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OmniAuth Azure Active Directory

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OmniAuth strategy to authenticate to Azure Active Directory via OpenId Connect.

Before starting, set up a tenant and register a Web Application at Note your client id and tenant for later.


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'omniauth-azure-activedirectory'


If you are already using OmniAuth, adding AzureAD is as simple as adding a new provider to your OmniAuth::Builder. The provider requires your AzureAD client id and your AzureAD tenant.

For example, in Rails you would add this in config/initializers/omniauth.rb:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :azure_activedirectory, ENV['AAD_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['AAD_TENANT']
  # other providers here

If you are using Sinatra or something else that requires you to configure Rack yourself, you should add this to your

use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :azure_activedirectory, ENV['AAD_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['AAD_TENANT']

When you want to authenticate the user, simply redirect them to /auth/azureactivedirectory. From there, OmniAuth will takeover. Once the user authenticates (or fails to authenticate), they will be redirected to /auth/azureactivedirectory/callback or /auth/azureactivedirectory/failure. The authentication result is available in request.env['omniauth.auth'].

If you are supporting multiple OmniAuth providers, you will likely have something like this in your code:

%w(get post).each do |method|
  send(method, '/auth/:provider/callback') do
    auth = request.env['omniauth.auth']

    # Do what you see fit with your newly authenticated user.


Auth Hash

OmniAuth AzureAD tries to be consistent with the auth hash schema recommended by OmniAuth.

Here's an example of an authentication hash available in the callback. You can access this hash as request.env['omniauth.auth'].

  :provider => "azureactivedirectory",
  :uid => "123456abcdef",
  :info => {
    :name => "John Smith",
    :email => "[email protected]",
    :first_name => "John",
    :last_name => "Smith"
  :credentials => {
    :code => "ffdsjap9fdjw893-rt2wj8r9r32jnkdsflaofdsa9"
  :extra => {
    :session_state => '532fgdsgtfera32',
    :raw_info => {
      :id_token => "fjeri9wqrfe98r23.fdsaf121435rt.f42qfdsaf",
      :id_token_claims => {
        "aud" => "fdsafdsa-fdsafd-fdsa-sfdasfds",
        "iss" => "",
        "iat" => 53315113,
        "nbf" => 53143215,
        "exp" => 53425123,
        "ver" => "1.0",
        "tid" => "5ffdsa2f-dsafds-sda-sds",
        "oid" => "fdsafdsaafdsa",
        "upn" => "[email protected]",
        "sub" => "123456abcdef",
        "nonce" => "fdsaf342rfdsafdsafsads"
      :id_token_header => {
        "typ" => "JWT",
        "alg" => "RS256",
        "x5t" => "fdsafdsafdsafdsa4t4er32",
        "kid" => "tjiofpjd8ap9fgdsa44"


Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Licensed under the MIT License.