All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add a log for port is running. (ac1cee7)
- add authentication and authorization (#1) (d462ce8)
- add config module. (e9748a5)
- add docker, docker-compose file. (1371eaa)
- add husky hook (88a8a12)
- add sample script. (1624645)
- add standard-version (9ad313d)
- add swagger. (f094858)
- add versioning. (a94a612)
- add winston, nest winston. (#2) (15df882)
- crud todo. (5e46602)
- docker: update build folder. (071f857)
- remove database module, use @nestjs/mongoose instead. (7c9e815)
- update .prettierrc file. (45677d4)