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Hello there, stranger.


This is a log of things I learn, experiment with, or think about.

πŸ”– 1596221294 - 20200731

Becoming a Software Saboteur: Creating Questionable If-Statements

Let's use if-statements to sabotage some software by creating bugs and unmaintainable code.

Compounding Problems with Multiple-Abstractions-Per-Line-of-Code

Understanding the value of "One Abstraction per Line of Code" is necessary for undoing it, and undoing it is an essential prerequisite for all our sabotage via if-statements.

Think of many boolean variables, function calls, and conditions within an if-statement clause in the same way as you think of "magic-numbers" within a program. Instead of labeling the magic-numbers with a variable that has a name signifying the intent of usage of the number, we can have an unamed raw number somewhere in the code. The equivalent with boolean logic is to call functions, perform comparrisons, and put other boolean operations within an if-statement clause itself.

Clean-code strives to be legible as a primary goal, and to not mix multiple-abstractions on a single line of code [1].

In this contrived example...

var shouldPressGasPedal bool = trafficLight.isGreen() && !breakPedal.isPressed()
if (shouldPressGasPedal) {

...each line of code concerns itself with one thing (abstraction):

  1. Labeling (naming) a condition for its meaning
  2. Executing control-flow (with a pre-established named condition)
  3. Execution of an action (directly related to the named condition)

If someone were to change the gasPedal variable to brakePedal...

var shouldPressGasPedal bool = trafficLight.isGreen() && !breakPedal.isPressed()
if (shouldPressGasPedal) {

...the error is far too easy to see, because the helpfully named shouldPressGasPedal variable expresses intent of the if-statement while being so close (on the screen) to the brakePedal variable.

So, if someone has kept abstractions separate to each line of code, let's undo their work. Since our goal is to maximize any extra potential for bugs and unmaintainablility, we will change the code to:

if (trafficLight.isGreen() && !breakPedal.isPressed()) {

The above change forces the code-reviewer to expend extra brain-power (no matter how little) to derive the intended meaning from the if-statement clause. For the same reason, a missing operator like ! would be harder to spot.

We can justify the change by saying we're decreasing the total lines of code. We can also claim the program is more memory-efficient by removing an unnecessary variable. Hopefully the code-reviewer is oblivious to how extremely efficient compilers are at optimizing away any performance cost.

However, the far more important reason for sabotaging the code this way is it serves as a critical foundation: Multiple-abstractions in the if-statement clause perfectly sets us up for creating arrow-code, which itself enables us to devolve the code in many more ways.

Shoot for Arrows

A reliable tactic is to nest if-statements as deeply as possible. Our goal is to make arrow-code [2] so that the code-reviewer can't hold in their head what is going on.

If an if-statement clause has compounded boolean expressions, break the boolean expressions apart into multiple if-statements.

For example, this sabotaged code from the previous section...

if (!brakePedal.isPressed() && trafficLight.isGreen()) {

...can become:

if (trafficLight.isGreen()) {
	if (!brakePedal.isPressed()) {

This is a critical first-step to creating bugs and code that can't be maintained, reasoned about, or even executable.

Don't worry though, we'll have opportunity to reintroduce complex boolean expressions momentarily.

Complect for Success

If we already have nested if-statements in multiple places for totally separate reasons, we want to see if there's a shared if-statement between those nested chunks and combine them.

This accomplishes the goals of not "separating concerns" and complecting (adding complexity) by braiding together different "strands" of code written for unrelated purposes, but incindentally share duplicate lines of code.

The real trick here is to take things that serve totally different purposes and erroneously mix them together because they look similar.

We'll even be able to argue good software-engineering by using "DRY / Don't Repeat Yourself" as an excuse for complecting unrelated code together.

As a contrived example, the following code...

if (trafficLight.isGreen()) {
	if (!brakePedal.isPressed()) {

if (!brakePedal.isPressed()) {
	if (trafficLight.isRed()) {

...can be changed to:

if (trafficLight.isGreen()) {
	if (!brakePedal.isPressed()) {
		if (trafficLight.isRed()) {
		} else {

An astute reader will notice that the inner-most if-statement body will never execute, since a traffic light can't be red and green at the same time. However, this is still a good act of sabotage because the code-reviewer will be forced to think in order to notice, and being able to notice the dead-code requires implicit knowledge of a traffic-light. Outside of this example, where a more complicated or obscure object is used instead a contrived traffic-light, we're forcing the code-reviewer to have full knowledge of (of a possibly difficult-to-understand) object in addition to reading carefully.

Compounding Problems with Defining by Negation

We can still make things worse. If we create compound boolean expressions within the if-statement clause, and invert boolean values where-ever possible, we can make the erroneous if-statement nesting even harder to spot.

if (!trafficLight.isYellow() && !trafficLight.isRed()) {
	if (!brakePedal.isPressed()) {
		if (!trafficLight.isYellow() && !trafficLight.isGreen()) {
		} else {

Better yet, we can use this as an opportunity to nest the if-statements even further to achieve both deeper arrow code and complect another "strand" in this braid of code-complexity. All we have to do is notice two if-statement clauses that are for completely different purposes but happen to have a little bit of the same code.

In this case, let's extract !trafficLight.isYellow() out of two if-statement clauses into a new, outter-most if statement:

if (!trafficLight.isYellow()) {
	if (!trafficLight.isRed()) {
		if (!brakePedal.isPressed()) {
			if (!trafficLight.isGreen()) {
			} else {

We can also justify this nesting, once again citing "DRY / Don't Repeat Yourself" as a reason. Also, we can claim that this is more performant since we're not evaluating executing the same function (trafficLight.isYellow()) more than once. (Hopefully the code-reviewer hasn't heard of "optimize second" or the "rule of threes".)

Finally, we can claim robustness, since all this extra if-statements must mean that we're checking every possible scenario before deciding to press the gas pedal, right?

Create Distance with Irrelevance

The code-reviewer may notice how the inner-most if-statement body will never execute, since a traffic light can't be green and red at the same time. We've hopefully made it harder to notice by creating distance (on the screen) in lines of code between trafficLight.isGreen() and trafficLight.isRed(). If we can add more boiler-plate, irrelavant code, or unnecessary comments to the if-statement blocks, the extra distance will make the dead-code even harder to notice.

A foolproof tool is creating comments that redundantly explain what is already literally codified with the code. There's also the extra benefit of comments becoming easily misplaced, unapplicable, irrelevant if the code changes and the comments aren't updated.

if (!trafficLight.isYellow()) {
	if (!trafficLight.isRed()) {
		if (!brakePedal.isPressed()) {
			// Never press a gas pedal if the break pedal is already pressed.
			if (!trafficLight.isGreen()) {

Finally, Obtain Review by the Encumbered

With any luck during code-review from the team, the college-intern will be too pre-occupied studying for midterms, the recent-grad junior-engineer will still be hungover from an over-indulgent happy hour the night before, the senior-engineer will be extremely sleep deprived from their new-born baby crying all night, and the team-lead / manager will be so bogged down with meetings that they'll be both too-pressed-for-time and so-far-removed from ever touching the code-base, that we'll get away with sabotaging some software.

1{#1596221294_1}. Coding: Single Level of Abstraction Principle

2{#1596221294_2}. Arrow Anti-Pattern

πŸ”– 1596038377 - 20200729

Enemy of the State, Part 1

For the following piece of Java code (where we'll substitute 1-to-N lower-case letter variable and method names are used in lieu of "foo" or "bar"):

// 1-to-N lower-case letter variable and method names are used in lieu of β€œfoo” or β€œbar”.

void m() {
		new Object(),
		mmm(500, 2000)

A reviewer asked me, "Could we just allocate new Object() once and just keep passing the same one in?"

This is a good question, and the answer is counter-intuitive: we don't want to re-use the same object instance over-and-over in this case.

We get told many times in school or out-dated Java books [1] to "avoid allocating" and that "new is expensive", which simply isn't true in all cases and leads to problems if followed rotely.

The reasoning is:

  • Objects are cheap.
  • The garbage collector is pretty smart these days (and will optimize clean-up in these cases).
  • We assess the risks for if it is worth holding onto state (variables / objects) for more than one use orfor beyond the current scope.

If there is a performance problem such that we are performance tuning, and allocating new objects turns out to be the bottleneck, we'll prefer to hold onto some variables that exist in a broader scope and try to never touch the allocator (i.e. by using new only once per variable).

Otherwise, especially with any sort threading code, it is best to have "clean slates" i.e. new (and preferrably) immutable objects each time we are calling a method that needs them. Stale-state increases the chance of bugs, and amongst the worst bugs involving stale-state can occur when multiple threads are erroneously trying to read or operate off the same variable (which may require different states for different threads in the same moment of concurrent execution).

Beyond that, I personally have little patience for noisy repitition in lines of code, such as ObjectName objectName = new ObjectName();, so if I can get away with just new ObjectName(), I do. It reads a 'lil cleaner.

In summary, we'll have more readable code and avoid bugs by greedily using the new keyword in attempts to have variables (objects) that are clean-slate, single use, and restricted to the smallest scope possible in our code. In specific (and somewhat rare) cases, we may not do this for performance reasons, but in general, we'll avoid bugs caused by stale-state in our code.

1{#1596038377_1}. Performance Tuning in Java 2nd edition was published in 2003 and may be considered out-dated. It states at the beginning of Chapter 10 that "objects are expensive to create", which could have been better worded (and future-proofed) as "objects have a cost to create". The point of the above log entry is to highlight how the cost is relative and can lower over time (let's say with improvements to the garbage-collector, increased hardware resources, etc.) such that the value of clean-code via ephemeral variables may well exceed the (increasingly cheaper) cost of object creation, in addition to following rules of readability of "optimize second".

πŸ”– 1570731778 - 20191010

There's a configuration used sometimes in collusion with git submodules, or if writing a Go module that depends on an additional Go package in a private repository (thus tripping up go get's ability to automatically download the dependency):

[url "[email protected]:"]
        insteadOf =

This underhanded kludge makeshift bandage for the original problem is harmful, as it breaks other programs, such as cargo's ability to download dependencies[1]. Using this workaronud with the go tool just remanifests a similar (but worse) problem with cargo!

I had this configuration myself, due to working with a 3rd party "monolithic" repository that utterly broke its promise to be monolithic by having a single, major dependency on an extenal, private GitHub repository. A monolithic repository with a single external dependency is no longer a monolithic repository! My solution is that I (thankfully) do not have to work with those repositories anymore and can delete the problematic git configuration.

However, the "real" fix for the original problem is to have the discipline and organization to use a monolithic repository. You may have to do a bit more easy and simple work, albeit monotonous, vendoring your own dependencies, but it will benefit you and your projects (and those around you) in the long haul.

πŸ”– 1569180707 - 20190922

TIL that 7z e <filename.7z> extracts the an archive file, but puts all contents "flat" into the current directory. This means that an entire archive's directory tree of files (the leaves) are extracted into the working directory, possibly presenting naming conflicts amongst themselves or the possibility of overwriting existing files in the current directory. Alternatively, to "eXtract with full paths" intact from the archive, we have to use 7z x <filename.7z>.

This is counter-intuitive, since 7z a <file>... archives a given set of files and directories, with full paths, so one would expect that 7z e <archive-filename> to extract files as they were added. Instead, we must use the cute 7z x subcommand to do the symmetrically opposite function of 7z a while breaking the convention of "subcommand is named after first letter of the function it represents."

I feel like whoever designed this x vs e subcommand interface is the type of folks that would also design a two-button toilet flusher (where the buttons are on the top, like how some are built), but instead of those buttons being "light" and "heavy" flush, one button flushes and the other button shoots water in your face.

As in, why would anyone ever want it to do that? And if someone did, why would the interface designer not make more clearly contrasting buttons (or an entirely different mechanism)? All in all, its subtle failures in interface design that will surely be worked around on subsequent uses, but is designed in a way that is not friendly to first-time users.

πŸ”– 1564172640 - 20190726

It is both amusing and alarming to me that, still in 2019, GNU sed 4.5 does not support Unicode code-points as a delimeter:

$ echo 'frosty the snowman' | /bin/sed 'sβ˜ƒfrostyβ˜ƒjack frostβ˜ƒ'
/bin/sed: -e expression #1, char 2: delimiter character is not a single-byte character

Plan9 to the rescue, though:

$ echo 'frosty the snowman' | ~/plan9/bin/sed 'sβ˜ƒfrostyβ˜ƒjack frostβ˜ƒ'
jack frost the snowman

πŸ”– 1559949792 - 20190607

I'm aware that most programmers would not agree with me, but I believe that DRY is a lie.

DRY is a lie, part 1: dependencies

I believe that copying a little bit of code is better than a tiny dependency on a 3rd-party software library.

A lot of code is open source, so we can copy it in the first place, but by copying it we are forced to examine only the pieces that we'll really use, and how those pieces work. I reason this is a good thing, since there isn't necessarily quality control on any open source project, we could stand to not just blindly trust the code of the library, and we may be able to prune down to a minimal amount of code to solve the problem at hand.

Additionally, the more dependencies we have on 3rd-party software library, the slower our build-time (and development feedback loop while actually coding) is going to be. We'll also maybe need a tool that handles fetching and managing the 3rd-party library, which will likely increase the complexity of the project, if not also slowing down build-times. We won't be able to build the project with just its source code, since we'll have to fetch the 3rd-party libraries from the internet (usually via a build tool) in order to build a program.

For development projects like Android applications, depending on a 3rd-party library (or a lot of them) has an even higher cost, due to apps being only able to have a total of 65,000 functions until more complex build procedures are required.

So, in a lot of cases, I find the trade-offs simply aren't worth it. That doesn't mean I won't use a 3rd-party library, but I'll think if there is something simple I can do myself, or something small and simple I can just copy into my project before using a 3rd-party library. I'll see if I can directly vendor the 3rd-party library and include it in my project (if it is not liable to change, or I don't want changes).

DRY is a lie, part 2: repeating code

Programmers are often taught to identify when blocks code start repeating, and to extract the code (possibly abstracting it in the process) into a reusable function that may be called in lieu of repating the code blocks.

In practice, I'll do this, but only when enforcing a "Rule of 3's". If I am repeating the same code twice, I'll copy it. If I need to repeat that code (or something similar) a third time, then I'll extract the code into a named function. I find its often hard to see what pattern is in the code and how to best abstract it (if at all) until there are 3 repeating insances of it. When needing to repeat the code block only once, I believe it is simpler to just copy it and extract and abstract later if ever needed an additonal time.

DRY is a lie, part 3: type systems

I include type definitions with this "Rule of 3's" practice as well, where I will not abstract to a more general type or class (via composition) until the the same data is embedded the same way in a total of other 3 types or classes.

I avoid inheritence wherever possible, as I believe having repeat fields (or composition as described above) is a lesser evil than creating a complex hiearchy that a reader must keep in their head, because I, the author, could not be bothered to type something twice and instead made a bunch of classes inheriting from eachother.

I will instead embed types (classes) into others as named fields, favoring composition over inheritence (and using interfaces instead to describe behavior). When it comes to inheritence, I believe DRY is a lie as well, since repeating code or function definitions within classes is a chore, but much simpler than coupling a bunch of types together via inheritence and forcing other programmers to remember it all.


Extracting and abstracting code as to not repeat it is useful and necessary in some contexts, but not all, and we could stand to not immediately create a function, type, or class on the first reuse of any code or data. We'll often get the abstraction wrong without a 3rd example of usage.

When solving a problem, we could stand to not immediately searching for and using a third party library, and instead weigh all our options and the trade offs. If a little bit of code can be written to solve the problem simply and correctly, which is preferred to copying in someone else's solution to the problem, which is preferred to copying in someone else's entire library that has a solution to the problem, which is preferred to depending on someone else's library that has a solution but requires a more complex build process or internet connection.

These are heuristics, and not laws, as is "DRY," so when I see the "DRY" mantra being treated as a law, that is the context in which "DRY is a lie."

πŸ”– 1559777525 - 20190605

A Structured Query Language Story

A programmer used to optimize reports ("stored-procedures" in individual SQL files) for a finance company. A whole team of 4 used to write and maintain those SQL files and schema but were disbanded. After some years and years of random people spot-editing the SQL files without holistically understanding them or the schema, and this thing called "algorithmic trading" becoming more popular, the hundred or so stored-proceduces ("sprocs") could not finish running overnight. So, the programmer would get dropped in to clean up particular reports when needed, having taken a databases elective in undergrad.

The slowdowns in performance were often caused by:

  • where clauses with many join statements (over 4 or 5, approaching 10)
  • join statements on table columns that were not indexed
  • many subselect statements (sometimes nested) in where clauses

Some take-aways from optimizing lots of those sprocs were:

  • It is hard to know exactly where things are slowing down until you look at the "execution plan" output of the database engine, and see what is paging, etc.
  • Rethink the schema and table definitions. Sometimes new tables need to be created for data this is commonly joined together where clasues.
  • If the same joins are happening in subsequent queries, do the query once and store results in a cache table (if you can't redefine the schema as per above).

All in all, the programmer learned that database implementation details are magic, but optimizing SQL is not.

πŸ”– 1559320529 - 20190531

Comments are lies waiting to happen, but documentation is useful.

However, incorrect documentation can be useless, or arguably more harmful than not documentation at all.

Consider this documentation snippet from the AWS SNS Go SDK:

// Input for Publish action.
type PublishInput struct {

	// ...
	// This struct definition is abridged by aoeu, with prior fields omitted.
	// ...

	// Either TopicArn or EndpointArn, but not both.
	// If you don't specify a value for the TargetArn parameter, you must specify
	// a value for the PhoneNumber or TopicArn parameters.
	TargetArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The topic you want to publish to.
	// If you don't specify a value for the TopicArn parameter, you must specify
	// a value for the PhoneNumber or TargetArn parameters.
	TopicArn *string `type:"string"`

Either a "TopicArn" or an "EndpointArn," but not both.

As it turns out, "EndpointArn" isn't an actual field, and the comment probably meant to say, "Either TopicArn or TargetArn must be set, but not both." But maybe the field sohuld be renamed from "TargenArn" to "EndpointArn" because the rest of the file seems to refer to that value with fields named "EndpointArn."

So what we have here is documentation that incorrectly names the actual field it is documenting. That isn't good, and actually led me to run around the API and file to see if I was missing something, only to find I was misinformed by the documentation.

Documentation errors like this make programming harder, as does alternate solutions to the original problem, such as maybe using one field for ARN (and having the SDK figure out what type of ARN it is), or a different field used to specify what the ARN type is (let's say with consts for the types declared with iota) while simultaneously having having one field for the ARN value). Nevermind the total disregard to an extremely fundamental Go idiom of using consistent capitalizaton for acronyms.

All of this in combination makes coding for AWS with Go harder than it needs to be.

πŸ”– 1559146238 - 20190529

I have often heard people say that it is faster to do many similar edits to some lines of code by hand. Maybe they will record a squence of keys (a macro) via their text editor to help increase speed. I prefer to use regular expressions to make edits to existing code.

I reason that many people could do many similar edits faster than I can by hand, but I often make mistakes when typing prose (and prose-like code), and then pay more time later at compile-time or run-time and have to go fix the mistakes. Also, a person can get a lot faster at finding and editing text via regular expressions by actually using regular expressions to find and edit the text. The speed and the ability to stream-of-conciousness type a complex regular expression correctly will never be obtained without practice.

I've even been asked to do edits like this in a programming interview in front of a real computer and editor, with the interviewer hinting at it is faster to make the edits by hand. That might be the case in one-off instances, or in an interview where it is easier to even typo a regular expression

With all of this in mind, I really like tiny, quick, regular-expression victories. The following is one that I did today, in seconds. (This write up took many times longer.)


	flag.StringVar(&args.inputFilepath, "in", "", "filepath to read report data from instead of SFTP download")
	flag.StringVar(&args.outputFilepath, "out", "", "filepath to write report data to from SFTP download")
	flag.BoolVar(&args.printSummary, "summarize", false, "Print output from main function that may be useful for debugging")
	flag.BoolVar(&args.writeToDB, "store", true, "Apply found restrictions on users to database")
	flag.BoolVar(&args.ignoreUnknownUsers, "dev", false, "Ignore unknown users on development server")

Regexp (first try, no backspacing):

	Edit .s/(flag.*)Var\(&args\.([a-zA-Z]+), (.*)/\2 = \1(\3/g


	inputFilepath = flag.String("in", "", "filepath to read report data from instead of SFTP download")
	outputFilepath = flag.String("out", "", "filepath to write report data to from SFTP download")
	printSummary = flag.Bool("summarize", false, "Print output from main function that may be useful for debugging")
	writeToDB = flag.Bool("store", true, "Apply found restrictions on users to database")
	ignoreUnknownUsers = flag.Bool("dev", false, "Ignore unknown users on development server")

πŸ”– 1540425237 - 20181024

Today, in regular expressions, we observe how to change all of one type of questionable lambda syntax to another questionable lambda syntax:

$ rg '\([a-z]+\) \-> [a-z]' -l | xargs sed -i '' -E 's/\(([a-z]+)\) -> ([a-z])/\1 -> \2/g'

Changes text like

oneWayWouldBeBetter((foo) -> callback());  


oneWayWouldBeBetter(foo -> callback());  

for an entire project.

πŸ”– 1540423346 - 20181024

I didn't realize there were no less than 3 different syntax for the same semantic of declaring a lambda in Java 8 (and above)

set(this::callback); // no args
set(foo -> callback()); // one arg
set((foo, bar) -> callback()); // two args

And we can also throw in some varying ways of doing the same things:

set(()->callback()); // no args
set((Foo f, Bar b) -> callback()); // two args

...all as opposed to one way of doing it that handles all cases. Equally interesting as it is horrifying.

By horrifying, I mean that a major ingredient of Good software engineering is consistency, and here we have all these little possible inconsistencies baked into one language feature, each a thing to possibly trip up muscle memory when typing, or the eyes of the reader.

πŸ”– 1531345423 - 20180711

I was able to leverage git to find the name of a branch where I could vaguely remember when I wrote a bugfix, but not exactly what the bugfix was for, nor the name of the branch.

I suddenly had a need for a bugfix I had written in the process of reviewing of someone else's code.
(I needed to confirm that the solution I was going to suggest in the code review did indeed actually work.)

The other person's code review was eventually closed, and I forgot about my bugfix branch, until the issue suddenly came up again, in another code review, by a different person!

All I could remember is that I had sketched out a fix for this bug before, on some branch, toward the end of 2017.
Fortunately, I name my branches in the format of <github-username>.<type-of-change>.<name>, i.e. aoeu.bugfix.redundant-user-prompt, so I was able to leverage git for-each-ref to:

  • print each git branch in the repo descending by commit date (via the --sort flag)
  • print the name and most recent commit date of each branch the repo (via the --format flag)
  • filter down to branches I wrote that were bugfixes in 2017 (via the grep command and my branch naming scheme)
  • filter down to only the last branches committed to in late 2017 (via head command)

Sorting all git branches descending by last commit date and printing the branch name:

git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads --format '%(committerdate) %(refname)' | grep aoeu.bugfix | grep 2017 | head -20

πŸ”– 1525816236 - 20180508

I could not install vgo as part of its tour, ironically because my system didn't meet the minimum version requirement of Go 1.10, and more specifically (and more ironically) because the Go 1.9 was a mere 4 days before a commit needed for vgo!

$ go get -u

/opt/ir/src/ r.File[0].Modified undefined (type *zip.File has no field or method Modified)

$ go version
go version go1.9 darwin/amd64

$ cd $GOROOT; git log -1 --pretty='%cd %H %s'
Thu Aug 24 20:52:14 2017 +0000 c8aec4095e089ff6ac50d18e97c3f46561f14f48 [release-branch.go1.9] go1.9

$ git checkout master

$ git blame -L `egrep -n 'Modified\s+time.Time' $GOROOT/src/archive/zip/struct.go | cut -d: -f1`,+1 $GOROOT/src/archive/zip/struct.go
6e8894d5ffc (Joe Tsai 2017-08-28 12:07:58 -0700 119)    Modified     time.Time

πŸ”– 1525813299 - 20180508

I was able to get a tiny, tiny code change merged into gVisor.

Taking reading David Walsh's article about conquering Imposter Syndrome, I decided to try achieving a "little win."

Later the same day, I was reading documentation in the newly published gVisor source code and saw a typo. I had to use Gerrit at work for years, so after a bit of configuring I was able to create a code review that was later merged as a github pull request.

πŸ”– 1523383234 - 20180410

My trusty ASUS 10.1 inch Chromebook Flip has been a solid machine for writing golang code and my command line tools on 30 minute train commute, and even DJing an entire hours-long set via crouton, XFCE, MIXXX, a FiiO USB DAC used simulatenously with the built-in audio card, and one of my MID controllers.

The screen chassis is now taped together from all the rough weather it has withstood. I thought I'd try upgrading with:

$amsung 12.3" QHD Touchscreen Chromebook-Plus  
Sold by W00t, Inc.  
Condition: Factory Reconditioned  
Screen Size: 12.3"  

I liked the USB-C ports, the stylus, the 4:3 screen ratio with really nice resolution and colors, and the all aluminum body.

I didn't like the "phantom input" on the touch-screen, and apparently I wasn't the only one with this problem according to 10 pages of issues on the support forums.

So, back from whence it came. Holding and typing on my ASUS Flip again, it somehow feels more sturdy and nicer to type anyway, all while being more portable and cheaper. It'd just be nice to have some faster USB ports and more RAM....

πŸ”– 1507682244 - 20171010

I was recently at a technology conference where there was a talk on Android apps, the Android status bar, "no bezel" smartphones (like the PH-1), and how these things collide into a user-facing problem for some Android apps.

The speaker cleary explained the "what" and the "why," but not a complete example of "how" for the solution.

The catalyst of the problem is when an Android app:

  • doesn't have an app bar.
  • has a background-image (xor header image), that draws some fancy stuff behind a transparent status bar, and fills up the space where the app bar would normally be.
  • has a custom app bar (made only from core widgets like LinearLayout, TextView, and ImageView, possibly due to difficulties with the API-provided app bar / action bar and what can go wrong with using Compat and Support libraries, but worthy of a disparate argument for simplicity).

The explicitly discouraged soultion is to hard-code the size of the status bar in layout files, even as an identified dimenion used across multiple layout files:

> find . -name 'dimens.xml' | xargs grep status_bar

  <dimen name="status_bar_height">24dp</dimen>
  <dimen name="app_bar_height_plus_status_bar_height">80dp</dimen>
  <dimen name="header_photo_height_plus_status_bar_height">224dp</dimen>
  <dimen name="negative_status_bar_height">-24dp</dimen>

> # You aren't supposed to hardcode status bar values like this Android resource XML files.

The recommended solution is to obtain the status bar height at runtime and apply it to the relevant view. If you have to do that in Java, here is a complete example:

class TransparentStatusBarHaver extends Activity {

	@Nullable View viewThatSitsBelowTheTransparentStatusBar;

	public void onCreate(Bundle stuff) {
		viewThatSitsBelowTheTransparentStatusBar = findViewById(;

	// Set heights that compensate for a transparent status bar 
	// in onPostCreate(...) instead of onCreate(...) since descendant activity classes 
	// get a chance to call setContentView(...) in their own onCreate(...) method.
	public void onPostCreate(Bundle stuff) {
		if (viewThatSitsBelowTheTransparentStatusBar == null) {
				new {
					public WindowInsetsCompat onApplyWindowInsets(
							View view,
							WindowInsetsCompat windowInsetsCompat) {
						int statusBarHeightInPixels = windowInsetsCompat.getSystemWindowInsetTop();
						int currentHeightOfViewInPixels = view.getLayoutParams().height;
						view.getLayoutParams().height = statusBarHeightInPixels + currentHeightOfViewInPixels;
						return windowInsetsCompat;


I was at the original talk, squinted through the Kotlin pseudo-code, looked up the docs myself, and wrote the above example, and it is still hard to understand the above code (or why it exists) at a glance.
So this solution gives us the "how," but then obfuscates the "why" that was so well explained in the talk.

To help convey what is going on and why, I tried distilling the code by using named-methods and named-parameters to provide a little more clarity to the anonymous-classes, unexpectedly-named interfaces, and verbose Android API calls:

class TransparentStatusBarHaver extends Activity {

	@Nullable View viewThatSitsBelowTheTransparentStatusBar;

	public void onCreate(Bundle stuff) {
		viewThatSitsBelowTheTransparentStatusBar = findViewById(;

  	protected void onPostCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

public class StatusBarMeasurer implements OnApplyWindowInsetsListener {

	static public void addHeightForTransparentStatusBar(final View viewBelowStatusBar) {
		if (viewBelowStatusBar == null) {
		ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(viewBelowStatusBar, new StatusBarMeasurer());

	public WindowInsetsCompat onApplyWindowInsets(View view, WindowInsetsCompat windowInsetsCompat) {
		onStatusBarMeasured(view, windowInsetsCompat);
		return windowInsetsCompat;

	private void onStatusBarMeasured(View viewBelowStatusBar, WindowInsetsCompat windowInsetsCompat) {
		int statusBarHeightInPixels = windowInsetsCompat.getSystemWindowInsetTop());
		incrementHeight(viewBelowStatusBar, statusBarHeightInPixels);
		incrementTopPadding(viewBelowStatusBar, statusBarHeightInPixels);

	public static void incrementHeight(View v, int additionalHeightInPixels) {
		int currentHeightInPixels = v.getLayoutParams().height;
		v.getLayoutParams().height = currentHeightInPixels + additionalHeightInPixels;

	public static void incrementTopPadding(View v, int additionalPaddingInPixels) {
		v.setPadding(v.getPaddingLeft(), additionalPaddingInPixels, v.getPaddingRight(), v.getPaddingBottom());

That's a bit easier for me to follow, but I do wonder:

  • Why isn't there an Android API call that just returns the status bar height?
  • Why does the programmer have to know about WindowInsets, support libraries, and WindowInsetsCompat shim-code to implement the suggested solution?
  • Why is it so easy for programmers to get bit by Android, status bars, transparent status bar, and unexpected side-effects in the first place?

πŸ”– 1496155760 - 20170530

I recently rediscovered this helpful and entertaining flow-chart diagram, titled git pretty, that starts with: "So, you have a mess on your hands."

πŸ”– 1487031425 - 20170213

Heimdall has instructions to build with dependent libraries installed via homebrew. Heimdall can also be built with the the dependent libraries installed via macports, but with some kludging.

Assuming that macports installs libraries under '/opt/local/lib' (e.g. the default for macports):

$ git clone [email protected]:Benjamin-Dobell/Heimdall.git
$ cd Heimdall
$ tail OSX/README.txt | grep 'brew install' | sed 's/brew/port/g'
$ sudo port install libusb qt5 cmake
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DQt5Widgets_DIR=`find /opt/local/lib -name 'Qt5Widgets'` ..
$ echo "A linker error will happen during `make` that looks like this:"
$ cat << EOF
[ 53%] Linking CXX executable ../bin/heimdall
ld: library not found for -lusb-1.0
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[2]: *** [bin/heimdall] Error 1
make[1]: *** [heimdall/CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
$ make
$ cat heimdall/CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/link.txt | sed 's/\(-lusb-1.0\)/-L\/opt\/local\/lib \1/'
$ cd heimdall && /Applications/    -std=gnu++11 -O3 -DNDEBUG -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names  CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/Arguments.cpp.o CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/BridgeManager.cpp.o CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/ClosePcScreenAction.cpp.o CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/DetectAction.cpp.o CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/DownloadPitAction.cpp.o CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/FlashAction.cpp.o CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/HelpAction.cpp.o CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/InfoAction.cpp.o CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/Interface.cpp.o CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/main.cpp.o CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/PrintPitAction.cpp.o CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/Utility.cpp.o CMakeFiles/heimdall.dir/source/VersionAction.cpp.o  -o ../bin/heimdall  ../libpit/libpit.a -L/opt/local/lib -lusb-1.0
$ ../bin/heimdall version
$ echo "Thus concludes the kludge." && \

πŸ”– 1486765292 - 20170210

Searching for edits of a file, by name, through a range of git commits:

for arg in "$@"
case $arg in
test '' = "$endSHA" && endSHA="HEAD"

for sha in `git log --pretty="%H" $startSHA..$endSHA` ; do git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r $sha | grep "$filename" && echo "$filename was editied in commit $sha"; done


search-git-for-edits -of='some_image_file.png' -from=a93b5f746bdb1e0054dbb7e37fdfcd84a73d7f85 -to=HEAD

πŸ”– 1486426704 - 20170206

Debugging animations within an Android app can be tricky, especially if there is a sufficient "callback casserole" of asynchronous server requests, click listeners, and animation listeners all swirled together.

A trick that helped me debug how and when callback methods were getting called was just a one-liner log statement:

// Placed in various click-listener callbacks, asyncronous server request callbacks, and animation listener callbacks:
android.util.Log.e("aoeu", Log.getStackTraceForString(new Exception));

Monitored with:

adb logcat '*:E' | grep aoeu

While logging stack-traces doesn't provide knowledge of what data was being input into methods, it was extremely useful to see how, in real-time, various callbacks were calling eachother without putting log statements in each method or stopping the world with a debugger.

πŸ”– 1485561815 - 20170127

At the moment, certain computers have USB-C ports while many Android devices do not.
In attempts to not carry around USB-C to USB-Micro-B converters, I thought that the Android Debug Bridge tool might be a practical replacement when run in a wireless mode that utilizes TCP/IP.

I was wrong.

The dance to boostrasp a computer to use Android Debug Bridge to communicate wirelessly to an Android device (starting out connected via a USB cable, but unplugged after) seemed straight-ahead enough.
I found that arbitrary pauses in between adb commands were required in order to allow the Android Debug Bridge server to restart or reconfigure:

adb usb && \
sleep 2 && \
test `adb devices | wc -l` -gt 1 && \
TCPIP_PORT=5555 && \
sleep 2 && \
adb tcpip $TCPIP_PORT && \
sleep 2 && \
DEVICE_IP=$(adb shell ip -f inet addr show wlan0 | grep inet | sed 's/^.*\([0-9]\{3\}\.[0-9]\{3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\)\/24.*$/\1/')  && \
adb connect $DEVICE_IP:$TCPIP_PORT

I then found that transferring a 21 megabyte file proved to be relatiely slow:

$ time adb install -r molasses.apk
[100%] /data/local/tmp/molasses.apk
    pkg: /data/local/tmp/molasses.apk

real    3m40.721s

If doing the napkin-math correctly, that's a transfer rate of approximately 0.763 megabits per second.

That's also an order of magnitude (11 times) slower than installing the same file over USB:

$ adb usb
restarting in USB mode
$ time adb install -r molasses.apk
[100%] /data/local/tmp/molasses.apk
	pkg: /data/local/tmp/molasses.apk

real	0m19.989s

Technically, the wireless router could be part of the slow-down, but I doubt it.
So, why is adb over TCP/IP so slow?

πŸ”– 1485388140 - 20170125

Today I learned that certain built-in shell commands, such as echo and export, can be validly executed on the same line, without a semi-colon separating the statements. I found some resulting commands I tried out did not result in what I expected.

sh-3.2$ NUMS=ONE
sh-3.2$ echo $NUMS
sh-3.2$ NUMS="$NUMS, TWO" export NUMS
sh-3.2$ echo $NUMS
sh-3.2$ NUMS="$NUMS, THREE" echo $NUMS
sh-3.2$ NUMS="$NUMS, THREE" export NUMS; echo $NUMS
sh-3.2$ NUMS="$NUMS, FOUR" echo $NUMS; export NUMS
sh-3.2$ echo $NUMS
sh-3.2$ NUMS="$NUMS, FOUR"; export NUMS
sh-3.2$ echo $NUMS

Additionally, the PATH environment variable automatically exports when setting it to a new value within a shell script:

$ cat

overridePATH() {
	PATH='export is not required.'

echo $PATH
$ ./
export is not required.

πŸ”– 1437014448 - 20150715

I wanted to install a gerrit server in order to do some code review for a friend, and thought an instance on a certain cloud hosting provider could be of service.

I ended up realizing that I was locked out of the server instance. I had ssh access disabled for the root user, so adding my public SSH key to the provider's admin panel proved to be useless.

The provider features a web-browser-based VNC console, but with some limitations. The web-browser-based console can not handle copy-paste commands from the user's machine. I wasn't about to type my entire public RSA key out by hand. A workaround was needed:

  • Reset root password on the remote server instance via an email authentication tool on the provider's host administration web-application.
  • Log in as the root user on the remote server instance via the provider's web-browser-based VNC console
  • Change root password (as forced by the remote server instance)
  • # su - otheruser
  • $ mkdir ~/.ssh
  • $ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
  • On my local machine: $ cat ~/.ssh/
  • Paste the contents of into a Github gist
  • Copy the raw URL of the Github gist
  • Paste the raw URL of the Github gist into`s web interface
  • Give the URL a reasonable name to type, like
  • In the hosting provider's web-browser-based VNC console: $ wget -o ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • $ exit to return to the root user
  • # sudo echo "PermitRootLogin no" >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config
  • On my local machine, $ ssh [email protected] (where is the hostname for my remote server instance at the hosting provider).

... And back in action. This would have been easier if the web-browser based VNC console wasn't randomly inserting control keys or otherwise locking upwhen typing all the commands!

πŸ”– 1434415672 - 20150615

While peer reviewing an article involving Git packfiles, I found interesting usage of SHA-1 hash values.

Git hashes a .pack packfile with SHA-1 and then uses the hash value for 3 things:

  • The hash value is as a 20-byte trailer to the .pack file itself for later use as a checksum.
  • The hash value is used within the file name of the .pack file.
  • The hash value is used within the file name of the corresponding .idx file.

I thought the usage in filenames was interesting.

I wrote a small shell script to demonstrate it all:


main() {
	cd $1/.git/objects/pack
	hash_value_in_filename=`ls pack-*.pack | sed 's/pack-\(.*\).pack/\1/'`
	hash_value_in_file=`tail -c 20 pack-*.pack | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x"'`
	hash_value_of_file=`cp pack-*.pack /tmp/$$.pack && \
		chmod u+w /tmp/$$.pack && \
		truncate --size=-20 /tmp/$$.pack && \
		sha1sum /tmp/$$.pack | cut -d' ' -f1 && \
		rm /tmp/$$.pack`

	echo "File names in Git pack:"
	if test $hash_value_of_file = $hash_value_in_filename ; then 
		ls -1 pack-${hash_value_in_file}.*
	echo "$hash_value_in_file : SHA-1 hash value within the .pack file."
	echo "$hash_value_of_file : SHA-1 hash value of the .pack file (minus the 20 byte trailer that is the previous hash.)"
	echo "$hash_value_in_filename : SHA-1 hash value in the filename itself."
	cd - >/dev/null

exiterr() {
	echo "usage: $0 directory_of_a_git_repository"
	exit 1

if test $# -ne 1 ; then exiterr; fi

if test ! -d $1/.git ; then
	echo "No git repository found in \"$1\""

if test ! -d $1/.git/objects/pack ; then
	echo "No pack directory found in git repostiory \"$1\", run with a different repository."

main $@

πŸ”– 1433476141 - 20150604

If attempting to compile and configure an Apple IIe / Apple IIGS emulator for demo-running purposes, something like the shell-script below will get things going for Linux on x86_64 processors.

h/t @DaveyPocket for mentioning demos and helping to compile and sort through the quirks of setting up the emulator.


main() {
  installDependencies()  && \
  getKentsEmulatedGS() && \
  buildKentsEmulatedGS_x86-64 && \
  getROMs() && \
  configureKentsEmulatedGS && \

installDependencies() {
   sudo apt-get install -y build-essentials xorg-dev pulseaudio

getKentsEmulatedGS() {
  tar xzvf kegs.0.91.tar.gz

buildKentsEmulatedGS_x86-64() {
  cd kegs.0.91
  rm vars; ln -s vars_x86linux vars
  sed --in-place '5s/march=.*$/march=amdfam10/'
  cd ..

getROMs() {

configureKentsEmulatedGS() {
  sed --in-place '9s/^s7d1 = .*$/s7d1 = NFCDemoDrive.2mg/

runEmulatorWithSound() {
  padsp ./xkegs

runEmulatorWithoutSound() {
  ./xkegs --audio 0

πŸ”– 1432908829 - 20150529

I've compiled plan9port again recently, and ran into some errors caused by missing X libraries, both in Ubuntu and Debian.

There were other errors on Debian Jessie, but a mutual error on Ubuntu Precise was that the library header file X11/IntrinsicP.h could not be found.

The entire compilation and installation process from a Ubuntu Precise install would be something like the following, although I've not tested it and some steps may be missing:


main() {
    # repairPackageManagerState() # only if needed.

repairPackageManagerState() {
    sudo dpkg --configure --pending
    sudo apt-get --fix-broken install

installBuildTools() {
    sudo apt-get install git
    sudo apt-get install build-essential

installPlan9PortDependencies() {
    sudo apt-get install libxt-dev libxext-devel

getAndCompileAndInstallPlan9Port() {
    cd $HOME
    git clone
    cd plan9port
    if test ./INSTALL ; then tail -2 install.log | sed 's/^\s\+//' >> $HOME/.profile ; fi


This is also the first entry I've made with the sam editor, and I could certainly stand to read over the manual page for it again.

πŸ”– 1429880922 - 20150424

I'm reading about init very quickly. It is the first process started at boot of a Un*x system, and runs as a daemon until shut down.

If one types pstree | less on some systems, one will see init as the root process.

Apparently, systemd is the name of several things: "systemd is not just the name of the init daemon but also refers to the entire software bundle around it"

That "software bundle" around it, according to Wikipedia is:

  • A system and service manager. (Does that mean daemons?)
  • A software platform. (Also vague.)
  • The glue between applications and the kernel.

It seems like a Bad Thing that there is lots of stuff that each do very different things, all under one name, or at a minimum, harder to understand and communicate about.

πŸ”– 1429620177 - 20150421

I spent a lot of the weekend resurrecting some older d3 code and building this thing:

The color experiments were for this. d3 makes more sense than it used to, despite I haven't looked at it at all in the meanwhile.

It was suggested to add a slider, which I think is a good idea.

πŸ”– 1428886299 - 20150412

I'm pulling some data sources I'll transform later for a project. I'm naming target directories after filenames and paths from the source URIs. e.g ~/user/repo/data/sources/ is a directory with files in it. To reiterate, the component is a directory, and not the actual zip file. The contents of the directory are the extracted contents of the source zip file.

The idea is to have the directory be a self-documenting reference to the source file. However, this feels like it is being clever, and not clear. I also wonder what ill-affects it would have on an unsuspecting shell script.

πŸ”– 1428778652 - 20150411

Why is origin the idiomatic name for a remote repository in most (if not all) of the git workflows that I've seen? Naming the only remote repository the word origin implies that the remote is the true source of the code. Why isn't a local repository the true source of the code? Why not have the remote just serve as a backup? Why not have many backups, and name your remotes things like github, bitbucket, my-raspberry-pi, or some-repo-alex-pulls-from? Why not push to all those remotes simultaneously, instead of one?

πŸ”– 1428707143 - 20150410

I resurrected some years-old code based in d3, which has resulted in pursuit of time-series data in a couple specific domains.

The fun part, however, is colors. Lots of colors!!

I ported and rewrote some older golang code that calculates colors in HSL format and dumps them on a web page for previewing:

$ ./gencolors -num 7 -preview 

This lead to some digging around with how the python colorsys module is implemented, and how to escape potentially unsafe CSS or HTML in Go's html/template package. (Hint: supply a function map to the template before executing.)

The resulting colors themselves are pretty useless. Colors with marginally different hue settings in HSL can have very little perceivable difference, and the algorithms don't consider persons with color-blindness. They look kind of pretty on a web page, though.

I found some stock color sets ("alphabets") from a couple research articles that look more promising. I'll add these into the library as well as constants. There's not really a goal for the library other than to document what I'm learning as I go, and maybe provide usage for someone else since it is open source.

πŸ”– 1428497189 - 20150408

I accidentally filled up my Chromebook hard drive pulling down docker (with the intention of trying out the golang mobile stuff for android). I couldn't log into my main user account anymore!!

I ended up getting in through the Guest log in, opening crosh in the browser, and purging some bigger directories... one of them being the emacs source ( ~600mB ) and another being android-studio ( > ~700mB ). Not surprisingly, android-studio binaries are bigger than the entire emacs git repository. Both directories are huge. +1 for line editors.

I ended up getting more low-profile USB 3 drives to mitigate, which lead to some discussions about what filesystem to format the drives with.

I'll try one of the drives out as btrfs since that's supported in back-ports. Chrome OS itself will not recognize that drive, but that might be a feature.

ext4 is the reasonable choice - it is supported out-of-the-box on any linux distro I can think of (and therefore is present on live-boot images).

πŸ”– 1428410883 - 20150407

Over the weekend, I wrote a simple HTTP request header and body "echoer" in golang. I went through a couple refactors thanks to Jay giving me some code review.

I may have found a bug in the standard libraries.

I ended up pulling down the Go source on another machine and doing some experiments back and forth between the two. I wanted to confirm that the problem wasn't from me running the program on localhost. Something does seems wrong.

I think the next step would be searching around the code base and see what else calls the relevant function... maybe the documentation is wrong, or maybe my usage is wrong, or maybe there really is a bug and this function should check for zero values and provide defaults based on what it does next.

πŸ”– 1428025541 - 20150402

Today, I learned some security things over lunch with someone. They were nice enough to answer a bunch of questions I had about that part of the field. It is less of a blackbox, at least.

In the evening, I paired with someone on crypto exercises in golang. That was fun and relatively productive. We found bugs in the exercise.

I shared with a person that is new to golang how to use interfaces and struct composition in Go with some code I wrote:

It seems like the person found it helpful. That made me feel productive, and I can imagine what the language must look like if you're coming from python and not C / C++/ J*va. It is nice to help dispell some of the things that confused me, too.

πŸ”– 1427983169 - 20150402

I fell asleep while pulling down GCC on Arch on the Pi, but I was able to successfully compile a program using portmidi on the Pi this morning.

I was also able to cross compile a program for ARM 6 / Arch on from a debian instance. I recompiled Go 1.5 with CGO enabled, but I forgot that I also need some mechanism to cross compile the C for ARM 6 / Arch also! That's a project for later.

πŸ”– 1427944190 - 20150401

I've learned and tweaked a few things.

  • In vim, use set shell=/bin/sh to set a specific shell.
  • In vim, :r !./tools/timestamp now creates a timestamp.
  • I'm ditching pandoc for "blackfriday" -- blackfriday does just markdown to HTML conversion (do one thing and one thing well) vs. pandoc, which converts many formats to many others. -- blackfriday is written in Go, so I currently will be able to edit it more easily than pandoc, which is written in Haskell.
  • I added a Makefile to make building a little easier.

blackfriday is also the first thing I built with Go 1.5 pre-release, using Dave Cheney's instructions as a reference. I just compiled and bootstrapped Go 1.5 a bit ago. The goal is to cross compile for ARM 6 so I can run some golang sound generating programs on the Raspberry Pi Arch Linux installation I set up last night.

Earlier tonigt, bcgraham and I also got some bug fixes and enhancements merged into, and we can deployed to The result is pretty nice to use from w3m since the tables and and everything get rendered correctly now.

πŸ”– 1427927658 - 20150401

I moved the markdown file from the llog repository into a github pages repostiory.
I've been thinking about doing something like this for a while - I gets lots of ideas of things to jot down and write, but I'd like the simplest possible mechanisms to author and publish.

I've added some complexity by relying on pandoc to generate an HTML page file from the markdown, but this seems simpler than using some of the other popular tools out there.

All I did was:

  • Create a repostiory on github called
  • git clone
  • git clone
  • git remote add master master
  • git pull master master
  • ls -a
  • git remote rm master
  • pandoc -s -o index.html
  • git push origin master
  • w3m

I'd rather get something even simpler in place, but this setup will do for now.

πŸ”– 1421676983 - 20150119

An idiom for logging to Standard Error and exiting with error status in golang:

  • log.Fatal("an error explanation") will log to standard error and exit.
  • You can remove the "timestamp" prefix of the log message with log.SetFlags(0)
  • You can set a custom prefix with log.SetPrefix(someString + ": ")

Also, Go's net/url.Parse is just wrapping and calling net/url.ParseRequestURI and bypassing some of the latter's error checking. (ParseRequestURI is intended for full URI's specifiying an encoding, etc.)


  • Install crouton / i3
  • Install java, newer than version 6. Try something like: -- sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk' -- sudo update-alternatives --config java`
  • Download Android Studio:
  • tar xzvf android-studio-bundle-135.1339820-linux.tgz
  • cd android-studio/bin; ./

Waiting for Java to insall, gradle to get dependencies, and Android Studio takes some time.

Other light amounts of magic I required: Set X to run from regular users: ``` sudo ed /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config ,s/console/anybody/ wq

For weird errors from `adb` : `sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 lib32z1-dev`

## 20141012
Today, I'm thinking about email hygeine. 
The idea here is to remove oneself from mailing lists or other uneccessary,
noisey messages. 

I haven't thought of a great way to do this yet programatically.

One possible algorithm or method:
- Open your mail box.
- Go through every message for a day (or part of day).
- Click unsubscribe on noisey, unecessary mail messages.

## 20140904 : 1409869214

### Today, I thought about primitive alternatives to `pbcopy`
If you're using OS X, you can move data from the terminal to the clipboard with 
the `pbcopy` command.  If you have X, you can use `xclip`.

A way that I like better is using temporary files:
- `date > /tmp/today.txt` Append some arbitrary data to a text file (instead of a clipboard).
- `vim some_file.txt` Edit an arbitrary file.
-  `:r /tmp/today.txt` Insert the data from the arbitary after the current cursorline.

Appending text may have been a more reasonable alternative:
`date >> some_file.txt`

### Today, I decided to start a blog in markdown, even if it is just local. 
I've decided to call it a "llog".

### Today, I firewalled a new server.
I mostly followed instructions here:
And then I skimmed some info from the arch wiki: