diff --git a/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/IonEncoder_1_1.java b/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/IonEncoder_1_1.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b1ca9d4b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/IonEncoder_1_1.java
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+package com.amazon.ion.impl.bin;
+import com.amazon.ion.Decimal;
+import com.amazon.ion.IonText;
+import com.amazon.ion.IonType;
+import com.amazon.ion.Timestamp;
+import com.amazon.ion.impl.bin.utf8.Utf8StringEncoder;
+import com.amazon.ion.impl.bin.utf8.Utf8StringEncoderPool;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import static com.amazon.ion.impl.bin.Ion_1_1_Constants.*;
+import static java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits;
+import static java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits;
+ * Provides functions for writing various Ion values to a WriteBuffer.
+ *
+ * This class can be subsumed by IonRawBinaryWriter_1_1, when it is created.
+ */
+public class IonEncoder_1_1 {
+ /**
+ * Writes an Ion Null value to the given WriteBuffer.
+ * @return the number of bytes written
+ */
+ public static int writeNullValue(WriteBuffer buffer, final IonType ionType) {
+ if (ionType == IonType.NULL) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.NULL_UNTYPED);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.NULL_TYPED);
+ switch (ionType) {
+ case BOOL:
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) 0x00);
+ break;
+ case INT:
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) 0x01);
+ break;
+ case FLOAT:
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) 0x02);
+ break;
+ case DECIMAL:
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) 0x03);
+ break;
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) 0x04);
+ break;
+ case STRING:
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) 0x05);
+ break;
+ case SYMBOL:
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) 0x06);
+ break;
+ case BLOB:
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) 0x07);
+ break;
+ case CLOB:
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) 0x08);
+ break;
+ case LIST:
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) 0x09);
+ break;
+ case SEXP:
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) 0x0A);
+ break;
+ case STRUCT:
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) 0x0B);
+ break;
+ case DATAGRAM:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot write a null datagram");
+ }
+ return 2;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes an Ion Bool value to the given WriteBuffer.
+ * @return the number of bytes written
+ */
+ public static int writeBoolValue(WriteBuffer buffer, final boolean value) {
+ if (value) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.BOOLEAN_TRUE);
+ } else {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes an Ion Integer value to the given WriteBuffer.
+ * @return the number of bytes written
+ */
+ public static int writeIntValue(WriteBuffer buffer, final long value) {
+ if (value == 0) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.INTEGER_ZERO_LENGTH);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int length = WriteBuffer.fixedIntLength(value);
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) (OpCodes.INTEGER_ZERO_LENGTH + length));
+ buffer.writeFixedInt(value);
+ return 1 + length;
+ }
+ private static final BigInteger BIG_INT_LONG_MAX_VALUE = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE);
+ private static final BigInteger BIG_INT_LONG_MIN_VALUE = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE);
+ /**
+ * Writes an Ion Integer value to the given WriteBuffer.
+ * @return the number of bytes written
+ */
+ public static int writeIntValue(WriteBuffer buffer, final BigInteger value) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return writeNullValue(buffer, IonType.INT);
+ }
+ if (value.compareTo(BIG_INT_LONG_MIN_VALUE) >= 0 && value.compareTo(BIG_INT_LONG_MAX_VALUE) <= 0) {
+ return writeIntValue(buffer, value.longValue());
+ }
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.VARIABLE_LENGTH_INTEGER);
+ byte[] intBytes = value.toByteArray();
+ int totalBytes = 1 + intBytes.length + buffer.writeFlexUInt(intBytes.length);
+ for (int i = intBytes.length; i > 0; i--) {
+ buffer.writeByte(intBytes[i-1]);
+ }
+ return totalBytes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes a float to the given WriteBuffer using the Ion 1.1 encoding for Ion Floats.
+ * @return the number of bytes written
+ */
+ public static int writeFloat(WriteBuffer buffer, final float value) {
+ // TODO: Optimization to write a 16 bit float for non-finite and possibly other values
+ if (value == 0.0) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.FLOAT_ZERO_LENGTH);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.FLOAT_32);
+ buffer.writeUInt32(floatToIntBits(value));
+ return 5;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes a double to the given WriteBuffer using the Ion 1.1 encoding for Ion Floats.
+ * @return the number of bytes written
+ */
+ public static int writeFloat(WriteBuffer buffer, final double value) {
+ // TODO: Optimization to write a 16 bit float for non-finite and possibly other values
+ if (value == 0.0) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.FLOAT_ZERO_LENGTH);
+ return 1;
+ } else if (!Double.isFinite(value) || value == (float) value) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.FLOAT_32);
+ buffer.writeUInt32(floatToIntBits((float) value));
+ return 5;
+ } else {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.FLOAT_64);
+ buffer.writeUInt64(doubleToRawLongBits(value));
+ return 9;
+ }
+ }
+ public static int writeDecimalValue(WriteBuffer buffer, final BigDecimal value) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return writeNullValue(buffer, IonType.DECIMAL);
+ }
+ int exponent = -value.scale();
+ if (BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(value) == 0 && !Decimal.isNegativeZero(value)) {
+ if (exponent == 0) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.DECIMAL_ZERO_LENGTH);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ // A decimal with a coefficient of +0 is encoded using opcode 6F.
+ // The opcode is followed by a FlexInt representing the exponent.
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.POSITIVE_ZERO_DECIMAL);
+ return 1 + buffer.writeFlexInt(exponent);
+ }
+ }
+ BigInteger coefficient = value.unscaledValue();
+ int numCoefficientBytes = WriteBuffer.flexIntLength(coefficient);
+ int numExponentBytes = 0;
+ if (exponent != 0) {
+ numExponentBytes = WriteBuffer.fixedIntLength(exponent);
+ }
+ int opCodeAndLengthBytes = 1;
+ if (numExponentBytes + numCoefficientBytes < 15) {
+ int opCode = OpCodes.DECIMAL_ZERO_LENGTH + numExponentBytes + numCoefficientBytes;
+ buffer.writeByte((byte) opCode);
+ } else {
+ // Decimal values that require more than 14 bytes can be encoded using the variable-length decimal opcode: 0xF6.
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.VARIABLE_LENGTH_DECIMAL);
+ opCodeAndLengthBytes += buffer.writeFlexUInt(numExponentBytes + numCoefficientBytes);
+ }
+ buffer.writeFlexInt(coefficient);
+ if (exponent != 0) {
+ buffer.writeFixedInt(exponent);
+ }
+ return opCodeAndLengthBytes + numCoefficientBytes + numExponentBytes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes a Timestamp to the given WriteBuffer using the Ion 1.1 encoding for Ion Timestamps.
+ * @return the number of bytes written
+ */
+ public static int writeTimestampValue(WriteBuffer buffer, Timestamp value) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return writeNullValue(buffer, IonType.TIMESTAMP);
+ }
+ // Timestamps may be encoded using the short form if they meet certain conditions.
+ // Condition 1: The year is between 1970 and 2097.
+ if (value.getYear() < 1970 || value.getYear() > 2097) {
+ return writeLongFormTimestampValue(buffer, value);
+ }
+ // If the precision is year, month, or day, we can skip the remaining checks.
+ if (!value.getPrecision().includes(Timestamp.Precision.MINUTE)) {
+ return writeShortFormTimestampValue(buffer, value);
+ }
+ // Condition 2: The fractional seconds are a common precision.
+ if (value.getZFractionalSecond() != null) {
+ int secondsScale = value.getZFractionalSecond().scale();
+ if (secondsScale != 0 && secondsScale != 3 && secondsScale != 6 && secondsScale != 9) {
+ return writeLongFormTimestampValue(buffer, value);
+ }
+ }
+ // Condition 3: The local offset is either UTC, unknown, or falls between -14:00 to +14:00 and is divisible by 15 minutes.
+ Integer offset = value.getLocalOffset();
+ if (offset != null && (offset < -14 * 60 || offset > 14 * 60 || offset % 15 != 0)) {
+ return writeLongFormTimestampValue(buffer, value);
+ }
+ return writeShortFormTimestampValue(buffer, value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes a short-form timestamp.
+ * Value cannot be null.
+ * If calling from outside this class, use writeTimestampValue instead.
+ */
+ private static int writeShortFormTimestampValue(WriteBuffer buffer, Timestamp value) {
+ long bits = (value.getYear() - 1970L);
+ if (value.getPrecision() == Timestamp.Precision.YEAR) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.TIMESTAMP_YEAR_PRECISION);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 1);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ bits |= ((long) value.getMonth()) << S_TIMESTAMP_MONTH_BIT_OFFSET;
+ if (value.getPrecision() == Timestamp.Precision.MONTH) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.TIMESTAMP_MONTH_PRECISION);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 2);
+ return 3;
+ }
+ bits |= ((long) value.getDay()) << S_TIMESTAMP_DAY_BIT_OFFSET;
+ if (value.getPrecision() == Timestamp.Precision.DAY) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.TIMESTAMP_DAY_PRECISION);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 2);
+ return 3;
+ }
+ bits |= ((long) value.getHour()) << S_TIMESTAMP_HOUR_BIT_OFFSET;
+ bits |= ((long) value.getMinute()) << S_TIMESTAMP_MINUTE_BIT_OFFSET;
+ if (value.getLocalOffset() == null || value.getLocalOffset() == 0) {
+ if (value.getLocalOffset() != null) {
+ }
+ if (value.getPrecision() == Timestamp.Precision.MINUTE) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.TIMESTAMP_MINUTE_PRECISION);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 4);
+ return 5;
+ }
+ bits |= ((long) value.getSecond()) << S_U_TIMESTAMP_SECOND_BIT_OFFSET;
+ int secondsScale = 0;
+ if (value.getZFractionalSecond() != null) {
+ secondsScale = value.getZFractionalSecond().scale();
+ }
+ if (secondsScale != 0) {
+ long fractionalSeconds = value.getZFractionalSecond().unscaledValue().longValue();
+ bits |= fractionalSeconds << S_U_TIMESTAMP_FRACTION_BIT_OFFSET;
+ }
+ switch (secondsScale) {
+ case 0:
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.TIMESTAMP_SECOND_PRECISION);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 5);
+ return 6;
+ case 3:
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.TIMESTAMP_MILLIS_PRECISION);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 6);
+ return 7;
+ case 6:
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.TIMESTAMP_MICROS_PRECISION);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 7);
+ return 8;
+ case 9:
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.TIMESTAMP_NANOS_PRECISION);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 8);
+ return 9;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalStateException("This is unreachable!");
+ }
+ } else {
+ long localOffset = (value.getLocalOffset().longValue() / 15) + (14 * 4);
+ if (value.getPrecision() == Timestamp.Precision.MINUTE) {
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 5);
+ return 6;
+ }
+ bits |= ((long) value.getSecond()) << S_O_TIMESTAMP_SECOND_BIT_OFFSET;
+ // The fractional seconds bits will be put into a separate long because we need nine bytes total
+ // if there are nanoseconds (which is too much for one long) and the boundary between the seconds
+ // and fractional seconds subfields conveniently aligns with a byte boundary.
+ long fractionBits = 0;
+ int secondsScale = 0;
+ if (value.getZFractionalSecond() != null) {
+ secondsScale = value.getZFractionalSecond().scale();
+ }
+ if (secondsScale != 0) {
+ fractionBits = value.getZFractionalSecond().unscaledValue().longValue();
+ }
+ switch (secondsScale) {
+ case 0:
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 5);
+ return 6;
+ case 3:
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 5);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(fractionBits, 2);
+ return 8;
+ case 6:
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 5);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(fractionBits, 3);
+ return 9;
+ case 9:
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 5);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(fractionBits, 4);
+ return 10;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalStateException("This is unreachable!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes a long-form timestamp.
+ * Value may not be null.
+ * Only visible for testing. If calling from outside this class, use writeTimestampValue instead.
+ */
+ static int writeLongFormTimestampValue(WriteBuffer buffer, Timestamp value) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.VARIABLE_LENGTH_TIMESTAMP);
+ long bits = value.getYear();
+ if (value.getPrecision() == Timestamp.Precision.YEAR) {
+ buffer.writeFlexUInt(2);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 2);
+ return 4; // OpCode + FlexUInt + 2 bytes data
+ }
+ bits |= ((long) value.getMonth()) << L_TIMESTAMP_MONTH_BIT_OFFSET;
+ if (value.getPrecision() == Timestamp.Precision.MONTH) {
+ buffer.writeFlexUInt(3);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 3);
+ return 5; // OpCode + FlexUInt + 3 bytes data
+ }
+ bits |= ((long) value.getDay()) << L_TIMESTAMP_DAY_BIT_OFFSET;
+ if (value.getPrecision() == Timestamp.Precision.DAY) {
+ buffer.writeFlexUInt(3);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 3);
+ return 5; // OpCode + FlexUInt + 3 bytes data
+ }
+ bits |= ((long) value.getHour()) << L_TIMESTAMP_HOUR_BIT_OFFSET;
+ bits |= ((long) value.getMinute()) << L_TIMESTAMP_MINUTE_BIT_OFFSET;
+ if (value.getLocalOffset() != null) {
+ localOffsetValue = value.getLocalOffset() + (24 * 60);
+ }
+ bits |= localOffsetValue << L_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET_BIT_OFFSET;
+ if (value.getPrecision() == Timestamp.Precision.MINUTE) {
+ buffer.writeFlexUInt(6);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 6);
+ return 8; // OpCode + FlexUInt + 6 bytes data
+ }
+ bits |= ((long) value.getSecond()) << L_TIMESTAMP_SECOND_BIT_OFFSET;
+ int secondsScale = 0;
+ if (value.getZFractionalSecond() != null) {
+ secondsScale = value.getZFractionalSecond().scale();
+ }
+ if (secondsScale == 0) {
+ buffer.writeFlexUInt(7);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 7);
+ return 9; // OpCode + FlexUInt + 7 bytes data
+ }
+ BigDecimal fractionalSeconds = value.getZFractionalSecond();
+ BigInteger coefficient = fractionalSeconds.unscaledValue();
+ long exponent = fractionalSeconds.scale();
+ int numCoefficientBytes = WriteBuffer.flexUIntLength(coefficient);
+ int numExponentBytes = WriteBuffer.fixedUIntLength(exponent);
+ // Years-seconds data (7 bytes) + fraction coefficient + fraction exponent
+ int dataLength = 7 + numCoefficientBytes + numExponentBytes;
+ buffer.writeFlexUInt(dataLength);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(bits, 7);
+ buffer.writeFlexUInt(coefficient);
+ buffer.writeFixedUInt(exponent);
+ // OpCode + FlexUInt length + dataLength
+ return 1 + WriteBuffer.flexUIntLength(dataLength) + dataLength;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes a String to the given WriteBuffer using the Ion 1.1 encoding for Ion Strings.
+ * @return the number of bytes written
+ */
+ public static int writeStringValue(WriteBuffer buffer, String value) {
+ return writeInlineText(buffer, value, IonType.STRING, OpCodes.STRING_ZERO_LENGTH, OpCodes.VARIABLE_LENGTH_STRING);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes an inline Symbol to the given WriteBuffer using the Ion 1.1 encoding for Ion Symbols.
+ * @return the number of bytes written
+ */
+ public static int writeSymbolValue(WriteBuffer buffer, String value) {
+ return writeInlineText(buffer, value, IonType.SYMBOL, OpCodes.INLINE_SYMBOL_ZERO_LENGTH, OpCodes.VARIABLE_LENGTH_INLINE_SYMBOL);
+ }
+ private static int writeInlineText(WriteBuffer buffer, String value, IonType type, byte zeroLengthOpCode, byte variableLengthOpCode) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return writeNullValue(buffer, type);
+ }
+ // TODO: When merging into the Ion 1.1 raw writer, keep a single instance of the Utf8StringEncoder
+ // instead of fetching one on every call.
+ Utf8StringEncoder.Result encoderResult = Utf8StringEncoderPool.getInstance().getOrCreate().encode(value);
+ byte[] utf8Buffer = encoderResult.getBuffer();
+ int numValueBytes = encoderResult.getEncodedLength();
+ int numLengthBytes = 0;
+ if (numValueBytes <= 0xF) {
+ buffer.writeByte((byte)(zeroLengthOpCode | numValueBytes));
+ } else {
+ buffer.writeByte(variableLengthOpCode);
+ numLengthBytes = buffer.writeFlexUInt(numValueBytes);
+ }
+ buffer.writeBytes(utf8Buffer, 0, numValueBytes);
+ return 1 + numLengthBytes + numValueBytes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes an interned Symbol's address to the given WriteBuffer using the Ion 1.1 encoding for Ion Symbols.
+ * @return the number of bytes written
+ *
+ * TODO: Do we need to support Symbol Addresses greater than Long.MAX_VALUE?
+ */
+ public static int writeSymbolValue(WriteBuffer buffer, long value) {
+ if (value < 0) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Symbol Address cannot be negative; was: " + value);
+ } else if (value < FIRST_2_BYTE_SYMBOL_ADDRESS) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.SYMBOL_ADDRESS_1_BYTE);
+ buffer.writeFixedUInt(value);
+ return 2;
+ } else if (value < FIRST_MANY_BYTE_SYMBOL_ADDRESS) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.SYMBOL_ADDRESS_2_BYTES);
+ buffer.writeFixedIntOrUInt(value - FIRST_2_BYTE_SYMBOL_ADDRESS, 2);
+ return 3;
+ } else {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.SYMBOL_ADDRESS_MANY_BYTES);
+ int addressBytes = buffer.writeFlexUInt(value - FIRST_MANY_BYTE_SYMBOL_ADDRESS);
+ return 1 + addressBytes;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes a Blob to the given WriteBuffer using the Ion 1.1 encoding for Ion Blobs.
+ * @return the number of bytes written
+ */
+ public static int writeBlobValue(WriteBuffer buffer, byte[] value) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return writeNullValue(buffer, IonType.BLOB);
+ }
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.VARIABLE_LENGTH_BLOB);
+ int numLengthBytes = buffer.writeFlexUInt(value.length);
+ buffer.writeBytes(value);
+ return 1 + numLengthBytes + value.length;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Writes a Clob to the given WriteBuffer using the Ion 1.1 encoding for Ion Clobs.
+ * @return the number of bytes written
+ */
+ public static int writeClobValue(WriteBuffer buffer, byte[] value) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return writeNullValue(buffer, IonType.CLOB);
+ }
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.VARIABLE_LENGTH_CLOB);
+ int numLengthBytes = buffer.writeFlexUInt(value.length);
+ buffer.writeBytes(value);
+ return 1 + numLengthBytes + value.length;
+ }
+ // TODO: Implement FlexSym Annotations
+ /**
+ * Writes annotations using the given symbol addresses.
+ */
+ public static int writeAnnotations(WriteBuffer buffer, long[] annotations) {
+ if (annotations == null || annotations.length == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (annotations.length == 1) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.ANNOTATIONS_1_SYMBOL_ADDRESS);
+ int numAddressBytes = buffer.writeFlexUInt(annotations[0]);
+ return 1 + numAddressBytes;
+ } else if (annotations.length == 2) {
+ buffer.writeByte(OpCodes.ANNOTATIONS_2_SYMBOL_ADDRESS);
+ int numAddressBytes = buffer.writeFlexUInt(annotations[0]);
+ numAddressBytes += buffer.writeFlexUInt(annotations[1]);
+ return 1 + numAddressBytes;
+ } else {
+ int numAddressBytes = 0;
+ for (long ann : annotations) {
+ numAddressBytes += WriteBuffer.flexUIntLength(ann);
+ }
+ int numLengthBytes = buffer.writeFlexUInt(numAddressBytes);
+ for (long ann : annotations) {
+ buffer.writeFlexUInt(ann);
+ }
+ return 1 + numLengthBytes + numAddressBytes;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/Ion_1_1_Constants.java b/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/Ion_1_1_Constants.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8df501b349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/Ion_1_1_Constants.java
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package com.amazon.ion.impl.bin;
+ * Contains constants (other than OpCodes) which are generally applicable to both reading and writing binary Ion 1.1
+ */
+public class Ion_1_1_Constants {
+ private Ion_1_1_Constants() {}
+ static final int FIRST_2_BYTE_SYMBOL_ADDRESS = 256;
+ static final int FIRST_MANY_BYTE_SYMBOL_ADDRESS = 65792;
+ //////// Timestamp Field Constants ////////
+ // S_TIMESTAMP_* is applicable to all short-form timestamps
+ static final int S_TIMESTAMP_MONTH_BIT_OFFSET = 7;
+ static final int S_TIMESTAMP_DAY_BIT_OFFSET = 11;
+ static final int S_TIMESTAMP_HOUR_BIT_OFFSET = 16;
+ static final int S_TIMESTAMP_MINUTE_BIT_OFFSET = 21;
+ // S_U_TIMESTAMP_* is applicable to all short-form timestamps with a `U` bit
+ static final int S_U_TIMESTAMP_UTC_FLAG = 1 << 27;
+ static final int S_U_TIMESTAMP_SECOND_BIT_OFFSET = 28;
+ static final int S_U_TIMESTAMP_FRACTION_BIT_OFFSET = 34;
+ // S_O_TIMESTAMP_* is applicable to all short-form timestamps with `o` (offset) bits
+ static final int S_O_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET_BIT_OFFSET = 27;
+ static final int S_O_TIMESTAMP_SECOND_BIT_OFFSET = 34;
+ // L_TIMESTAMP_* is applicable to all long-form timestamps
+ static final int L_TIMESTAMP_MONTH_BIT_OFFSET = 14;
+ static final int L_TIMESTAMP_DAY_BIT_OFFSET = 18;
+ static final int L_TIMESTAMP_HOUR_BIT_OFFSET = 23;
+ static final int L_TIMESTAMP_MINUTE_BIT_OFFSET = 28;
+ static final int L_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET_BIT_OFFSET = 34;
+ static final int L_TIMESTAMP_SECOND_BIT_OFFSET = 46;
+ static final int L_TIMESTAMP_UNKNOWN_OFFSET_VALUE = 0b111111111111;
+ //////// Bit masks ////////
+ static final long LEAST_SIGNIFICANT_7_BITS = 0b01111111L;
diff --git a/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/OpCodes.java b/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/OpCodes.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a84c4bc853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/OpCodes.java
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package com.amazon.ion.impl.bin;
+ * Utility class holding Ion 1.1 Op Codes.
+ */
+public class OpCodes {
+ private OpCodes() {}
+ public static final byte INTEGER_ZERO_LENGTH = 0x50;
+ // 0x51-0x58 are additional lengths of integers.
+ // 0x59 Reserved
+ public static final byte FLOAT_ZERO_LENGTH = 0x5A;
+ public static final byte FLOAT_16 = 0x5B;
+ public static final byte FLOAT_32 = 0x5C;
+ public static final byte FLOAT_64 = 0x5D;
+ public static final byte BOOLEAN_TRUE = 0x5E;
+ public static final byte BOOLEAN_FALSE = 0x5F;
+ public static final byte DECIMAL_ZERO_LENGTH = 0x60;
+ // 0x61-0x6E are additional lengths of decimals.
+ public static final byte POSITIVE_ZERO_DECIMAL = 0x6F;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_YEAR_PRECISION = 0x70;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_MONTH_PRECISION = 0x71;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_DAY_PRECISION = 0x72;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_MINUTE_PRECISION = 0x73;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_SECOND_PRECISION = 0x74;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_MILLIS_PRECISION = 0x75;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_MICROS_PRECISION = 0x76;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_NANOS_PRECISION = 0x77;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_MINUTE_PRECISION_WITH_OFFSET = 0x78;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_SECOND_PRECISION_WITH_OFFSET = 0x79;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_MILLIS_PRECISION_WITH_OFFSET = 0x7A;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_MICROS_PRECISION_WITH_OFFSET = 0x7B;
+ public static final byte TIMESTAMP_NANOS_PRECISION_WITH_OFFSET = 0x7C;
+ // 0x7D-0x7F Reserved
+ public static final byte STRING_ZERO_LENGTH = (byte) 0x80;
+ public static final byte INLINE_SYMBOL_ZERO_LENGTH = (byte) 0x90;
+ public static final byte SYMBOL_ADDRESS_1_BYTE = (byte) 0xE1;
+ public static final byte SYMBOL_ADDRESS_2_BYTES = (byte) 0xE2;
+ public static final byte SYMBOL_ADDRESS_MANY_BYTES = (byte) 0xE3;
+ public static final byte ANNOTATIONS_1_SYMBOL_ADDRESS = (byte) 0xE4;
+ public static final byte ANNOTATIONS_2_SYMBOL_ADDRESS = (byte) 0xE5;
+ public static final byte ANNOTATIONS_MANY_SYMBOL_ADDRESS = (byte) 0xE6;
+ public static final byte ANNOTATIONS_1_FLEX_SYM = (byte) 0xE7;
+ public static final byte ANNOTATIONS_2_FLEX_SYM = (byte) 0xE8;
+ public static final byte ANNOTATIONS_MANY_FLEX_SYM = (byte) 0xE9;
+ public static final byte NULL_UNTYPED = (byte) 0xEA;
+ public static final byte NULL_TYPED = (byte) 0xEB;
+ // 0xEC, 0xED NOP
+ // 0xEE Reserved
+ // 0xEF System Macro Invocation
+ public static final byte VARIABLE_LENGTH_INTEGER = (byte) 0xF5;
+ public static final byte VARIABLE_LENGTH_DECIMAL = (byte) 0xF6;
+ public static final byte VARIABLE_LENGTH_TIMESTAMP = (byte) 0xF7;
+ public static final byte VARIABLE_LENGTH_STRING = (byte) 0xF8;
+ public static final byte VARIABLE_LENGTH_INLINE_SYMBOL = (byte) 0xF9;
+ public static final byte VARIABLE_LENGTH_BLOB = (byte) 0xFE;
+ public static final byte VARIABLE_LENGTH_CLOB = (byte) 0xFF;
diff --git a/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/WriteBuffer.java b/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/WriteBuffer.java
index 7e67af00bd..d8bf4162fc 100644
--- a/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/WriteBuffer.java
+++ b/src/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/WriteBuffer.java
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@@ -1360,6 +1361,64 @@ private int writeFlexIntOrUInt(final long value, final int numBytes) {
return numBytes;
+ public static int flexIntLength(final BigInteger value) {
+ return value.bitLength() / 7 + 1;
+ }
+ public static int flexUIntLength(final BigInteger value) {
+ return (value.bitLength() - 1) / 7 + 1;
+ }
+ public int writeFlexInt(final BigInteger value) {
+ int numBytes = flexIntLength(value);
+ return writeFlexIntOrUIntForBigInteger(value, numBytes);
+ }
+ public int writeFlexUInt(final BigInteger value) {
+ if (value.signum() < 0) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to write a FlexUInt for " + value);
+ }
+ int numBytes = flexUIntLength(value);
+ return writeFlexIntOrUIntForBigInteger(value, numBytes);
+ }
+ private int writeFlexIntOrUIntForBigInteger(final BigInteger value, final int numBytes) {
+ // TODO: Should we branch to the implementation for long if the number is small enough?
+ // https://github.com/amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/614
+ byte[] valueBytes = value.toByteArray();
+ int i = 0; // `i` gets incremented for every byte written.
+ // Start with leading zero bytes.
+ // If there's 1-8 total bytes, we need no leading zero-bytes.
+ // If there's 9-16 total bytes, we need one zero-byte
+ // If there's 17-24 total bytes, we need two zero-bytes, etc.
+ for (; i < (numBytes - 1)/8; i++) {
+ writeByte((byte) 0);
+ }
+ // Write the last length bits, possibly also containing some value bits.
+ int remainingLengthBits = (numBytes - 1) % 8;
+ byte lengthPart = (byte) (0x01 << remainingLengthBits);
+ int valueBitOffset = remainingLengthBits + 1;
+ byte valuePart = (byte) (valueBytes[valueBytes.length - 1] << valueBitOffset);
+ writeByte((byte) (valuePart | lengthPart));
+ i++;
+ for (int valueByteOffset = valueBytes.length - 1; valueByteOffset > 0; valueByteOffset--) {
+ // Technically it's only a nibble if the bitOffset is 4, so we call it nibble-ish
+ byte highNibbleIsh = (byte) (valueBytes[valueByteOffset - 1] << (valueBitOffset));
+ byte lowNibbleIsh = (byte) ((valueBytes[valueByteOffset] & 0xFF) >> (8 - valueBitOffset));
+ writeByte((byte) (highNibbleIsh | lowNibbleIsh));
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i < numBytes) {
+ writeByte((byte) ((valueBytes[0]) >> (8 - valueBitOffset)));
+ }
+ return numBytes;
+ }
/** Get the length of FixedInt for the provided value. */
public static int fixedIntLength(final long value) {
int numMagnitudeBitsRequired;
@@ -1379,7 +1438,7 @@ public static int fixedIntLength(final long value) {
public int writeFixedInt(final long value) {
int numBytes = fixedIntLength(value);
- return writeFixedIntOrUInt(value, numBytes);
+ return _writeFixedIntOrUInt(value, numBytes);
/** Get the length of FixedUInt for the provided value. */
@@ -1395,17 +1454,40 @@ public static int fixedUIntLength(final long value) {
public int writeFixedUInt(final long value) {
if (value < 0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to write a FlexUInt for " + value);
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to write a FixedUInt for " + value);
int numBytes = fixedUIntLength(value);
- return writeFixedIntOrUInt(value, numBytes);
+ return _writeFixedIntOrUInt(value, numBytes);
- * Because the fixed int and fixed uint encodings are so similar, we can use this method to write either one as long
- * as we provide the correct number of bytes needed to encode the value.
+ * Writes the bytes of a {@code long} as a {@code FixedInt} or {@code FixedUInt} using {@code numBytes} bytes.
+ *
+ * {@code numBytes} should be an integer from 1 to 8 inclusive. If {@code numBytes} is out of bounds, that is a
+ * programmer error and will result in an IllegalArgumentException.
+ *
+ * Because the {@code FixedInt} and {@code FixedUInt} encodings are so similar, we can use this method to write
+ * either one as long as we provide the correct number of bytes needed to encode the value.
+ *
+ * Most of the time, you should not use this method. Instead, use {@link WriteBuffer#writeFixedInt} or
+ * {@link WriteBuffer#writeFixedUInt}, which calculate the minimum number of required bytes to represent the value.
+ *
+ * You should use this method when the spec requires a {@code FixedInt} or {@code FixedUInt} of a specific
+ * size when it's possible that the value could fit in a smaller FixedInt or FixedUInt than the size required in
+ * the spec.
+ */
+ public int writeFixedIntOrUInt(final long value, final int numBytes) {
+ if (0 > numBytes || numBytes > 8) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("numBytes is out of bounds; was " + numBytes);
+ }
+ return _writeFixedIntOrUInt(value, numBytes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Because the {@code FixedInt} and {@code FixedUInt} encodings are so similar, we can use this method to write
+ * either one as long as we provide the correct number of bytes needed to encode the value.
- private int writeFixedIntOrUInt(final long value, final int numBytes) {
+ private int _writeFixedIntOrUInt(final long value, final int numBytes) {
writeByte((byte) value);
if (numBytes > 1) {
writeByte((byte) (value >> 8));
diff --git a/test/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/IonEncoder_1_1Test.java b/test/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/IonEncoder_1_1Test.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..478433660c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/IonEncoder_1_1Test.java
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+package com.amazon.ion.impl.bin;
+import com.amazon.ion.BitUtils;
+import com.amazon.ion.Decimal;
+import com.amazon.ion.IonType;
+import com.amazon.ion.Timestamp;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.converter.ArgumentConversionException;
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.converter.ConvertWith;
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.converter.TypedArgumentConverter;
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource;
+import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.function.BiFunction;
+public class IonEncoder_1_1Test {
+ private static BlockAllocator ALLOCATOR = BlockAllocatorProviders.basicProvider().vendAllocator(11);
+ private WriteBuffer buf;
+ @BeforeEach
+ public void setup() {
+ buf = new WriteBuffer(ALLOCATOR);
+ }
+ private byte[] bytes() {
+ final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ try {
+ buf.writeTo(out);
+ } catch (final IOException e) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException(e);
+ }
+ return out.toByteArray();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks that the function writes the expected bytes and returns the expected count of written bytes for the
+ * given input value. The expected bytes should be a string of space-separated hexadecimal pairs.
+ */
+ private void assertWritingValue(String expectedBytes, T value, BiFunction writeOperation) {
+ int numBytes = writeOperation.apply(buf, value);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(expectedBytes, byteArrayToHex(bytes()));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(byteLengthFromHexString(expectedBytes), numBytes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks that the function writes the expected bytes and returns the expected count of written bytes for the
+ * given input value. The expected bytes should be a string of space-separated hexadecimal pairs.
+ */
+ private void assertWritingValue(byte[] expectedBytes, T value, BiFunction writeOperation) {
+ int numBytes = writeOperation.apply(buf, value);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(expectedBytes, bytes());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(expectedBytes.length, numBytes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks that the function writes the expected bytes and returns the expected count of written bytes for the
+ * given input value. The expectedBytes should be a string of space-separated binary octets.
+ */
+ private void assertWritingValueWithBinary(String expectedBytes, T value, BiFunction writeOperation) {
+ int numBytes = writeOperation.apply(buf, value);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(expectedBytes, byteArrayToBitString(bytes()));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(byteLengthFromBitString(expectedBytes), numBytes);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ " NULL, EA",
+ " BOOL, EB 00",
+ " INT, EB 01",
+ " FLOAT, EB 02",
+ " DECIMAL, EB 03",
+ " STRING, EB 05",
+ " SYMBOL, EB 06",
+ " BLOB, EB 07",
+ " CLOB, EB 08",
+ " LIST, EB 09",
+ " SEXP, EB 0A",
+ " STRUCT, EB 0B",
+ })
+ public void testWriteNullValue(IonType value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeNullValue);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteNullValueForDatagram() {
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> IonEncoder_1_1.writeNullValue(buf, IonType.DATAGRAM));
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ "true, 5E",
+ "false, 5F",
+ })
+ public void testWriteBooleanValue(boolean value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeBoolValue);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ " 0, 50",
+ " 1, 51 01",
+ " 17, 51 11",
+ " 127, 51 7F",
+ " 128, 52 80 00",
+ " 5555, 52 B3 15",
+ " 32767, 52 FF 7F",
+ " 32768, 53 00 80 00",
+ " 292037, 53 C5 74 04",
+ " 321672342, 54 96 54 2C 13",
+ " 64121672342, 55 96 12 F3 ED 0E",
+ " 1274120283167, 56 1F A4 7C A7 28 01",
+ " 851274120283167, 57 1F C4 8B B3 3A 06 03",
+ " 72624976668147840, 58 80 40 20 10 08 04 02 01",
+ " 9223372036854775807, 58 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 7F", // Long.MAX_VALUE
+ " -1, 51 FF",
+ " -2, 51 FE",
+ " -14, 51 F2",
+ " -128, 51 80",
+ " -129, 52 7F FF",
+ " -944, 52 50 FC",
+ " -32768, 52 00 80",
+ " -32769, 53 FF 7F FF",
+ " -8388608, 53 00 00 80",
+ " -8388609, 54 FF FF 7F FF",
+ " -72624976668147841, 58 7F BF DF EF F7 FB FD FE",
+ "-9223372036854775808, 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80", // Long.MIN_VALUE
+ })
+ public void testWriteIntegerValue(long value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeIntValue);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ " 0, 50",
+ " 1, 51 01",
+ " 17, 51 11",
+ " 127, 51 7F",
+ " 128, 52 80 00",
+ " 5555, 52 B3 15",
+ " 32767, 52 FF 7F",
+ " 32768, 53 00 80 00",
+ " 292037, 53 C5 74 04",
+ " 321672342, 54 96 54 2C 13",
+ " 64121672342, 55 96 12 F3 ED 0E",
+ " 1274120283167, 56 1F A4 7C A7 28 01",
+ " 851274120283167, 57 1F C4 8B B3 3A 06 03",
+ " 72624976668147840, 58 80 40 20 10 08 04 02 01",
+ " 9223372036854775807, 58 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 7F", // Long.MAX_VALUE
+ " 9223372036854775808, F5 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 00",
+ "999999999999999999999999999999, F5 1B FF FF FF 3F EA ED 74 46 D0 9C 2C 9F 0C",
+ " -1, 51 FF",
+ " -2, 51 FE",
+ " -14, 51 F2",
+ " -128, 51 80",
+ " -129, 52 7F FF",
+ " -944, 52 50 FC",
+ " -32768, 52 00 80",
+ " -32769, 53 FF 7F FF",
+ " -8388608, 53 00 00 80",
+ " -8388609, 54 FF FF 7F FF",
+ " -72624976668147841, 58 7F BF DF EF F7 FB FD FE",
+ " -9223372036854775808, 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80", // Long.MIN_VALUE
+ " -9223372036854775809, F5 13 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 7F FF",
+ "-99999999999999999999999999999, F5 1B 01 00 00 60 35 E8 8D 92 51 F0 E1 BC FE",
+ })
+ public void testWriteIntegerValueForBigInteger(BigInteger value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeIntValue);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteIntegerValueForNullBigInteger() {
+ int numBytes = IonEncoder_1_1.writeIntValue(buf, null);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("EB 01", byteArrayToHex(bytes()));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, numBytes);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ " 0.0, 5A",
+ " 1.0, 5C 3F 80 00 00",
+ " 1.5, 5C 3F C0 00 00",
+ " 3.1415927, 5C 40 49 0F DB",
+ " 4.00537109375, 5C 40 80 2C 00",
+ " 423542.09375, 5C 48 CE CE C3",
+ " 3.40282347E+38, 5C 7F 7F FF FF", // Float.MAX_VALUE
+ " -1.0, 5C BF 80 00 00",
+ " -1.5, 5C BF C0 00 00",
+ " -3.1415927, 5C C0 49 0F DB",
+ " -4.00537109375, 5C C0 80 2C 00",
+ " -423542.09375, 5C C8 CE CE C3",
+ "-3.40282347E+38, 5C FF 7F FF FF", // Float.MIN_VALUE
+ " NaN, 5C 7F C0 00 00",
+ " Infinity, 5C 7F 80 00 00",
+ " -Infinity, 5C FF 80 00 00",
+ })
+ public void testWriteFloatValue(float value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeFloat);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ " 0.0, 5A",
+ " 1.0, 5C 3F 80 00 00",
+ " 1.5, 5C 3F C0 00 00",
+ " 3.141592653589793, 5D 40 09 21 FB 54 44 2D 18",
+ " 4.00537109375, 5C 40 80 2C 00",
+ " 4.11111111111, 5D 40 10 71 C7 1C 71 C2 39",
+ " 423542.09375, 5C 48 CE CE C3",
+ " 8236423542.09375, 5D 41 FE AE DD 97 61 80 00",
+ " 1.79769313486231570e+308, 5D 7F EF FF FF FF FF FF FF", // Double.MAX_VALUE
+ " -1.0, 5C BF 80 00 00",
+ " -1.5, 5C BF C0 00 00",
+ " -3.141592653589793, 5D C0 09 21 FB 54 44 2D 18",
+ " -4.00537109375, 5C C0 80 2C 00",
+ " -4.11111111111, 5D C0 10 71 C7 1C 71 C2 39",
+ " -423542.09375, 5C C8 CE CE C3",
+ " -8236423542.09375, 5D C1 FE AE DD 97 61 80 00",
+ "-1.79769313486231570e+308, 5D FF EF FF FF FF FF FF FF", // Double.MIN_VALUE
+ " NaN, 5C 7F C0 00 00",
+ " Infinity, 5C 7F 80 00 00",
+ " -Infinity, 5C FF 80 00 00",
+ })
+ public void testWriteFloatValueForDouble(double value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeFloat);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ " 0., 60",
+ " 0e1, 6F 03",
+ " 0e63, 6F 7F",
+ " 0e99, 6F 8E 01",
+ " 0.0, 6F FF",
+ " 0.00, 6F FD",
+ " 0.000, 6F FB",
+ " 0e-64, 6F 81",
+ " 0e-99, 6F 76 FE",
+ " -0., 61 01",
+ " -0e1, 62 01 01",
+ " -0e3, 62 01 03",
+ " -0e127, 62 01 7F",
+ " -0e199, 63 01 C7 00",
+ " -0e-1, 62 01 FF",
+ " -0e-2, 62 01 FE",
+ " -0e-3, 62 01 FD",
+ " -0e-127, 62 01 81",
+ " -0e-199, 63 01 39 FF",
+ " 0.01, 62 03 FE",
+ " 0.1, 62 03 FF",
+ " 1, 61 03",
+ " 1e1, 62 03 01",
+ " 1e2, 62 03 02",
+ " 1e127, 62 03 7F",
+ " 1e128, 63 03 80 00",
+ " 1e65536, 64 03 00 00 01",
+ " 2, 61 05",
+ " 7, 61 0F",
+ " 14, 61 1D",
+ " 1.0, 62 15 FF",
+ " 1.00, 63 92 01 FE",
+ " 1.27, 63 FE 01 FE",
+ " 3.142, 63 1A 31 FD",
+ " 3.14159, 64 7C 59 26 FB",
+ " 3.141593, 65 98 FD FE 02 FA",
+ " 3.141592653, 66 B0 C9 1C 68 17 F7",
+ " 3.14159265359, 67 E0 93 7D 56 49 12 F5",
+ " 3.1415926535897932, 69 80 4C 43 76 65 9E 9C 6F F0",
+ " 3.1415926535897932384626434, 6E 00 50 E0 DC F7 CC D6 08 48 99 92 3F 03 E7",
+ "3.141592653589793238462643383, F6 1F 00 E0 2D 8F A4 21 D0 E7 46 C0 87 AA 89 02 E5",
+ })
+ public void testWriteDecimalValue(@ConvertWith(StringToDecimal.class) Decimal value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeDecimalValue);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteDecimalValueForNull() {
+ int numBytes = IonEncoder_1_1.writeDecimalValue(buf, null);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("EB 03", byteArrayToHex(bytes()));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, numBytes);
+ }
+ // Because timestamp subfields are smeared across bytes, it's easier to reason about them in 1s and 0s
+ // instead of hex digits
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ // OpCode MYYYYYYY DDDDDMMM mmmHHHHH ssssUmmm ffffffss ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
+ "2023-10-15T01:00Z, 01110011 00110101 01111101 00000001 00001000",
+ "2023-10-15T01:59Z, 01110011 00110101 01111101 01100001 00001111",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22Z, 01110011 00110101 01111101 11001011 00001010",
+ "2023-10-15T23:00Z, 01110011 00110101 01111101 00010111 00001000",
+ "2023-10-15T23:59Z, 01110011 00110101 01111101 01110111 00001111",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:00Z, 01110100 00110101 01111101 11001011 00001010 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33Z, 01110100 00110101 01111101 11001011 00011010 00000010",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:59Z, 01110100 00110101 01111101 11001011 10111010 00000011",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.000Z, 01110101 00110101 01111101 11001011 00011010 00000010 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.444Z, 01110101 00110101 01111101 11001011 00011010 11110010 00000110",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.999Z, 01110101 00110101 01111101 11001011 00011010 10011110 00001111",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.000000Z, 01110110 00110101 01111101 11001011 00011010 00000010 00000000 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.444555Z, 01110110 00110101 01111101 11001011 00011010 00101110 00100010 00011011",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.999999Z, 01110110 00110101 01111101 11001011 00011010 11111110 00001000 00111101",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.000000000Z, 01110111 00110101 01111101 11001011 00011010 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.444555666Z, 01110111 00110101 01111101 11001011 00011010 01001010 10000110 11111101 01101001",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.999999999Z, 01110111 00110101 01111101 11001011 00011010 11111110 00100111 01101011 11101110",
+ })
+ public void testWriteTimestampValueWithUtcShortForm(@ConvertWith(StringToTimestamp.class) Timestamp value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValueWithBinary(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeTimestampValue);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ // OpCode MYYYYYYY DDDDDMMM mmmHHHHH ssssUmmm ffffffss ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff
+ "1970T, 01110000 00000000",
+ "2023T, 01110000 00110101",
+ "2097T, 01110000 01111111",
+ "2023-01T, 01110001 10110101 00000000",
+ "2023-10T, 01110001 00110101 00000101",
+ "2023-12T, 01110001 00110101 00000110",
+ "2023-10-01T, 01110010 00110101 00001101",
+ "2023-10-15T, 01110010 00110101 01111101",
+ "2023-10-31T, 01110010 00110101 11111101",
+ "2023-10-15T01:00-00:00, 01110011 00110101 01111101 00000001 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T01:59-00:00, 01110011 00110101 01111101 01100001 00000111",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22-00:00, 01110011 00110101 01111101 11001011 00000010",
+ "2023-10-15T23:00-00:00, 01110011 00110101 01111101 00010111 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T23:59-00:00, 01110011 00110101 01111101 01110111 00000111",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:00-00:00, 01110100 00110101 01111101 11001011 00000010 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33-00:00, 01110100 00110101 01111101 11001011 00010010 00000010",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:59-00:00, 01110100 00110101 01111101 11001011 10110010 00000011",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.000-00:00, 01110101 00110101 01111101 11001011 00010010 00000010 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.444-00:00, 01110101 00110101 01111101 11001011 00010010 11110010 00000110",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.999-00:00, 01110101 00110101 01111101 11001011 00010010 10011110 00001111",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.000000-00:00, 01110110 00110101 01111101 11001011 00010010 00000010 00000000 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.444555-00:00, 01110110 00110101 01111101 11001011 00010010 00101110 00100010 00011011",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.999999-00:00, 01110110 00110101 01111101 11001011 00010010 11111110 00001000 00111101",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.000000000-00:00, 01110111 00110101 01111101 11001011 00010010 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.444555666-00:00, 01110111 00110101 01111101 11001011 00010010 01001010 10000110 11111101 01101001",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.999999999-00:00, 01110111 00110101 01111101 11001011 00010010 11111110 00100111 01101011 11101110",
+ })
+ public void testWriteTimestampValueWithUnknownOffsetShortForm(@ConvertWith(StringToTimestamp.class) Timestamp value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValueWithBinary(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeTimestampValue);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ // OpCode MYYYYYYY DDDDDMMM mmmHHHHH ooooommm ssssssoo ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ..ffffff
+ "2023-10-15T01:00-14:00, 01111000 00110101 01111101 00000001 00000000 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T01:00+14:00, 01111000 00110101 01111101 00000001 10000000 00000011",
+ "2023-10-15T01:00-01:15, 01111000 00110101 01111101 00000001 10011000 00000001",
+ "2023-10-15T01:00+01:15, 01111000 00110101 01111101 00000001 11101000 00000001",
+ "2023-10-15T01:59+01:15, 01111000 00110101 01111101 01100001 11101111 00000001",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22+01:15, 01111000 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 00000001",
+ "2023-10-15T23:00+01:15, 01111000 00110101 01111101 00010111 11101000 00000001",
+ "2023-10-15T23:59+01:15, 01111000 00110101 01111101 01110111 11101111 00000001",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:00+01:15, 01111001 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 00000001",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33+01:15, 01111001 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 10000101",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:59+01:15, 01111001 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 11101101",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.000+01:15, 01111010 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 10000101 00000000 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.444+01:15, 01111010 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 10000101 10111100 00000001",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.999+01:15, 01111010 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 10000101 11100111 00000011",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.000000+01:15, 01111011 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 10000101 00000000 00000000 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.444555+01:15, 01111011 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 10000101 10001011 11001000 00000110",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.999999+01:15, 01111011 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 10000101 00111111 01000010 00001111",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.000000000+01:15, 01111100 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 10000101 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.444555666+01:15, 01111100 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 10000101 10010010 01100001 01111111 00011010",
+ "2023-10-15T11:22:33.999999999+01:15, 01111100 00110101 01111101 11001011 11101010 10000101 11111111 11001001 10011010 00111011",
+ })
+ public void testWriteTimestampValueWithKnownOffsetShortForm(@ConvertWith(StringToTimestamp.class) Timestamp value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValueWithBinary(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeTimestampValue);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ // OpCode Length YYYYYYYY MMYYYYYY HDDDDDMM mmmmHHHH oooooomm ssoooooo ....ssss Coefficient+ Scale
+ "0001T, 11110111 00000101 00000001 00000000",
+ "1947T, 11110111 00000101 10011011 00000111",
+ "9999T, 11110111 00000101 00001111 00100111",
+ "1947-01T, 11110111 00000111 10011011 01000111 00000000",
+ "1947-12T, 11110111 00000111 10011011 00000111 00000011",
+ "1947-01-01T, 11110111 00000111 10011011 01000111 00000100",
+ "1947-12-23T, 11110111 00000111 10011011 00000111 01011111",
+ "1947-12-31T, 11110111 00000111 10011011 00000111 01111111",
+ "1947-12-23T00:00Z, 11110111 00001101 10011011 00000111 01011111 00000000 10000000 00010110",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59Z, 11110111 00001101 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00Z, 11110111 00001111 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:59Z, 11110111 00001111 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 11010110 00001110",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.0Z, 11110111 00010011 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00000001 00000001",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.00Z, 11110111 00010011 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00000001 00000010",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.000Z, 11110111 00010011 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00000001 00000011",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.0000Z, 11110111 00010011 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00000001 00000100",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.00000Z, 11110111 00010011 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00000001 00000101",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.000000Z, 11110111 00010011 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00000001 00000110",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.0000000Z, 11110111 00010011 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00000001 00000111",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.00000000Z, 11110111 00010011 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00000001 00001000",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.9Z, 11110111 00010011 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00010011 00000001",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.99Z, 11110111 00010011 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 11000111 00000010",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.999Z, 11110111 00010101 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 10011110 00001111 00000011",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.9999Z, 11110111 00010101 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00111110 10011100 00000100",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.99999Z, 11110111 00010111 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 11111100 00110100 00001100 00000101",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.999999Z, 11110111 00010111 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 11111100 00010001 01111010 00000110",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.9999999Z, 11110111 00011001 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 11111000 01100111 10001001 00001001 00000111",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.99999999Z, 11110111 00011001 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 11111000 00001111 01011110 01011111 00001000",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000Z, " +
+ "11110111 00010011 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00000001 10001101",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
+ "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" +
+ "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000Z, " +
+ "11110111 00010101 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00000001 01101000 00000001",
+ "1947-12-23T23:59:00.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999Z, " +
+ "11110111 10010111 10011011 00000111 11011111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 " +
+ "11111100 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 " +
+ "11111111 10010100 10001001 01111001 01101100 11001110 01111000 11110010 01000000 01111101 10100110 11000111 10101000 01000110 01011001 01110001 01001101 " +
+ "00100000 11110101 01101110 01111010 00001100 00001001 11101111 01111111 11110011 00011110 00010100 11010111 01101000 01110111 10101100 01101100 10001110 " +
+ "00110010 10110111 10000010 11110010 00110110 01101000 11110010 10100111 10001101",
+ // Offsets
+ "2048-01-01T01:01-23:59, 11110111 00001101 00000000 01001000 10000100 00010000 00000100 00000000",
+ "2048-01-01T01:01-00:02, 11110111 00001101 00000000 01001000 10000100 00010000 01111000 00010110",
+ "2048-01-01T01:01-00:01, 11110111 00001101 00000000 01001000 10000100 00010000 01111100 00010110",
+ "2048-01-01T01:01-00:00, 11110111 00001101 00000000 01001000 10000100 00010000 11111100 00111111",
+ "2048-01-01T01:01+00:00, 11110111 00001101 00000000 01001000 10000100 00010000 10000000 00010110",
+ "2048-01-01T01:01+00:01, 11110111 00001101 00000000 01001000 10000100 00010000 10000100 00010110",
+ "2048-01-01T01:01+00:02, 11110111 00001101 00000000 01001000 10000100 00010000 10001000 00010110",
+ "2048-01-01T01:01+23:59, 11110111 00001101 00000000 01001000 10000100 00010000 11111100 00101100",
+ })
+ public void testWriteTimestampValueLongForm(@ConvertWith(StringToTimestamp.class) Timestamp value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValueWithBinary(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeLongFormTimestampValue);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ // Long form because it's out of the year range
+ "0001T, 11110111 00000101 00000001 00000000",
+ "9999T, 11110111 00000101 00001111 00100111",
+ // Long form because the offset is too high/low
+ "2048-01-01T01:01+14:15, 11110111 00001101 00000000 01001000 10000100 00010000 11011100 00100011",
+ "2048-01-01T01:01-14:15, 11110111 00001101 00000000 01001000 10000100 00010000 00100100 00001001",
+ // Long form because the offset is not a multiple of 15
+ "2048-01-01T01:01+00:01, 11110111 00001101 00000000 01001000 10000100 00010000 10000100 00010110",
+ // Long form because the fractional seconds are millis, micros, or nanos
+ "2023-12-31T23:59:00.0Z, 11110111 00010011 11100111 00000111 11111111 10111011 10000011 00010110 00000000 00000001 00000001",
+ })
+ public void testWriteTimestampDelegatesCorrectlyToLongForm(@ConvertWith(StringToTimestamp.class) Timestamp value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValueWithBinary(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeTimestampValue);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteTimestampValueForNullTimestamp() {
+ int numBytes = IonEncoder_1_1.writeTimestampValue(buf, null);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("EB 04", byteArrayToHex(bytes()));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, numBytes);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ "'', 80",
+ "'a', 81 61",
+ "'ab', 82 61 62",
+ "'abc', 83 61 62 63",
+ "'fourteen bytes', 8E 66 6F 75 72 74 65 65 6E 20 62 79 74 65 73",
+ "'this has sixteen', F8 21 74 68 69 73 20 68 61 73 20 73 69 78 74 65 65 6E",
+ "'variable length encoding', F8 31 76 61 72 69 61 62 6C 65 20 6C 65 6E 67 74 68 20 65 6E 63 6F 64 69 6E 67",
+ })
+ public void testWriteStringValue(String value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeStringValue);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteStringValueForNull() {
+ int numBytes = IonEncoder_1_1.writeStringValue(buf, null);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("EB 05", byteArrayToHex(bytes()));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, numBytes);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ "'', 90",
+ "'a', 91 61",
+ "'ab', 92 61 62",
+ "'abc', 93 61 62 63",
+ "'fourteen bytes', 9E 66 6F 75 72 74 65 65 6E 20 62 79 74 65 73",
+ "'this has sixteen', F9 21 74 68 69 73 20 68 61 73 20 73 69 78 74 65 65 6E",
+ "'variable length encoding', F9 31 76 61 72 69 61 62 6C 65 20 6C 65 6E 67 74 68 20 65 6E 63 6F 64 69 6E 67",
+ })
+ public void testWriteSymbolValue(String value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeSymbolValue);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ "0, E1 00",
+ "1, E1 01",
+ "255, E1 FF",
+ "256, E2 00 00",
+ "257, E2 01 00",
+ "512, E2 00 01",
+ "513, E2 01 01",
+ "65535, E2 FF FE",
+ "65791, E2 FF FF",
+ "65792, E3 01",
+ "65793, E3 03",
+ "65919, E3 FF",
+ "65920, E3 02 02",
+ "9223372036854775807, E3 00 FF FD FD FF FF FF FF FF"
+ })
+ public void testWriteSymbolValue(long value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeSymbolValue);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteSymbolValueForNull() {
+ int numBytes = IonEncoder_1_1.writeSymbolValue(buf, null);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("EB 06", byteArrayToHex(bytes()));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, numBytes);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ "'', FE 01", //
+ "20, FE 03 20",
+ "49 20 61 70 70 6C 61 75 64 20 79 6F 75 72 20 63 75 72 69 6F 73 69 74 79, " +
+ "FE 31 49 20 61 70 70 6C 61 75 64 20 79 6F 75 72 20 63 75 72 69 6F 73 69 74 79"
+ })
+ public void testWriteBlobValue(@ConvertWith(HexStringToByteArray.class) byte[] value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeBlobValue);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteBlobValueForNull() {
+ int numBytes = IonEncoder_1_1.writeBlobValue(buf, null);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("EB 07", byteArrayToHex(bytes()));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, numBytes);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ "'', FF 01",
+ "20, FF 03 20",
+ "49 20 61 70 70 6C 61 75 64 20 79 6F 75 72 20 63 75 72 69 6F 73 69 74 79, " +
+ "FF 31 49 20 61 70 70 6C 61 75 64 20 79 6F 75 72 20 63 75 72 69 6F 73 69 74 79"
+ })
+ public void testWriteClobValue(@ConvertWith(HexStringToByteArray.class) byte[] value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeClobValue);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteClobValueForNull() {
+ int numBytes = IonEncoder_1_1.writeClobValue(buf, null);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("EB 08", byteArrayToHex(bytes()));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, numBytes);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ " '', ''", // Empty array of annotations
+ " $0, E4 01",
+ " $10, E4 15",
+ " $256, E4 02 04",
+ " $10 $11, E5 15 17",
+ " $256 $257, E5 02 04 06 04",
+ " $10 $11 $12, E6 07 15 17 19",
+ "$256 $257 $258, E6 0D 02 04 06 04 0A 04",
+ })
+ public void testWriteAnnotations(@ConvertWith(SymbolIdsToLongArray.class) long[] value, String expectedBytes) {
+ assertWritingValue(expectedBytes, value, IonEncoder_1_1::writeAnnotations);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteAnnotationsForNull() {
+ int numBytes = IonEncoder_1_1.writeAnnotations(buf, null);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("", byteArrayToHex(bytes()));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(0, numBytes);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility method to make it easier to write test cases that assert specific sequences of bytes.
+ */
+ private static String byteArrayToHex(byte[] bytes) {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ for (byte b : bytes) {
+ sb.append(String.format("%02X ", b));
+ }
+ return sb.toString().trim();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines the number of bytes needed to represent a series of hexadecimal digits.
+ */
+ private static int byteLengthFromHexString(String hexString) {
+ return (hexString.replaceAll("[^\\dA-F]", "").length()) / 2;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a byte array to a string of bits, such as "00110110 10001001".
+ * The purpose of this method is to make it easier to read and write test assertions.
+ */
+ private static String byteArrayToBitString(byte[] bytes) {
+ StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
+ for (byte aByte : bytes) {
+ for (int bit = 7; bit >= 0; bit--) {
+ if (((0x01 << bit) & aByte) != 0) {
+ s.append("1");
+ } else {
+ s.append("0");
+ }
+ }
+ s.append(" ");
+ }
+ return s.toString().trim();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines the number of bytes needed to represent a series of hexadecimal digits.
+ */
+ private static int byteLengthFromBitString(String bitString) {
+ return (bitString.replaceAll("[^01]", "").length()) / 8;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a String to a Timestamp for a @Parameterized test
+ */
+ static class StringToTimestamp extends TypedArgumentConverter {
+ protected StringToTimestamp() {
+ super(String.class, Timestamp.class);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Timestamp convert(String source) throws ArgumentConversionException {
+ if (source == null) return null;
+ return Timestamp.valueOf(source);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a String to a Decimal for a @Parameterized test
+ */
+ static class StringToDecimal extends TypedArgumentConverter {
+ protected StringToDecimal() {
+ super(String.class, Decimal.class);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Decimal convert(String source) throws ArgumentConversionException {
+ if (source == null) return null;
+ return Decimal.valueOf(source);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a Hex String to a Byte Array for a @Parameterized test
+ */
+ static class HexStringToByteArray extends TypedArgumentConverter {
+ private static final CharsetEncoder ASCII_ENCODER = StandardCharsets.US_ASCII.newEncoder();
+ protected HexStringToByteArray() {
+ super(String.class, byte[].class);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected byte[] convert(String source) throws ArgumentConversionException {
+ if (source == null) return null;
+ if (source.trim().isEmpty()) return new byte[0];
+ String[] octets = source.split(" ");
+ byte[] result = new byte[octets.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < octets.length; i++) {
+ if (octets[i].length() == 1) {
+ char c = octets[i].charAt(0);
+ if (!ASCII_ENCODER.canEncode(c)) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert non-ascii character: " + c);
+ }
+ result[i] = (byte) c;
+ } else {
+ result[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(octets[i], 16);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a String of symbol ids to a long[] for a @Parameterized test
+ */
+ static class SymbolIdsToLongArray extends TypedArgumentConverter {
+ protected SymbolIdsToLongArray() {
+ super(String.class, long[].class);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected long[] convert(String source) throws ArgumentConversionException {
+ if (source == null) return null;
+ int size = (int) source.chars().filter(i -> i == '$').count();
+ String[] sids = source.split("\\$");
+ long[] result = new long[size];
+ int i = 0;
+ for (String sid : sids) {
+ if (sid.isEmpty()) continue;
+ result[i] = Long.parseLong(sid.trim());
+ i++;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/WriteBufferTest.java b/test/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/WriteBufferTest.java
index 10d49f7b14..1a8e83b80f 100644
--- a/test/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/WriteBufferTest.java
+++ b/test/com/amazon/ion/impl/bin/WriteBufferTest.java
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
@@ -1411,6 +1412,116 @@ public void testWriteFlexUIntForNegativeNumber() {
Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> buf.writeFlexUInt(-1));
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ " 0, 00000001",
+ " 1, 00000011",
+ " 2, 00000101",
+ " 3, 00000111",
+ " 4, 00001001",
+ " 5, 00001011",
+ " 14, 00011101",
+ " 63, 01111111",
+ " 64, 00000010 00000001",
+ " 729, 01100110 00001011",
+ " 8191, 11111110 01111111",
+ " 8192, 00000100 00000000 00000001",
+ " 1048575, 11111100 11111111 01111111",
+ " 1048576, 00001000 00000000 00000000 00000001",
+ " 134217727, 11111000 11111111 11111111 01111111",
+ " 134217728, 00010000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001",
+ " 17179869184, 00100000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001",
+ " 2199023255552, 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001",
+ " 281474976710655, 11000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 01111111",
+ " 281474976710656, 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001",
+ " 36028797018963967, 10000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 01111111",
+ " 36028797018963968, 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001",
+ // Different one-bits in every byte, making it easy to see if any bytes are out of order
+ " 72624976668147840, 00000000 00000001 10000001 01000000 00100000 00010000 00001000 00000100 00000010",
+ " 4611686018427387903, 00000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 01111111",
+ " 4611686018427387904, 00000000 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001",
+ // Long.MAX_VALUE
+ " 9223372036854775807, 00000000 11111110 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000001",
+ " 9223372036854775808, 00000000 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010",
+ " -1, 11111111",
+ " -2, 11111101",
+ " -3, 11111011",
+ " -14, 11100101",
+ " -64, 10000001",
+ " -65, 11111110 11111110",
+ " -729, 10011110 11110100",
+ " -8192, 00000010 10000000",
+ " -8193, 11111100 11111111 11111110",
+ " -1048576, 00000100 00000000 10000000",
+ " -1048577, 11111000 11111111 11111111 11111110",
+ " -134217728, 00001000 00000000 00000000 10000000",
+ " -134217729, 11110000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110",
+ " -17179869184, 00010000 00000000 00000000 00000000 10000000",
+ " -17179869185, 11100000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110",
+ " -281474976710656, 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 10000000",
+ " -281474976710657, 10000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110",
+ " -36028797018963968, 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 10000000",
+ " -36028797018963969, 00000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110",
+ // Different zero-bits in every byte, making it easy to see if any bytes are out of order
+ " -72624976668147841, 00000000 11111111 01111110 10111111 11011111 11101111 11110111 11111011 11111101",
+ "-4611686018427387904, 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 10000000",
+ "-4611686018427387905, 00000000 11111110 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110",
+ // Long.MIN_VALUE
+ "-9223372036854775808, 00000000 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111110",
+ "-9223372036854775809, 00000000 11111110 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101",
+ })
+ public void testWriteFlexIntForBigInteger(String value, String expectedBits) {
+ int numBytes = buf.writeFlexInt(new BigInteger(value));
+ String actualBits = byteArrayToBitString(bytes());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(expectedBits, actualBits);
+ Assertions.assertEquals((expectedBits.length() + 1)/9, numBytes);
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ " 0, 00000001",
+ " 1, 00000011",
+ " 2, 00000101",
+ " 3, 00000111",
+ " 4, 00001001",
+ " 5, 00001011",
+ " 14, 00011101",
+ " 63, 01111111",
+ " 64, 10000001",
+ " 127, 11111111",
+ " 128, 00000010 00000010",
+ " 729, 01100110 00001011",
+ " 16383, 11111110 11111111",
+ " 16384, 00000100 00000000 00000010",
+ " 2097151, 11111100 11111111 11111111",
+ " 2097152, 00001000 00000000 00000000 00000010",
+ " 268435455, 11111000 11111111 11111111 11111111",
+ " 268435456, 00010000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010",
+ " 34359738368, 00100000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010",
+ " 4398046511104, 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010",
+ " 562949953421311, 11000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111",
+ " 562949953421312, 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010",
+ " 72057594037927935, 10000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111",
+ " 72057594037927936, 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010",
+ // Different one-bits in every byte, making it easy to see if any bytes are out of order
+ " 72624976668147840, 00000000 00000001 10000001 01000000 00100000 00010000 00001000 00000100 00000010",
+ // Long.MAX_VALUE
+ "9223372036854775807, 00000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111",
+ "9223372036854775808, 00000000 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010",
+ })
+ public void testWriteFlexUIntForBigInteger(String value, String expectedBits) {
+ int numBytes = buf.writeFlexUInt(new BigInteger(value));
+ String actualBits = byteArrayToBitString(bytes());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(expectedBits, actualBits);
+ Assertions.assertEquals((expectedBits.length() + 1)/9, numBytes);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteFlexUIntForNegativeBigInteger() {
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> buf.writeFlexUInt(BigInteger.ONE.negate()));
+ }
" 0, 00000000",
@@ -1508,6 +1619,37 @@ public void testWriteFixedUIntForNegativeNumber() {
Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> buf.writeFixedUInt(-1));
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource({
+ " 0, 1, 00000000",
+ " 0, 2, 00000000 00000000",
+ " 0, 8, 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000",
+ " 1, 1, 00000001",
+ " 1, 2, 00000001 00000000",
+ " 1, 8, 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000",
+ " 255, 1, 11111111",
+ " 255, 2, 11111111 00000000",
+ " 255, 3, 11111111 00000000 00000000",
+ " -1, 1, 11111111",
+ " -1, 2, 11111111 11111111",
+ " -1, 8, 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111",
+ // Long.MIN_VALUE and Long.MAX_VALUE
+ " 9223372036854775807, 8, 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 01111111",
+ "-9223372036854775808, 8, 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 10000000",
+ })
+ public void testWriteFixedIntOrUInt(long value, int numBytes, String expectedBits) {
+ int actualNumBytes = buf.writeFixedIntOrUInt(value, numBytes);
+ String actualBits = byteArrayToBitString(bytes());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(expectedBits, actualBits);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(numBytes, actualNumBytes);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWriteFixedIntOrUIntThrowsExceptionWhenNumBytesIsOutOfBounds() {
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> buf.writeFixedIntOrUInt(0, -1));
+ Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> buf.writeFixedIntOrUInt(0, 9));
+ }
* Converts a byte array to a string of bits, such as "00110110 10001001".
* The purpose of this method is to make it easier to read and write test assertions.