Experiments with Neural ODE style methods for white-light images
PNODEs on larger CME dataset with correct use of dataloaders
Modified PNODEs to handle constraints such as continuity, etc.
Training on segmented instead of raw white light images
Setups for pushing observation images through network. Latent space loss, paired autoencoders, etc.
Training Continuous Conv architectures for prediction of arrival time and other quantities of interest at 1au
NeuroDiffEq - - general ideas are very different, somewhat closer to PINNs?
Some analytical CFD examples in section 3 of this study? RG Link
torch metrics like MSE, absolute loss? some experiments: Gist
For code on ME-Maverick (mostly to remain untouched):
Uses virtual environment ptvenv
From home directory, do source ptvenv/bin/activate
And then launch Jupyter notebook from virtual env