kubectl create -f kubia-svc.yaml
kubectl get svc
kubernetes <none> 443/TCP 30d
kubia <none> 80/TCP 6m
Run a pod with matching labels (app=kubia)
kubectl apply -f kubia-pod.yaml
Run a curl command from within the pod (replace with your pod-name and cluster-ip)
kubectl exec kubiapod -- curl -s
Once the service is created check out the env variables inside pods
kubectl exec kubiapod env
From inside the container. You can use the curl command to access the kubia service in any of the following ways:
kubectl exec -it kubiapod bash
root@kubia-3inly:/# curl http://kubia.default.svc.cluster.local
root@kubia-3inly:/# curl http://kubia.default
root@kubia-3inly:/# curl http://kubia
- Here kubia corresponds to the service name, default stands for the namespace the service is defined in,
- svc.cluster.local is a configurable cluster domain suffix used in all cluster local service names.
- All of this possible because of DNS service running.
kubectl apply -f kubia-svc-nodeport.yaml
kubectl get svc
- Open the web-browser and enter Public-IP of Master OR worker node followed by :NodePort
- public-ip-of-master-or-worker-node:nodeport
kubectl get svc
iptables-save |grep -i ## cluster IP of the service
iptables-save |grep -i KUBE-SVC-OGYXBJX3CJ7W6DXK ## From the result of above command you will find KUBE-SVC-*****
iptables-save |grep -i KUBE-SEP-YWMUSWLZWZGIUDKB ## From the result of above command you will find KUBE****
kubectl get pods -o wide ## Search the IP address of the pods in the output of iptables-save
Follow the link - https://github.com/ashishrpandey/kubernetes-training/blob/master/ingress.md
How to use aws ALB as ingress https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/kubernetes-ingress-aws-alb-ingress-controller/
More about the flow of data packets in Kubernetes https://sookocheff.com/post/kubernetes/understanding-kubernetes-networking-model/