Redmine 6
- New: #350 - Redmine 6.0.0
Custom emails
- Bug: #340 - Send email to address in custom field?
Email notifications
- New: #330 - Send mail to the author when an issue is created
- Bug: #328 - Mail sending from custom workflows
IMPORTANT: Parameters of CustomWorkflowMailer.deliver_custom_email method has changed.
before: CustomWorkflowMailer.deliver_custom_email(user, subject, text)
now: CustomWorkflowMailer.deliver_custom_email(user, headers = {})
To achieve the same behaviour you have to modify an existing callig as follows
CustomWorkflowMailer.deliver_custom_email(user, subject: subject, text_body: text)
Member as an observable object
Redmine 5.1 compatibility
- New: #324 - Add Member as a observable object
- Bug: #322 - Problem with upgrading from 2.0.3 to 2.0.9
- New: #320 - Interference with other redmine-plugins
More robust XML import
Rubocop tests of plugin's source codes
Better error log messages
- New: #295 - production.log
Bug fix
- Bug: #285 - Viewing wiki version raises a error
Flash messages
- Bug: #281 - Internal error 500
- New: #280 - Q: check for REST API access (user impersonation or remote IP) in workflow
- New: #275 - When using Before Destruction on issues, no error gets displayed
- New: #85 - Preventing issue attachments to be deleted
- New: #39 - Ability to raise a warning or info (similar to raise WorkflowError, “Your message”)
GitHub CI
Maintenance release
- Bug: #261 - Uninitialized constant CustomWorkflow::WorkflowError
Redmine 4.2 compatibility
- Bug: #260 - Upgrade from 1.0.4 to 2.0.2, has an error, redmine 4.2.3 to 4.2.6
Ruby 3.0 compatibility
- Bug: #258 - Tried to create Proc object without a block (again and better)
Ruby 2.7 backward compatibility
- Bug: #257 - IssueRelation.to_s is broken after #257 bug
- Bug: #258 - Tried to create Proc object without a block
Redmine 5.0
- New: #255 - Can you update it to Redmine 5.0.0
- New: #252 - Rails 6
- Bug: #248 - Redmine 4.2.3 doesn't start after installing custom workflow plugin
- New: #239 - Gitlab CI enhancement
Spanish localisation
Maintenance release
SQLite 3 compatibility
- Bug: #204 - Rails 4: sqlite3 t/f -> 1/0
Maintenance release
- Bug: #193 - Error after install on fresh 4.1.1
- New: #190 - Execute workflows in order of their positioning
- New: #189 - Enable custom workflows for issue relations
- New: #183 - Add link to repo with some examples
Redmine's look&feel
- Bug: #168 - Check last version of plugin KO
- Bug: #167 - Crash when delete project
Redmine 4.1 compatibility
- Bug: #149 - Error install on Redmine 4.1.0
- Bug: #141 - Bug when using PT-BR
Custom emails
- Bug: #128 - Undefined method
- Bug: #122 - NameError: uninitialized constant
- Bug: #119 - PostgreSQL querry error
Redmine 4.0 compatibility
- Bug: #116 - raise errors bug
- New: #114 - rails 5
- Bug: #112 - devel 1.0.0 on redmine 4.0.0 problem. bug
- New: #111 - Travis CI help wanted
- New: #109 - Redmine 4.0 compatibility enhancement
- Bug: #89 - Custom workflow for @time_entry doesn't raise on submit of issue form if spent time subform filled bug wontfix
- Bug: #88 - Rendering bug after upgrading to Redmine 3.4.2 bug
- Bug: #63 - Redmine 3.2.1 - Internal Server Error on new Issue with MS SQL bug
- Bug: #60 - Fresh new install on 3.2.2.stable don't work bug
- Bug: #46 - Error in pt-br.yml file bug
- New observable objects added (TimeEntry, Version)
- Bug fixes
- New observable objects added (Project, Wiki Content, Attachment, Issue Attachments, Project Attachments, Wiki Page Attachments)
- Ability to hook before_destroy and after_destroy events
- Ability to exit current workflow with
orreturn true
and cancel workflow's execution chain withreturn false
- Non-active workflows are now not checked for syntax. Now you can import non-valid (for your Redmine instance for example) workflow, make changes to it and then activate.
- Compatibility with Redmine 2.x.x returned, support of Redmine 1.x.x cancelled
- Added new observable objects. Along with Issue objects you can now watch for changes in User and Group objects
- Added support of shared workflows - special workflows that running before all other workflows and can provide functions and classes for it
- Added Mailer helper for sending custom emails from workflows (check Wiki)
- Import/export ability
- Administrator can activate/deactivate workflows globally
- Compatibility with Redmine 3.x, support of Redmine 2.x.x has dropped (for Redmine 2.x.x please use version 0.0.6)
- Import/export ability
- Compatibility with latest versions of Redmine 2.x.x
- Added ability to enable workflows globally for all projects. No need to enable 'Custom workflows' project module anymore. Just go to the 'Administration' -> 'Custom workflows' section and enable or disable your workflows in one place.
- Fixed bug with 'Status transition prohibited' when updating the issue status by the repository commit
- Compatibility with 1.2.x, 1.3.x
- Added ability to define after_save script along with before_save, improved logging, changed context of executing script to the issue.
- Initial commit