Alex Dean
What follows is a list of my personal projects. This list is ordered from most to
+ least recent.
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+ Generative Documentation & Testing: NPM package that
+ functions as a CLI tool using the GPT 3.5 API to improve your JavaScript and
+ TypeScript code. It helps you write better code by automatically generating
+ documentation, refactoring code to improve performance and maintainability,
+ adding unit tests using Jest, and converting JavaScript code to TypeScript.
+ At its peak, the package had about 700 weekly downloads. You can see the
+ GitHub page.
+ -
+ Generative Satire: Automated satirical news site monitoring
+ recent events and generating Onion-style articles using LLMs; At its peak,
+ the site had a viewership of about 1500 people per week. The application was
+ built using a React frontend and a Node.js backend, with articles stored on a
+ Firebase Realtime Database and multiple APIs used for image and content
+ generation. The site is hosted on Google Cloud. You can see the
+ website and
+ GitHub page.