- Overflow overriding (82b5c28)
- Ahmed Rangel (@ahmedrangel)
- Support stacking ripple animation by creating a span element inside bounded elements when triggered (6ef7453)
- Ensure that only transitions fired by ripple bounded elements get their styles removed on transitionend (3277325)
- Ahmed Rangel (@ahmedrangel)
- Improve mounting of handlers (595c92a)
- Improve docs and demo (f2eae25)
- package: Add description (ae059f0)
- playground: Use primary emerald by default (dd4ffc6)
- playground: Adjust style (6b75d0b)
- playground: Wrap codes (f8d533f)
- playground: Update icons and add github link (d8f00ab)
- Lint (2e264de)
- playgroud: Adjust dosc styles (bc632a1)
- Ahmed Rangel (@ahmedrangel)
- types: Module options (d990f11)
- Ahmed Rangel (@ahmedrangel)
- Improve effect for layouts using dataset instead of class (a1263ca)
- type: Module options type (24c2a94)
- playground: Test with layout and page transition enabl (594a3be)
- playground: Test with async setup (530deda)
- Lint (2c786f5)
- Ahmed Rangel [email protected]
- Plugin and directive hooks (db21b14)
- playground: Adjust (e86f22d)
- Ahmed Rangel (@ahmedrangel)
- Ripples on layout stop working after page change (193170a)
- Ahmed Rangel (@ahmedrangel)
- Nuxt-ripple (b1fb0f9)
- Add scale support for directive and update config options + refactor types (7bfc866)
- playground: Missing generateDynamic on mounted (8043387)
- Set listener when event listener is added only (1d506e4)
- playground: Demo link (a302abc)
- Set attributes to dynamic added elements (cdf9781)
- Fix bugs, optimize plugin utils and improve playground (cfecf18)
- plugin: Refine (f3943fe)
- Composable behavior (ec20fac)
- Improve plugin config handling and use object directives for overrides (1e082cb)
- Improve composable + update playground demo (d15916b)
- playground: Rename variable (f2f8aa6)
- playground: Rename globalRipple variable to ripple (fedab5a)
- Return computed (9fd8d98)
- Lint (2ea6566)
- playground: Try fix (accc276)
- playground: Use color instead of chroma-js (e2cfd74)
- Update deps (1402c87)
- playground: Rename page (1ebdd25)
- playground: Adjust (6b6aeee)
- Delete unused fn (984b046)
- Ahmed Rangel (@ahmedrangel)