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File metadata and controls

367 lines (310 loc) · 17.7 KB


Note: These lecture notes were slightly modified from the ones posted on the 6.858 course website from 2014.

What's the goal of the paper (or Tor)?

  • Anonymity for clients, which want to connect to servers on the internet.
  • Anonymity for servers, which want to service requests from users.
  • What is anonymity?
    • Adversary cannot tell which users are communicating with which servers.
    • Adversary (most likely) knows that users, servers are communicating via Tor.
    • That is, Tor not designed to prevent adversary from finding Tor users.

How to achieve anonymity?

  • Must encrypt traffic to/from the person that wants to be anonymous.
    • Otherwise, adversary looks at packets and figures out what's going on.
  • But encryption is not enough: could still trace where encrypted packets went.
  • Mix one user's traffic with traffic from other users (or "cover traffic").
    • Anonymity for one user requires having many other users like the first one.
    • If all other users just run BitTorrent, then Wikipedia user is easy to spot.
    • If all other users use Firefox, then a Chrome user would be easy to spot.
    • ...
  • Adversary would not be able to tell which user initiated what connections.
  • The mixing component must change the packets (e.g., encrypt/decrypt).
    • Otherwise, can look for where the exact same packet shows up later.
  • So, approach: relay traffic via intermediary that encrypts/decrypts.

Why do we need more than one node?

  • Scalability: handle more traffic than a single node.
  • Compromise: attacker learns info about direct clients of compromised node.
    • With many indep. nodes, this affects only a small fraction of traffic.
    • With onion routing, attacker must compromise all nodes in the chain.
  • Traffic analysis: attacker can correlate incoming / outgoing traffic.
    • Can look at timing between packets, or volume of packets.
    • Chaining makes timing/volume analysis attack more difficult to mount.
  • Can attacker still succeed?
    • Yes, if they observe or compromise enough nodes.
    • For instance, may suffice to observe first and last node.
    • Attacker can also inject timing info (by delaying packets) to analyze.

Main idea: onion routing

  • Mesh of onion routers (ORs) in the network.
  • Assumption: client knows public keys of all ORs.
  • Client picks some path through this network.
  • Naive strawman of onion routing (not quite Tor):
    • Client encrypts message in public key of each OR in path in turn.
    • Send message to first OR in path, which decrypts & relays, and so on.
    • "Exit node" (last OR in path) sends the data out into the real network.
  • Why is this a good design?
    • Each OR knows previous & next hop, not ultimate source or destination.
    • With two ORs, compromising a single OR does not break anonymity.

At what level should we relay things?

  • Could do any level -- IP packets, TCP connections, application-level (HTTP)
  • What's the advantage / disadvantage?
    • Lower-level (IP): more general, fewer app. changes, works with more apps.
    • Higher-level (TCP, HTTP): more efficient (overhead for a single TCP frame, rather than overhead for multiple IP frames that store a single TCP frame), more anonymous.
  • What does Tor do?
    • TCP-level relaying, using SOCKS (intercepts libc calls).
    • Examples of efficiency: no need for TCP flow-control, Tor does re-xmit
    • Examples of lost generality: UDP doesn't work, can't traceroute, ..
    • How does DNS work with Tor, if no UDP support?
      • SOCKS can capture the destination's hostname, not just IP address
      • Exit node performs DNS lookup, establishes TCP connection
  • Examples of anonymity that's lost at lower layers?
    • If we did IP, would leak lots of TCP info (seq#, timestamp)
    • If we did TCP, would leak all kinds of HTTP headers and cookies
    • If we did HTTP, can violate anonymity via Javascript, Flash, ..
      • Lots of identifiable features in Javascript environment.
      • Browser version, history sniffing, local network addrs/servers..
    • "Protocol normalization": fix all degrees of freedom in higher protocol.

Tor design

  • Mesh of ORs: every OR connected via SSL/TLS to every other OR.
    • Don't need CA-signed SSL/TLS certs.
    • Tor has its own public key checking plan using directory servers.
    • ORs mostly run by volunteers: e.g., MIT runs several.
  • End-users run an onion proxy (OP) that implements SOCKS.
  • OR has two public keys: identity key and onion key.
  • Identity key registered with directory, signs OR state.
  • Onion key used by OPs to connect to ORs, build circuits.
    • Client downloads list of ORs from directory.
    • Chooses a chain of ORs to form circuit, contacts each OR in turn.
  • Clients building circuits is expensive. - Why do it this way?
    • Any single server might be compromised, can't trust it.
    • Unavoidable to trust the client machine, however.
  • Why do we need an onion key in addition to an identity key?
    • Might be able to protect identity key from long-term compromises.
    • Each OR uses identity key to sign its current onion key.
  • Why does Tor need a directory?
    • Someone needs to approve ORs.
      • Otherwise attacker can create many ORs, monitor traffic.
    • Does having a directory compromise anonymity?
      • No, don't need to query it online.
    • What if a directory is compromised?
      • Clients require majority of directories to agree.
    • What if many directories are compromised?
      • Attacker can inject many ORs, monitor traffic.
    • What if directories are out-of-sync?
      • Attacker may narrow down user's identity based on dir info.
      • User that saw one set of directory messages will use certain ORs.

Terminology: circuits and streams.

  • Circuit: a path through a list of ORs that a client builds up.
    • Circuits exist for some period of time (perhaps a few minutes).
    • New circuits opened periodically to foil attacks.
  • Stream is effectively a TCP connection.
    • Many streams run over the same circuit (each with separate stream ID).
    • Streams are an important optimization: no need to rebuild circuit.
  • Why does Tor need circuits?
  • What goes wrong if we have long-lived circuits?
    • Adversary may correlate multiple streams in a single circuit.
    • Tie a single user's connections to different sites, break anonymity.

Tor circuits

  • Circuit is a sequence of ORs, along with shared (symmetric AES) keys.
    • ORs c_1, c_2, .., c_n
    • Keys k_1, k_2, .., k_n
  • Cell format:
    • +---------+---------------+-----------+
    • | Circuit | Control/Relay | - DATA |
    • +---------+---------------+-----------+
    • 2 bytes + 1 byte + 509 bytes
  • Think of the "Circuit" and "Control/Relay" fields as link-layer headers.
    • Circuit IDs are per-link (between pairs of ORs).
    • Used to multiplex many circuits on the same TLS connection between ORs.
    • Control messages are "link-local": sent only to an immediate neighbor.
    • Relay messages are "end-to-end": relayed along the circuit.
  • Why is all traffic in fixed-size cells?
    • Makes traffic analysis harder.
  • What are control commands?
    • padding: keepalive or link padding.
    • create/created/destroy: creating and destroying circuits.
  • What are relay commands (what's in the DATA)?
    • If the relay packet is destined to the current node:
    • +----------+--------+-----+-----+-----------+
    • | StreamID | Digest | Len | CMD | RelayData |
    • +----------+--------+-----+-----+-----------+
    • 2 bytes + 6 bytes+ 2 + 1 + 498 bytes
    • If the relay packet is destined for another node:
    • +-------------------------------------------+
    • | Encrypted, opaque data + + + + + |
    • +-------------------------------------------+
    • + + + + 509 bytes
  • CMD field for TCP data is "relay data".
  • Other values like "relay begin", .. used to set up streams.

How does the OP send data via circuit?

  • Compose relay packet as above (not encrypted yet).
  • Compute a valid checksum (digest).
    • Digest is based on the target OR that should decrypt packet.
    • Hash is taken over some function of key + all msgs exchanged with that OR.
      • Prevents replay attacks and active attacks
    • First 2 bytes of digest are zeroes, other 4 bytes come from the hash.
  • Encrypt with AES(k_n), then AES(k_{n-1}), .., AES(k_1).
  • Send encrypted cell to the first OR (c_1).
    • (Effectively reverse process for OP receiving data via circuit.)

What does an OR do with relay packets?

  • If it's coming from OP's direction, decrypt and forward away from OP
  • If it's coming not from OP's direction, encrypt and forward towards OP

How does an OR know if a relay packet is destined to it or not?

  • Verify checksum: if matches, most likely meant for the current OR.
  • Optimization: first 2 bytes of digest should be zero.
    • If the first two bytes are non-zero, can skip hashing: not our packet.
  • If checksum does not match, not meant for this OR, keep relaying.
  • Nice properties:
    • Packet size independent of path length.
    • Only the last OR knows the destination.

How to establish a new stream?

  • OP sends a "relay begin" via circuit. - Contains target hostname, port.
  • Who picks stream ID? - OP can choose arbitrary stream ID in its circuit.

What is the "leaky pipe" topology?

  • OP can send relay messages to any OR along its circuit (not just the last OR).
  • Can build stream (i.e., TCP connection) via any OR, to foil traffic analysis.

Initializing circuits

  • OP picks the sequence of ORs to use for its circuit.
    • Why have the OP do this? - Resistance to other ORs "diverting" the circuit.
  • Connect to first OR, issue "create" operation to create circuit.
    • Create includes a DH key-exchange message.
    • Created response includes DH key-exchange reply.
  • Key exchange protocol:
    • [ OP, OR agree on prime p, generator g ]
    • OP chooses random x.
    • OP sends E_{PK_OR}(g^x).
    • OR chooses random y.
    • OR computes K=g^xy.
    • OR replies with g^y, H(K || "handshake").
    • OP computes K=g^xy.
  • How do we authenticate the parties here?
    • First DH message encrypted with OR's onion key.
    • Hash of key in DH response proves to client that correct OR decrypted msg.
    • Server does not authenticate client -- anonymity!
  • Forward secrecy: what? how?
  • Key freshness: why? how?
  • Who chooses the circuit ID?
    • The client end of the TLS connection (not the overall circuit's OP).
    • Each circuit has a different circuit ID for each link it traverses.
  • What's in the DATA for Control packets?
    • Control operations (create, destroy) or responses (e.g. created).
    • Arguments (e.g., DH key-exchange data).
  • For each subsequent OR, OP sends a "relay extend" message via circuit.
    • Include the same DH key-exchange message in the "relay extend" cell.
    • At the end of circuit, "relay extend" transforms into "create".
    • Client ends up with shared (symmetric AES) key for each OR in circuit.
  • Why does Tor have separate control cells vs relay cells?
    • Ensures cells are always fixed size.
    • Last OR in the old circuit needs to know the new OR & circuit IDs.

What state does each OR keep for each circuit that passes through it?

  • Circuit ID and neighbor OR for two directions in the circuit (to/from OP).
  • Shared key with OP for this circuit and this OR.
  • SHA-1 state for each circuit.

Can we avoid storing all of this state in the network?

  • Not without a variable-length path descriptor in each cell.
  • Exit node would likewise need a path descriptor to know how to send back.
  • Intermediate nodes would need to perform public-key crypto (expensive).

Why does Tor need exit policies?

  • Preventing abuse (e.g., anonymously sending spam).
  • Exit policies similar to firewall rules (e.g., cannot connect to port 25).
    • Each exit node checks the exit policy when new connection opened.
  • Why publish exit policy in directory, along with other node info?
    • Not used for enforcement.
    • OP needs to know what exit nodes are likely to work.

What if Tor didn't do integrity checking?

  • Need integrity to prevent a tagging attack.
  • Attacker compromises internal node, corrupts data packets.
  • Corrupted packets will eventually get sent out, can watch where they go.

How does Tor prevent replays?

  • Each checksum is actually checksum of all previous cells between OP & OR.
  • Checksum for same data sent again would be different.
  • Works well because underlying transport is reliable (SSL/TLS over TCP).

Anonymous services

  • Hidden services named by public keys (pseudo-DNS name "publickey.onion").
  • Why the split between introduction and rendezvous point?
    • Avoid placing traffic load on introduction points.
    • Avoid introduction point transferring known-illegal data.
  • Split prevents both problems.
    • Bob (service) has an introduction point (IP).
    • Alice chooses a rendezvous point (RP), tells Bob's IP about RP.
    • Introduction point does not relay data.
    • Rendezvous point doesn't know what data it's relaying
  • Why does Bob connect back to Alice?
    • Admission control, spread load over many rendezvous points.
  • What's the rendezvous cookie? - Lets Bob prove to Alice's RP that it's Bob.
  • What's the authorization cookie?
    • Something that might compel Bob to reply, when he otherwise wouldn't.
    • Maybe a secret word most people don't know.
    • Limits DoS attacks on Bob's server (can just send many cookies).
    • Stored in hostname: cookie.pubkey.onion.
  • End state: two circuits to the RP, with a stream connected between them.
    • RP takes relay cells from one circuit's stream and
    • sends them on a stream in the other circuit.
    • Bridged data is encrypted using key shared between Alice & Bob (DH).
    • Each can control their own level of anonymity.
    • Neither knows the full path of the other circuit.

Potential pitfalls when using Tor?

  • Application-level leaks (Javascript, HTTP headers, DNS, ..)
    • Use an app-level proxy (e.g., Privoxy strips many HTTP headers).
  • Fingerprinting based on Tor client behavior (how often new circuit opened).
  • Timing/volume analysis (partial defense is to run your own Tor OR).
  • Fingerprinting web sites: number of requests & file sizes of popular sites.
    • Quantization from fixed-size cells helps a bit.
  • Malicious ORs: join network, advertise lots of bandwidth, open exit policy.

Benefits / risks of running an OR?


  • more anonymity


  • resource use
  • online attacks (DoS, break-ins, ..)
  • offline attacks (e.g., machine seized by law enforcement)

How hard is it to block Tor?

  • Find list of OR IPs from directory, block all traffic to them.
  • How to defend against such an attack?
  • Reveal different ORs to different clients?
    • Allows for client fingerprinting based on ORs used.
  • Maintain some unlisted ORs?
    • Want to use unlisted ORs only as the first hop, to avoid fingerprinting.
    • Tor has notion of "bridge" node, which is an unlisted OR.
  • How to find these unlisted "bridge" ORs?
    • Want legitimate user to find them, but not let adversary enumerate them.
    • Approach taken by Tor: special bridge directory.
    • Reveal 3 bridges to each IP (via HTTP) or email addr (via email).
    • Reveal new bridges to same client address only after 24 hours.
    • Can rate-limit by IP, find attempts to enumerate bridge database, etc.
    • For email, easier for adversary to create fake identities (email addrs).
    • Tor trusts 3 mail providers to rate-limit signup (gmail, yahoo, mit).

Would you use Tor? What applications is it good for?

  • Might be too slow to use for all traffic (high latency).
  • But unfortunately that means only sensitive traffic would go via Tor.
  • Plausible attacks exist, so not great against very powerful adversaries.
  • Maybe a good way to avoid denial-of-service attacks (i.e., offload to Tor).
  • Allegedly, Google used Tor to check if servers special-case Google's IPs.

How active is Tor?

  • Much more active use now than what the paper describes.
    • ~3000 public ORs, ~1000 exit nodes, ~1000 bridge nodes, ~2GB/s OR bandwidth.
    • 8-9 (?) directory servers, ~1600 directory mirrors.
  • Hard problems: distributing entry point IPs, approving ORs, ..
  • Some BitTorrent use, but not overwhelming: mostly, too slow for large files.

Alternative approach: DC-nets ("Dining cryptographer networks").

  • N participants, but suppose there's only one sender (not known who).
  • Every pair of participants shares a secret bit.
  • To transmit a "0" bit, send XOR of all secrets. - Otherwise, send the opposite.
  • All transmissions are public: to recover bit, XOR everyone's transmissions.
  • Can build up to send multiple bits, use a collision-detection protocol, etc.
  • Costly in terms of performance, but provides much stronger security than Tor.
  • See the Dissent OSDI 2012 paper for more details on a DCnet-based system.
