Name | Type | Description | Notes |
employee_number | String | [optional] | |
first_name | String | the first name of the individual | |
last_name | String | the last name of the individual | |
display_full_name | String | [optional] | |
nationality | String | [optional] | |
job_title | String | [optional] | |
work_email | String | the work email of the individual | [optional] |
personal_email | String | the personal email of the individual | [optional] |
mobile_phone_number | String | +1234567890 | [optional] |
tax_id | String | [optional] | |
gender | String | [optional] | |
ethnicity | String | [optional] | |
marital_status | String | `other` option can include co-habitating, civil partnership, separated, widowed, etc | [optional] |
date_of_birth | Date | [optional] | |
employment_status | EmploymentStatusNotNullRequest | [optional] | |
employment_type | String | [optional] | |
start_date | Date | [optional] | |
termination_date | Date | [optional] | |
avatar | String | [optional] | |
home_location | AddressNoNonNullRequest | [optional] | |
work_location | LocationNoNonNullRequest | [optional] | |
manager | CreateEmployeeRequestManager | [optional] | |
bank_account | CreateEmployeeRequestBankAccount | [optional] | |
employment_history | Array<EmploymentHistoryNoNonNullRequest> | [optional] | |
compensation_history | Array<CompensationHistoryNoNonNullRequest> | [optional] | |
custom_fields | Object | [optional] | |
groups | Array<GroupNoNullEnumRequest> | [optional] | |
dependents | Array<CreateEmployeeRequestDependents> | [optional] | |
emergency_contacts | Array<CreateEmployeeRequestEmergencyContacts> | [optional] |
require 'openapi_client'
instance =
employee_number: 2,
first_name: Greg,
last_name: Hirsch,
display_full_name: Hirsch,
nationality: Irish,
job_title: Software developer,
mobile_phone_number: Hirsch,
tax_id: 1234567890,
gender: male,
ethnicity: white,
marital_status: single,
date_of_birth: Sat Nov 10 00:00:00 UTC 1990,
employment_status: null,
employment_type: full_time,
start_date: Sun Oct 11 00:00:00 UTC 2020,
termination_date: Tue Oct 12 00:00:00 UTC 2021,
home_location: null,
work_location: null,
manager: null,
bank_account: null,
employment_history: null,
compensation_history: null,
custom_fields: {"t_shirt_size":"medium"},
groups: [{"id":"4B9bKBpX5tnwjiG93TAqF7ci","remote_id":"df6c28e8","name":"backend","type":"team"},{"id":"132Xpnw2a38aaQG93TAqF7ci","remote_id":"355c65922637","name":"engineering","type":"department"}],
dependents: null,
emergency_contacts: null