(based on Chapter 7 from the official book)
- modules are defined with the
keyword - useful for grouping logically-related things
fn main() {
mod bank {
pub fn pay(p: Payment) {
match p {
Payment::Loan => println!("paying a loan"),
Payment::Credit => println!("paying off the credit card"),
pub enum Payment {
- to use things from a module prepend the module name and
- to avoid writing
repeatedly, you can importthing
withuse module_name::thing
// for the bank module defined above
use bank::pay;
use bank::Payment;
fn main() {
- modules can be written (and nested) in the same file
- when splitting code into multiple files, one file == one module (with the same name)
- submodules always go in a directory named as the parent module
The following 2 layouts are equivalent:
Filename: src/main.rs
fn main() {
mod bank {
pub fn pay(p: Payment) {
match p {
Payment::Loan => println!("paying a loan"),
Payment::Credit => vault::transfer(5, "the boss"),
pub enum Payment {
mod vault {
pub fn transfer(amount: u32, where: &str) {
println!("transferring {} to {}", amount, where);
Directory tree:
|-- main.rs
|-- bank.rs
`-- bank/
`-- vault.rs
Filename: src/main.rs
mod bank; // this is required - it includes `bank.rs` in the project
fn main() {
Filename: src/bank.rs
mod vault; // this is required - it includes `bank/vault.rs` in the project
pub fn pay(p: Payment) {
match p {
Payment::Loan => println!("paying a loan"),
Payment::Credit => vault::transfer(5, "the boss"),
pub enum Payment {
Filename: src/bank/vault.rs
pub fn transfer(amount: u32, where: &str) {
println!("transferring {} to {}", amount, where);
- by default, everything in a module is private to the outside
- everything, including struct fields
- to make things visible to the parent module, use the keyword
before the item
fn main() {
let mut trn = bank::Transaction::new(20);
//trn.euros = 0; // error: the euros field is private
trn.description = String::from("just a small donation");
mod bank {
// this struct is public
pub struct Transaction {
pub description: String, // this can be read and changed
euros: u32, // this is private to the module
state: State, // this is also private
// this is private to the module
enum State {
impl Transaction {
// the `new` function is also public so we can use it from `main`
pub fn new(euros: u32) -> Self {
Self { euros, description: "".into(), state: State::Pending }
pub fn send(mut t: Transaction) {
// this is inside the module, so we can access `description`
println!("sending {} euros; ({})", t.euros, t.description);
// we can also use the private types here
t.state = State::Resolved;