diff --git a/monoidal_category.v b/monoidal_category.v index 52390e5b..14f2081c 100644 --- a/monoidal_category.v +++ b/monoidal_category.v @@ -125,15 +125,47 @@ Defined. Definition homsnd := Eval hnf in _homsnd. End homfstsnd. Lemma homfst_idfun x : homfst (x:=x) [hom of idfun] = [hom of idfun]. -Admitted. +Proof. +apply/hom_ext; rewrite boolp.funeqE => x1 /=. +case: cid => i [i1 i2] /=. +rewrite (_ : i = ProductCategory.idfun_separated _) ?ProductCategory.sepfst_idfun //. +exact/Prop_irrelevance. +Qed. Lemma homsnd_idfun x : homsnd (x:=x) [hom of idfun] = [hom of idfun]. -Admitted. +Proof. +apply/hom_ext; rewrite boolp.funeqE => x1 /=. +case: cid => i [i1 i2] /=. +rewrite (_ : i = ProductCategory.idfun_separated _) ?ProductCategory.sepsnd_idfun //. +exact/Prop_irrelevance. +Qed. Lemma homfst_comp (x y z : A * B) (f : {hom x,y}) (g : {hom y,z}) : homfst [hom of g \o f] = [hom of homfst g \o homfst f]. -Admitted. +Proof. +rewrite /homfst /=. +case: cid => //= gh [gh1 gh2]. +apply/hom_ext => /=. +destruct g as [g g']. +destruct f as [f f']. +case: cid => g_ [g1 g2]. +case: cid => f_ [f1 f2] /=. +rewrite -ProductCategory.sepfst_comp. +congr (ProductCategory.sepfst _ _). +exact/Prop_irrelevance. +Qed. Lemma homsnd_comp (x y z : A * B) (f : {hom x,y}) (g : {hom y,z}) : homsnd [hom of g \o f] = [hom of homsnd g \o homsnd f]. -Admitted. +Proof. +rewrite /homsnd /=. +case: cid => //= gh [gh1 gh2]. +apply/hom_ext => /=. +destruct g as [g g']. +destruct f as [f f']. +case: cid => g_ [g1 g2]. +case: cid => f_ [f1 f2] /=. +rewrite -ProductCategory.sepsnd_comp. +congr (ProductCategory.sepsnd _ _). +exact/Prop_irrelevance. +Qed. Lemma homfstK (x y : A * B) (f : {hom x,y}) (i : El x.1) : inl (homfst f i) = f (inl i). Proof. case: f=> /= f Hf.