Name | Type | Description | Notes |
EmployeeNumber | string | [optional] | |
FirstName | string | the first name of the individual | |
LastName | string | the last name of the individual | |
DisplayFullName | string | [optional] | |
Nationality | string | [optional] | |
JobTitle | string | [optional] | |
WorkEmail | string | the work email of the individual | [optional] |
PersonalEmail | string | the personal email of the individual | [optional] |
MobilePhoneNumber | string | +1234567890 | [optional] |
TaxId | string | [optional] | |
Gender | string | [optional] | |
Ethnicity | string | [optional] | |
MaritalStatus | string | `other` option can include co-habitating, civil partnership, separated, widowed, etc | [optional] |
DateOfBirth | DateTime? | [optional] | |
EmploymentStatus | EmploymentStatusNotNullRequest | [optional] | |
EmploymentType | string | [optional] | |
StartDate | DateTime? | [optional] | |
TerminationDate | DateTime? | [optional] | |
Avatar | string | [optional] | |
HomeLocation | AddressNoNonNullRequest | [optional] | |
WorkLocation | LocationNoNonNullRequest | [optional] | |
Manager | CreateEmployeeRequestManager | [optional] | |
BankAccount | CreateEmployeeRequestBankAccount | [optional] | |
EmploymentHistory | List<EmploymentHistoryNoNonNullRequest> | [optional] | |
CompensationHistory | List<CompensationHistoryNoNonNullRequest> | [optional] | |
CustomFields | Object | [optional] | |
Groups | List<GroupNoNullEnumRequest> | [optional] | |
Dependents | List<CreateEmployeeRequestDependents> | [optional] | |
EmergencyContacts | List<CreateEmployeeRequestEmergencyContacts> | [optional] |