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Discovering the commands

> tod -h

A tiny unofficial Todoist client

Usage: tod [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  project  (p) Commands that change projects
  task     (t) Commands for individual tasks
  list     (l) Commands for multiple tasks
  config   (c) Commands around configuration and the app
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -v, --verbose          Display additional debug info while processing
  -c, --config <CONFIG>  Absolute path of configuration. Defaults to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tod.cfg
  -h, --help             Print help
  -V, --version          Print version

And also use it to dig into subcommands

> tod task -h

Commands for individual tasks

Usage: tod task <COMMAND>

  quick-add  (q) Create a new task using NLP
  create     (c) Create a new task (without NLP)
  edit       (e) Edit an existing task's content
  next       (n) Get the next task by priority
  complete   (o) Complete the last task fetched with the next command
  help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help

Usage Examples

# Quickly create a task
tod task quick-add --content Buy more milk today

# Quickly create a task with aliases
tod t q -c Buy more milk today

# You can use Todoist syntax with the quickadd (q) command
# See for more details
tod t q -c Buy more milk today // with a description

# creates a task named "Clean my room" due on Tuesday at 1pm, with Priority of 2
tod t q -c Clean my room on tuesday at 1pm p2

# creates a task in the eBay project, an errands label, priority of 2, due tomorrow.
tod t q -c Ship UPS Package #eBay @errands p2 tomorrow

## Other Usage Examples

# Create a new task (you will be prompted for content and project)
tod task create

# Create a task in a project
tod task create --content "Write more rust" --project code

# Import your projects
tod project import

# Get the next task for a project
tod task next

# Go through tasks with an interactive prompt, completing them in order of importance one at a time.
tod list process

# Complete the last "next task" and get another
tod task complete && tod task next

# Get all tasks for work
tod list view --project work

# Get all tasks in three groupings, overdue, today, and tomorrow
tod list view --filter overdue,today,tom

# Generate shell completions for fish
tod shell completions fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

# Label all tasks with no label either physical or digital
tod list label --filter "no label" --label physical --label digital

Shell script examples

Sort, schedule, prioritize, and process tasks

  echo "" && \
  echo "=== EMPTYING INBOX ===" && \
  tod project empty --project inbox && \
  echo "" && \
  echo "=== SCHEDULING DIGITAL ===" && \
  tod list schedule --project digital && \
  echo "" && \
  echo "=== SCHEDULING PHYSICAL ===" && \
  tod list schedule --project physical && \
  echo "" && \
  echo "=== PRIORITIZING DIGITAL ===" && \
  tod list prioritize --project digital && \
  echo "" && \
  echo "=== PRIORITIZING PHYSICAL ===" && \
  tod list prioritize --project physical
  echo "" && \
  echo "=== PROCESSING DIGITAL ===" && \
  tod list process --project digital && \
  echo "" && \
  echo "=== PROCESSING PHYSICAL ===" && \
  tod list process --project physical;

Update Tod only if it is out of date

tod config check-version || cargo install tod --force