We provide the guidance for preparing the test submissions for Semantic Scene Completion on SemanticKITTI and for LiDAR Segmentation on nuScenes.
Following the practice from MonoScene, we train OccFormer only on the train sequences and select the checkpoint with best validation performance for test submission. This is how we get the benchmark results in the paper.
To prepare the test submission, we first inference OccFormer on test sequences:
bash tools/dist_test.sh projects/configs/occformer_kitti/occformer_kitti_submit.py $YOUR_CKPT 8 --test-save $YOUR_SAVE_PATH
Compress the predictions:
cd $YOUR_SAVE_PATH && zip -r $ZIP_FILE sequences
Then, validate the $ZIP_FILE
with semantic-kitti-api:
python projects/mmdet3d_plugin/tools/validate_semkitti_submission.py $ZIP_FILE --dataset data/SemanticKITTI/dataset
If everything is ready after the validation, submit the $ZIP_FILE
to the competition site and check the results.
First, we train OccFormer with train+val scenes:
bash tools/dist_train.sh projects/configs/occformer_nusc/occformer_nusc_r101_896x1600_trainval.py 8
Second, we inference OccFormer on test scenes with the final checkpoint:
bash tools/dist_test.sh projects/configs/occformer_nusc/occformer_nusc_r101_896x1600_trainval.py work_dirs/occformer_nusc_r101_896x1600_trainval/latest.pth 8 --test-save $YOUR_SAVE_PATH
Then, validate your predictions with the script from nuscenes-devkit:
python projects/mmdet3d_plugin/tools/validate_lidarseg_submission.py --result-path $YOUR_SAVE_PATH --dataroot data/nuscenes --zip-out .
The validation script will check the necessary information and also compress your results into a .zip file for submission.
Finally, submit $RESULT_FILE
to Eval.ai. We recommend to use the evalai-cli package for uploading. Please check the submit page for more details.