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diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5085e54..7a75566 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,17 +1,15 @@ # MimiFAIRv2.jl -This is a work-in-progress respository for a Julia-Mimi implementation of the FAIRv2.0 simple climate model. The model description paper can be found at [FaIRv2.0.0: A Generalized Impulse Response Model for Climate Uncertainty and Future Scenario Exploration](https://gmd.copernicus.org/articles/14/3007/2021/gmd-14-3007-2021.html). +This is a work-in-progress repository for a Julia-Mimi implementation of the FAIRv2.0 simple climate model. The model description paper can be found at [FaIRv2.0.0: A Generalized Impulse Response Model for Climate Uncertainty and Future Scenario Exploration](https://gmd.copernicus.org/articles/14/3007/2021/gmd-14-3007-2021.html). ## Preparing the Software Environment -To add the package without necessarily downloading the full repository, run the following command at the julia package REPL: +To add the package to your current environment, run the following command at the julia package REPL: ```julia -pkg> add https://github.com/FrankErrickson/MimiFAIRv2.jl.git # add MimiFAIRv2 module on main branch +pkg> add https://github.com/FrankErrickson/MimiFAIRv2.jl.git ``` -To work locally assuming you have downloaded the full repository and want to work with that version, likely only if you want to actively develope the MimiFAIRv2 package itself, you will later run the following command at the julia REPL, but do not need to call `add`. - ```julia include("src/MimiFAIRv2.jl") # load the MimiFAIRv2 module ``` @@ -21,17 +19,14 @@ You probably also want to install the Mimi package into your julia environment, ```julia pkg> add Mimi ``` + ## Running the Model The model uses the Mimi framework and it is highly recommended to read the Mimi documentation first to understand the code structure. The basic way to access a copy of the default MimiFAIRv2 model and explore the resuts is the following: ```julia using Mimi -using MimiFAIRv2 # if you used the `pkg> add` syntax above and thus have the module in your environment - -# note that instead of the line above one could call the following line, which -# may be particularly helpful for package development -# include("src/MimiFAIRv2.jl") +using MimiFAIRv2 # Create an instance of MimiFAIRv2. m = MimiFAIRv2.get_model() diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index e510133..da693d4 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ using DataFrames using CSVFiles using Test +using MimiFAIRv2 +using Mimi -include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "src", "MimiFAIRv2.jl")) using MimiFAIRv2: get_model # load `get_model` function to avoid need for `MimiFAIRv2.` prefix @testset "UI" begin @@ -81,26 +82,103 @@ using MimiFAIRv2: get_model # load `get_model` function to avoid need for `MimiF end -@testset "Python Comparison" begin +@testset "Python Comparison - With Python Replication Data" begin # run model for each possible SSP and compare variable values between julia # and python versons - for SSP in ["ssp119", "ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp585"] + for ssp in ["ssp119", "ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp585"] + + #Load initial conditions (just need parameter names) and extract gas names. + init_gas_vals = DataFrame(load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "fair_initial_gas_cycle_conditions_1750.csv"), skiplines_begin=7)) + montreal_init = filter(:gas_group => ==("montreal"), init_gas_vals) + flourinated_init = filter(:gas_group => ==("flourinated"), init_gas_vals) + aerosol_plus_init = filter(:gas_group => ==("aerosol_plus"), init_gas_vals) + + # Sort arrays of initial conditions for multiple gases so they are listed alphabetically. + sort!(montreal_init, :gas_name) + sort!(flourinated_init, :gas_name) + sort!(aerosol_plus_init, :gas_name) + + # Load replication emissions and forcing from Python. + python_emiss = DataFrame(load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "python_replication_data", ssp*"_emissions.csv"))) + python_exog_RF = DataFrame(load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "python_replication_data", ssp*"_forcing.csv")))[:,:External] + + # Extract emissions arrays for multi-gas groupings. + montreal_emissions = python_emiss[:, Symbol.(montreal_init.gas_name)] + flourinated_emissions = python_emiss[:, Symbol.(flourinated_init.gas_name)] + aerosol_plus_emissions = python_emiss[:, Symbol.(aerosol_plus_init.gas_name)] + + # Get a model instance for that SSP. + m = MimiFAIRv2.get_model(emissions_forcing_scenario = ssp, start_year=1750, end_year=2100) + + # Update exogenous forcing and emissions data. + update_param!(m, :radiative_forcing, :exogenous_RF, python_exog_RF) + update_param!(m, :co2_cycle, :E_co2, python_emiss.carbon_dioxide) + update_param!(m, :ch4_cycle, :E_ch4, python_emiss.methane) + update_param!(m, :n2o_cycle, :E_n2o, python_emiss.nitrous_oxide) + update_param!(m, :flourinated_cycles, :E_flourinated, Array(flourinated_emissions)) + update_param!(m, :montreal_cycles, :E_montreal, Array(montreal_emissions)) + update_param!(m, :aerosol_plus_cycles, :E_aerosol_plus, Array(aerosol_plus_emissions)) - m = get_model(;emissions_forcing_scenario = SSP, end_year = 2100) run(m) - # compare temperatures (TODO - this is failing) - julia_temps = m[:temperature, :T] + # Put CO₂ concentration, total radiative forcing, and global temperature anomaly into a dataframe. + julia_results = DataFrame(co2 = m[:co2_cycle, :co2], rf = m[:radiative_forcing, :total_RF], temp = m[:temperature, :T]) + + # compare temperatures + python_results = load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "python_replication_data", string(ssp, "_temperature.csv"))) |> DataFrame + @test maximum(abs, julia_results[!, :temp] .- python_results[!, :default]) ≈ 0. atol = 1e-3 + + # compare radiative forcing + python_results = load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "python_replication_data", string(ssp, "_forcing.csv"))) |> DataFrame + select!(python_results, "Forcing component", "Total") + @test maximum(abs, julia_results[!, :rf] .- python_results[!, :Total]) ≈ 0. atol = 1e-3 - data = load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "python_replication_data", string(SSP, "_temperature.csv"))) |> DataFrame - rename!(data, [:year, :T]) - python_temps = data[!, :T] + # compare emissions + conv = select!(DataFrame(load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "default_gas_cycle_parameters.csv"), skiplines_begin=6)), :gas_name, :emis2conc) + filter(:gas_name => ==("carbon_dioxide"), conv) - @test maximum(abs, julia_temps .- python_temps) ≈ 0. atol = 1e-3 + python_results = load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "python_replication_data", string(ssp, "_concentrations.csv"))) |> DataFrame + select!(python_results, "Gas name", "carbon_dioxide") + @test maximum(abs, julia_results[!, :co2] .- python_results[!, :carbon_dioxide]) ≈ 0. atol = 1e-3 + + end +end + +@testset "Python Comparison - With Default Model" begin + + # run model for each possible SSP and compare variable values between julia + # and python versons + + for ssp in ["ssp119", "ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp585"] + + # Get a model instance for that SSP. + m = MimiFAIRv2.get_model(emissions_forcing_scenario = ssp, start_year=1750, end_year=2100) + run(m) - # TODO - what other variables do we want to compare? + # Put CO₂ concentration, total radiative forcing, and global temperature anomaly into a dataframe. + julia_results = DataFrame(co2 = m[:co2_cycle, :co2], rf = m[:radiative_forcing, :total_RF], temp = m[:temperature, :T]) + python_results = DataFrame(:year => collect(1750:2100)) + + # add temperature + res = load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "python_replication_data", string(ssp, "_temperature.csv"))) |> DataFrame + insertcols!(python_results, 2, :temp => res[!, :default]) + + # compare radiative forcing + res = load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "python_replication_data", string(ssp, "_forcing.csv"))) |> DataFrame + insertcols!(python_results, 2, :rf => res[!, :Total]) + + # compare emissions + res = load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "python_replication_data", string(ssp, "_concentrations.csv"))) |> DataFrame + insertcols!(python_results, 2, :co2 => res[!, :carbon_dioxide]) + + for name in [:co2, :rf, :temp] + maxdiff = maximum(abs, julia_results[!, name] .- python_results[!, name]) + if maxdiff > 1e-3 + @warn("Maximum absolute difference for $(ssp)'s $name is $maxdiff") + end + end end end diff --git a/test/test_plot_comparison_code.jl b/test/test_plot_comparison_code.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e79841 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/test_plot_comparison_code.jl @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +using DataFrames +using CSVFiles +using Mimi + +include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "src/MimiFAIRv2.jl")) + +#Load initial conditions (just need parameter names) and extract gas names. +init_gas_vals = DataFrame(load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "fair_initial_gas_cycle_conditions_1750.csv"), skiplines_begin=7)) +montreal_init = filter(:gas_group => ==("montreal"), init_gas_vals) +flourinated_init = filter(:gas_group => ==("flourinated"), init_gas_vals) +aerosol_plus_init = filter(:gas_group => ==("aerosol_plus"), init_gas_vals) + +# Sort arrays of initial conditions for multiple gases so they are listed alphabetically. +sort!(montreal_init, :gas_name) +sort!(flourinated_init, :gas_name) +sort!(aerosol_plus_init, :gas_name) + +# Set SSP (options = ['ssp119','ssp126','ssp245','ssp370','ssp585']) +ssp = "ssp370" + +# Load replication emissions and forcing from Python. +python_emiss = DataFrame(load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "python_replication_data", ssp*"_emissions.csv"))) +python_exog_RF = DataFrame(load(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "data", "python_replication_data", ssp*"_forcing.csv")))[:,:External] + +# Extract emissions arrays for multi-gas groupings. +montreal_emissions = python_emiss[:, Symbol.(montreal_init.gas_name)] +flourinated_emissions = python_emiss[:, Symbol.(flourinated_init.gas_name)] +aerosol_plus_emissions = python_emiss[:, Symbol.(aerosol_plus_init.gas_name)] + +# Get a model instance for that SSP. +m = MimiFAIRv2.get_model(emissions_forcing_scenario=ssp, start_year=1750, end_year=2100) + +# Update exogenous forcing and emissions data. +update_param!(m, :radiative_forcing, :exogenous_RF, python_exog_RF) +update_param!(m, :co2_cycle, :E_co2, python_emiss.carbon_dioxide) +update_param!(m, :ch4_cycle, :E_ch4, python_emiss.methane) +update_param!(m, :n2o_cycle, :E_n2o, python_emiss.nitrous_oxide) +update_param!(m, :flourinated_cycles, :E_flourinated, Array(flourinated_emissions)) +update_param!(m, :montreal_cycles, :E_montreal, Array(montreal_emissions)) +update_param!(m, :aerosol_plus_cycles, :E_aerosol_plus, Array(aerosol_plus_emissions)) + +run(m) + +# Put CO₂ concentration, total radiative forcing, and global temperature anomaly into a dataframe. +results = DataFrame(co2 = m[:co2_cycle, :co2], rf = m[:radiative_forcing, :total_RF], temp = m[:temperature, :T]) + +# Save results. +save("Mimi_FAIR_replication_"*ssp*".csv", results) + + + +#------------------------------------------------------ +#------------------------------------------------------ +#------------------------------------------------------ +# PLOTTING CODE IN R +#------------------------------------------------------ +#------------------------------------------------------ +#------------------------------------------------------ + +library(ggplot2) + +setwd("C:/Users/fce/Desktop/fair2.0/MimiFAIRv2.0.jl") + +# Load Mimi results +mimi_ssp119 = read.csv("C:/Users/fce/Desktop/fair2.0/MimiFAIRv2.0.jl/DONT PUT ON GIT - FAIR REPLICATION OF PYTHON RESULTS/Mimi_FAIR_replication_ssp119.csv") +mimi_ssp126 = read.csv("C:/Users/fce/Desktop/fair2.0/MimiFAIRv2.0.jl/DONT PUT ON GIT - FAIR REPLICATION OF PYTHON RESULTS/Mimi_FAIR_replication_ssp126.csv") +mimi_ssp245 = read.csv("C:/Users/fce/Desktop/fair2.0/MimiFAIRv2.0.jl/DONT PUT ON GIT - FAIR REPLICATION OF PYTHON RESULTS/Mimi_FAIR_replication_ssp245.csv") +mimi_ssp370 = read.csv("C:/Users/fce/Desktop/fair2.0/MimiFAIRv2.0.jl/DONT PUT ON GIT - FAIR REPLICATION OF PYTHON RESULTS/Mimi_FAIR_replication_ssp370.csv") +mimi_ssp585 = read.csv("C:/Users/fce/Desktop/fair2.0/MimiFAIRv2.0.jl/DONT PUT ON GIT - FAIR REPLICATION OF PYTHON RESULTS/Mimi_FAIR_replication_ssp585.csv") + +# Load Python temperature results +python_ssp119 = read.csv("C:/Users/fce/Desktop/fair2.0/MimiFAIRv2.0.jl/data/python_replication_data/ssp119_temperature.csv") +python_ssp126 = read.csv("C:/Users/fce/Desktop/fair2.0/MimiFAIRv2.0.jl/data/python_replication_data/ssp126_temperature.csv") +python_ssp245 = read.csv("C:/Users/fce/Desktop/fair2.0/MimiFAIRv2.0.jl/data/python_replication_data/ssp245_temperature.csv") +python_ssp370 = read.csv("C:/Users/fce/Desktop/fair2.0/MimiFAIRv2.0.jl/data/python_replication_data/ssp370_temperature.csv") +python_ssp585 = read.csv("C:/Users/fce/Desktop/fair2.0/MimiFAIRv2.0.jl/data/python_replication_data/ssp585_temperature.csv") + +# Put data into a dataframe. +mimi_data = data.frame(year=1750:2100, ssp119=mimi_ssp119[,3], ssp126=mimi_ssp126[,3], ssp245=mimi_ssp245[,3], ssp370=mimi_ssp370[,3], ssp585=mimi_ssp585[,3]) +python_data = data.frame(year=1750:2100, ssp119=python_ssp119[,2], ssp126=python_ssp126[,2], ssp245=python_ssp245[,2], ssp370=python_ssp370[,2], ssp585=python_ssp585[,2]) + +# Crop it to all start in the year 2000 (then do historical in black). +index_2000 = which(1750:2100 == 2000) + +short_mimi_data = mimi_data[(index_2000+1):351, ] +short_python_data = python_data[(index_2000+1):351, ] + +# Get historicla data +historic_mimi_data = mimi_data[1:(index_2000+1), ] +historic_python_data = python_data[1:(index_2000+1), ] + +# Thin python data to every 5-years and to shortened time frame +thin_indices = seq(1,length(short_python_data[,1]), by=3) +thin_indices_historic = seq(1,length(historic_python_data[,1]), by=1) + +python_data_thinned = short_python_data[thin_indices, ] +historic_python_data_thinned = historic_python_data[thin_indices_historic, ] + +ssp119_col = "#6ace85" +ssp126_col = "#7f9be7" +ssp245_col = "#9c4ed2" +ssp370_col = "darkorange" +#ssp370_col = "#9c4ed2" +ssp585_col = "#ea3675" + + +p = ggplot() + +p = p + geom_hline(yintercept=0, color="red", linetype="22") + +p = p + geom_line(data=historic_mimi_data, aes(x=year, y=ssp119), color="black") +p = p + geom_point(data=historic_python_data_thinned, aes(x=year, y=ssp119), shape=21, size=1) + +p = p + geom_line(data=short_mimi_data, aes(x=year, y=ssp119), color=ssp119_col) +p = p + geom_point(data=python_data_thinned, aes(x=year, y=ssp119), fill=ssp119_col, shape=21, size=1) + +p = p + geom_line(data=short_mimi_data, aes(x=year, y=ssp126), color=ssp126_col) +p = p + geom_point(data=python_data_thinned, aes(x=year, y=ssp126), fill=ssp126_col, shape=21, size=1) + +p = p + geom_line(data=short_mimi_data, aes(x=year, y=ssp245), color=ssp245_col) +p = p + geom_point(data=python_data_thinned, aes(x=year, y=ssp245), fill=ssp245_col, shape=21, size=1) + +p = p + geom_line(data=short_mimi_data, aes(x=year, y=ssp370), color=ssp370_col) +p = p + geom_point(data=python_data_thinned, aes(x=year, y=ssp370), fill=ssp370_col, shape=21, size=1) + +p = p + geom_line(data=short_mimi_data, aes(x=year, y=ssp585), color=ssp585_col) +p = p + geom_point(data=python_data_thinned, aes(x=year, y=ssp585), fill=ssp585_col, shape=21, size=1) + +p = p + xlab("Year") +p = p + ylab("Global Surface Temperature Anomaly (K)") +#p = p + labs(title = "Python vs. Julia-Mimi versions of FaIR v2.0") +p = p + labs(title = "Python vs. Julia-Mimi versions of FaIR v2.0", subtitle = "RCMIP Emission & Forcing Scenarios (1750-2100)") + +p = p + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent"), + plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color="NA"), + panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), + panel.grid.major = element_line(color="gray90", size=0.25), + #axis.line.y = element_blank(), + axis.line = element_line(color="black", size=0.25), + axis.ticks = element_line(color="black", size=0.25), + axis.text = element_text(size=9, colour="black"), + axis.title = element_text(size=9, colour="black"), + legend.position="none", + #plot.title = element_blank(), + #axis.title.y = element_blank(), + axis.ticks.length=unit(.1, "cm")) + #axis.text.y = element_blank(), + #axis.ticks.y = element_blank()) + +ggsave(p, file="Python_Mimi_FAIR2_temperature_comparison.jpg", device="jpeg", type="cairo", width=200, height=130, unit="mm", dpi=200) +ggsave(p, file="Python_Mimi_FAIR2_temperature_comparison.pdf", device="pdf", width=200, height=130, unit="mm", dpi=200, useDingbats=FALSE) +