1. List from provider accounts




Create a catalog

attributes: name, pool

List catalogs

Show a catalog, its attributes, and deployables

Edit a catalog

Delete a catalog


Create a pool

attributes: name, quota, enabled?

List pools

Show a pool, its attributes, and catalogs

Edit a pool

Delete a pool


Create a pool family

attributes: name, maximum number of running instances (quota)

List pool families

Show a pool family, its attributes, and pools

Edit a pool family

Delete a pool family


  1. Initial planning discussion -
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