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Evi1NoOb edited this page Jan 27, 2018 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the SOEN341-UC4 wiki! We'll be using laravel for this project and a good place to start learning all of this scary new tech is Laracasts, specifically the laravel from scratch series. Here are some more resources you might want to take a look at :

You can find the install instructions here

As well as details on how to setup a debugging environment over here

Files worked on in the resources folder, ie any javascript, css, or the fancier .less .sass .vue .jsx .ts, require a special step before they are actually used by the front-end. Look here for details but the tldr is to npm run watch in the project root via terminal.

These are some coding conventions you should follow --perhaps use lint tools to enfonce these?

  • HTML & CSS --we should add details for sass/less when we get there
  • JavaScript --definitely needs to be updated for newer javascript features & conventions

Meeting Minutes

Below are the minutes from each team meeting.

Customer Meetings

'Standup' Meetings

Sprint Planning Meetings


This is a good place to get help.



Video Tutorials

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