All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- aws-min-items, it is supported by OpenAPI3 in API Gateway
- aws-max-items, it is supported by OpenAPI3 in API Gateway
- downgraded additionalProperties to a hint, as is supported by API Gateway.
- Upgraded to ajv 8.5.0 to take advantage of the new ajv-draft-04 library
- Added ajv-formats to allow the subset of formats available in draft-04, as published
- added draft-4 schema checking rule & function
- added a draft-4 schema checker, which qualifies for a major version bump as this is a good, but blocking rule.
- modified aws-default rule to rescope it to just the model definition, as the rule was previously scoped to the whole document, and picked up a false positive under $.servers